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Favorite Gaga Quotes


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"Don't idolize me, idolize yourself."

"No, I'll just be at home watching Will and Grace"

:') So happy she likes Will and Grace!

I loved that interview!

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“If you dont have any shadows you're not in the light" I feel like this is the most stereotypical one to post, but it just is so true, how can we know whats good without knowing whats bad ?

Is it even a GaGa quote, though? I know she said it in the interview, but wasn't it a response to being asked, "What is the best piece of advice you have ever been given?" If so, she was merely quoting someone else. GaGa has many great quotes, but I do not believe this is one of them. It is a great quote, though.

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Is it even a GaGa quote, though? I know she said it in the interview, but wasn't it a response to being asked, "What is the best piece of advice you have ever been given?" If so, she was merely quoting someone else. GaGa has many great quotes, but I do not believe this is one of them. It is a great quote, though.

The greatest piece of advice she has ever received:

"If you don’t have any shadows you aren’t standing in the light. I say that to myself everyday. Every single day I say that because I am not a squeaky clean person, you know. So, there is nothing about my music, or the Monster Ball, or my fans, we’re not squeaky clean. People always say to me 'Who is the real you?' when in reality, I’m pretty much an open book about my life and what you are asking me about is magic. If you’re magical, you always have shadows. If you’re in the light, you must cast a shadow."

From the Google interview.

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From the Google interview.

Right. I have always wondered who told her that though. It sounds a bit like Deepak Chopra to me, and she has cited him as a huge influence on her.

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"Don't idolize me, idolize yourself."

I'm so guilty... :ohno:

Does anyone have that German quote on her hand in German and in English translated?

I know this isn't Gaga's quote but it's one of her favorites, so it's related in a way...

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"Some artists want your money so they can buy Range Rovers and diamond bracelets,but I don't care about that kind of stuff.

I want your soul"

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