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DC - The References in Technology


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Hey guys! So incase you have been living under a rock for the past half a year with all the constant advertising I’ve done for my album Technology, I have an album called Technology :ally: (Click the word to be brought to a wonderful playlist that’ll bled your ears :heart:)

But yeah, there’s a LOT of references and underlying meanings behind most or all of the songs that I think could use some explaining or just talk about :) 

1. Computer Girl: This song has been compared to “ARTPOP” by many because of the bassline and drums, I was actually going for a more “Love You Like A Love Song” vibe but hey, whatever goes just goes I guess :ladyhaha: Also just like what Gaga did with Boys Boys Boys to Mötley Crue’s “Girls Girls Girls,” my song Compter Girl was like a response to Poppy’s “Computer Boy”

2. Rollin’ Into Town: Kesha was REALLY inspiring to me throughout this whole album, and Rollin’ Into Town I think shows it the most. It started with the chip tune keyboard Melody you hear was SUPER inspired by the song “Crazy Beautiful Life,” probably one of my most favorite songs by her of all time! But that song also inspired the lyric, “Then we’ll pretend to fight, just to feel high on life.”

4. Beautiful Smile: A song that I don’t THINK I was inspired by anything else to make, but I heard the song “Hey Anna” by Owl City and thought, “Wow, I should make a song like this!” And Beautiful Smile was the outcome :laughga:

7. Video Games: There’s a “Coin Collected” sound effect sample you hear right before the last chorus :) 

10. A&F: The lyric “And everytime we touch it sets love to ‘extreme’” is a reference to Cascada’s song “Every Time we Touch.”

13. Apocalypse: There’s a lot of influences that went into this song. The first being the sample “Emergency Brodcast Alarm” famously used in The Purge. The next thing that I was inspired from was Kesha’s song “Take It Off.” I LOVE that song and I love how dark and emotional it sounds, so I wanted to have a bassline that was similar because I love it so much :heart: 

Well that’s all I can think of right now, if you heard a reference within my album that I didn’t say here don’t be afraid to comment it done below :) 

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