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Doctor Mike's Opinion on Gaga's Stance on Medication


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Thats stupid Luv
1 minute ago, Jaimie Hutton said:

But isnā€™t her whole point that everyone should be given affordable Ā access To healthcare that covers therapy and treatment of mental health? Ā 

He seems to be picking apart her sentiment as direct calls forĀ treatmentĀ people should pursue- IĀ think she is speaking generally from her own experiences, talking about how having access and means helped her, and generally speaking - calling for government subsidy and accessibility to health care to help more people deal with their mental health.Ā 


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I didn't really have an issue with what she said about anti-depressants that much but I did get put off with the pain medication comment about not wanting pain patients on pain meds because they'll be addicted. It's very possible to include narcotics into a treatment plan for a pain patient and I assumed she would understand that being a chronic pain patient but I was wrong for assuming. I know she's just getting the information from people like doctors around her that she trusts though so hopefully she'll one day talk to an everyday chronic pain patient or disability activist or a different doctor to get another opinion.

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This is only relevant for the United States. In most countries, specifically third-world countries like Russia or Brazil, primary care doctors have no idea how to treat mental issues, they'll just prescribe you the most basic antidepressant and that's it.

Honestly Dr Mike is a fantastic doctor but I think he overestimates how good other primary care doctors are. I highly doubt that everyone else is just as good as him.

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Just by putting mental health issues in the spotlight by powerhouse and influential celebs helps break the stigmas around it. They're using their media outlets as a public responsibility and it brings consciousness and opens conversations, which, in the long run, creates theĀ change we want to see.

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This seems morel Like him trying to keep the current system we have under the guise of ā€œhow are we gonna do this if not everyone can afford it gagaā€ because she also mentioned she wants help in every schools, this that and the other. I think Gagaā€™s basically saying that psychiatry needs to be more easily accessible with her statements.

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I see where he is coming from. Primary care doctors are all many have access to, if any doctor at all... so Gaga's comments definitely have good intent and aren't harmful, but there is some class privilege coming out here. On the other hand, like Admin said tho, he may overestimate the quality of many PCPs.Ā 

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Hello, fellow soon-to-be psychologist here.

I donā€™t care how fcked up healthcare system in USA is, still the psychiatrist is ONLY person who studied about mental conditions and should be only person to prescribe anything.Ā 

BECAUSE primary health doctors arenā€™t taught properly about mental health! Just because patients comes and tells that he is feeling sad, worthless and without energy it doesnā€™t mean that some anti-depressants should be given! People need proper DIAGNOSIS that only PSYCHIATRISTS AND PSYCHOLOGISTS can do. Come on. Only proper diagnosis can lead to proper treatment! Having 10 minutes talk with random doctor isnā€™t gonna do anything!Ā 

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Chickens in Malibu

I have to say it's really VERY reductive to merge my clickbaity thread of "Dr. Mike ROASTS Gaga", with this boring uninteresting thread that has a boring title!


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If an Italian family doctor said something like this he would be radiated forever...

What he said it is absurd...Ā 

Some years ago I stopped taking menthal drugs all at once because my family doctor who disagreed with my specialist told so (I was very young and my mother trusted my family doctor more)... I almost died...

I don t know about USA but here in Italy a family doctor can t prescribe menthal drugs..Ā 


Please visit a specialist.. What he said is dangerousĀ 

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7 hours ago, aussypat said:


DO and MD students are taught the same classes and are together in residency programs. The degree name is different, but an MD and a DO in the same speciality will know the same information, just so you're aware. It's similar to DDS vs. DMD (two dental degrees) -- they are both the same thing at the end of the day.

You're correct, but they do play distinct roles clinically in terms of what types of treatment they're allowed to offer. And my comment was more aimed at Dr. Mike himself; he has a pretty bad reputation among clinicians and researchers in the medical and scientific community due to his sponsorship deals and advertisements (which offer a conflict of interest)Ā  as well as plain wrong medical advice.Ā 

But thanks for pointing that out, I didn't want to make my comment look like I was shaming DO's over MDs and vice versa!Ā 

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12 hours ago, KatieJudasGaga4 said:

His description:

"Lady Gaga recently went on stage with Oprah and said A LOT of great things about mental health. However, one of the statements was less than ideal so I decided to jump in and discuss. Btw I'm a huge fan of hers!"

then why he gotta make a clickbait title that drags herĀ :interestinga:

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2 hours ago, Admin said:

This is only relevant for the United States. In most countries, specifically third-world countries like Russia or Brazil, primary care doctors have no idea how to treat mental issues, they'll just prescribe you the most basic antidepressant and that's it.

Honestly Dr Mike is a fantastic doctor but I think he overestimates how good other primary care doctors are. I highly doubt that everyone else is just as good as him.


russia and brazil are third world?Ā :koons:

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So are we gonna pretend like gaga did notĀ Ā sayĀ that "most people don't have the resources", "the research is not in the works" and she made a vow herself to get many great minds together to tackle the issues of mental health.Ā She understands that there isĀ a very complicated system in place that stalls the lives of people, whether they have the coverage or not. She knows it will take years but since she has the resources,Ā she will make connections who can help create aĀ  plan to tackle this issue. She is dedicating so much of her time into this and using the resources she has to get something started that globally will make a difference.

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Dr.mike is right about this stution.I can tell that as a psychiatrist. Every medical students have psychiatry lessons in their basic training programs.

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1 hour ago, Cherubjudas said:

Dr.mike is right about this stution.I can tell that as a psychiatrist. Every medical students have psychiatry lessons in their basic training programs.

They can prescribe everything but they usually Don t.. At least in my country they only prescribe benzo for insomnia but if you have a menthal problem they tell you to go to a specialist...but I think in Italy we have a different situation.because we have a low opinion of family doctors and everybody, when he has a problem, goes to the specialist.. Nobody here in Italy who has bipolar disorder (for example) would go to a family doctor and an italian family doctor would refuse to give medical instruction to a bipolar..Ā 

I don t know if this makes sense.. My English is also very poor.. But in my country what he is saying could be very dangerousĀ 

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