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Ricky Gervais Golden Globes Monologue


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Absolutely brilliant. I was slapping my desk laughing my asѕ off :lmao:

And for those of you saying he's part of Hollywood, you obviously know nothing about this man and what he stands for :ohwell:

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1 hour ago, Gypsy Life said:

He's brilliant at hosting. You can see the FEAR on everyone's faces in the room because they know the next roast might be in their expense :deadbanana:

I hope he hosts more award shows. No one has the balls to do what he does.

I always knew you had taste :classy:

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3 minutes ago, Adakam said:

If he really wanted to do something and change things, if he really is that brave, then I wouldve expected stuff like: "hey ________ why dont you come up and explain why you went to Epstein island" "hey_________, come to explain why you support this company that does bad stuff in china" "hey _________ what makes YOU think that your political opinion is important". 

Take a chill pill chile, this is an awards show, not a trial :air:

Some of you are really missing the point of this thing. It's just entertainment, nothing else :sharon:

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2 minutes ago, Curunir said:

Take a chill pill chile, this is an awards show, not a trial :air:

Some of you are really missing the point of this thing. It's just entertainment, nothing else :sharon:

Uhhh that was my point from the start? Because many people are kissing his butt like he is some sort of badass brave hero that just "ended" hollywood with his edgy speech? I just gave an example of what an actual good, meaningful speech wouldve been like.

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5 minutes ago, Adakam said:

Uhhh that was my point from the start? Because many people are kissing his butt like he is some sort of badass brave hero that just "ended" hollywood with his edgy speech? I just gave an example of what an actual good, meaningful speech wouldve been like.

Good thing that's completely subjective :huntyga:

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Gov Hooka

Yeah it wasn’t that edgy. His whole monologue like anything in Hollywood is still self aggrandizing entertainment. The jokes were good but I find the whole thing to be utterly pointless 

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Gypsy Life
19 minutes ago, Adakam said:


If he really wanted to do something and change things, if he really is that brave, then I wouldve expected stuff like: "hey ________ why dont you come up and explain why you went to Epstein island" "hey_________, come to explain why you support this company that does bad stuff in china" "hey _________ what makes YOU think that your political opinion is important". 

Give me names, put them on the spot, tell us what you know, dont just throw insults to seem edgy.


Ma'am this ain't Judge Judy :rip:

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15 minutes ago, Curunir said:

Good thing that's completely subjective :huntyga:

I didnt even attack you, reported for flamebaiting, why are you people uncapable of holding a discussion? What a joke

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xoxo Craig

I don't agree with the part saying "nobody wants to hear your political message". Like you have a huge platform and someone like him who is in the public eye has a lot of influence. I don't believe you should just shut up about what you believe in.... imagine if Lady Gaga never spoke her mind? How many of you would still be here had Lady Gaga not done what she did for the LGBT community?

In a world where we have the President of the US wanting to start a war with another country, now is not the time to "shut up". Now is the time to voice your opinion, especially if you have the platform they have.

End Racism Now
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48 minutes ago, Adakam said:

Everyone in that room would say the same about their own integrity.

One of the main reasons that i think the whole thing is scripted, is that all his "accusations" are just thrown in the air, putting everyone on the same bottle. (Which brings a bad light on the celebs that dont deserve it, while hiding those who do in the crowd).

If he really wanted to do something and change things, if he really is that brave, then I wouldve expected stuff like: "hey ________ why dont you come up and explain why you went to Epstein island" "hey_________, come to explain why you support this company that does bad stuff in china" "hey _________ what makes YOU think that your political opinion is important". 

Give me names, put them on the spot, tell us what you know, dont just throw insults to seem edgy.

And his comment about Greta really disgusts me and it goes 100% against what he said 20 seconds before, if he cant see the situation from the point of view of young people, a young girl that wants to fight for her own future, then how does he dare to say the others there "dont know anything about the real world"?


All talk, no results, and his speech wont achieve absolutely nothing. The speech was perfectly designed to be edgy, and to go viral, without achieving anything good, no celeb is going to lose a single dime because of it. It just circled around the issues.



He's still there to do a job and clearly cares about his reputation. There's a limit to these things. You really think it would be televised if he said that stuff? They would have pulled the plug and removed him from the stage in an instant. He's not an idiot. He said just about enough, anything worse than that and he would have sabotaged his own career. 

That Greta Thunberg joke was fine in my opinion, he didn't criticise her or her achievements. It was an excellent punchline because we are all familiar with her and the joke about school was very mild. I saw it for what it was and it was a jab at the political speeches. I'm glad he called them out on it. 

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38 minutes ago, Adakam said:

Uhhh that was my point from the start? Because many people are kissing his butt like he is some sort of badass brave hero that just "ended" hollywood with his edgy speech? I just gave an example of what an actual good, meaningful speech wouldve been like.

It's supposed to be a bit hyperbolic, in the same way that Kim K "broke the internet".  

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13 minutes ago, xoxo Craig said:

I don't agree with the part saying "nobody wants to hear your political message". Like you have a huge platform and someone like him who is in the public eye has a lot of influence. I don't believe you should just shut up about what you believe in.... imagine if Lady Gaga never spoke her mind? How many of you would still be here had Lady Gaga not done what she did for the LGBT community?

In a world where we have the President of the US wanting to start a war with another country, now is not the time to "shut up". Now is the time to voice your opinion, especially if you have the platform they have.

Sometimes the awards shows are full of them and it comes across as pretentious at times but you made a fair point. 


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8 minutes ago, Glamourpuss said:

He's still there to do a job and clearly cares about his reputation. There's a limit to these things. You really think it would be televised if he said that stuff? They would have pulled the plug and removed him from the stage in an instant. He's not an idiot. He said just about enough, anything worse than that and he would have sabotaged his own career. 

That Greta Thunberg joke was fine in my opinion, he didn't criticise her or her achievements. It was an excellent punchline because we are all familiar with her and the joke about school was very mild. I saw it for what it was and it was a jab at the political speeches. I'm glad he called them out on it. 

About your first paragraph, guess im more of a "all in, or nothing" kind of guy, for me, if hes not going to go for it 100%, then his speech feels more like an act to me, an act fully endorsed word by word by the golden globes.

About your second paragraph, I would agree if it wasnt the exact same argument climate denialists use against her, that she is too young and uneducated to know what shes talking about.

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3 hours ago, insight said:

He needs to host the Grammy Awards and scalp all nominees

Don't do this to Katy Perry and Nicki Minaj!

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22 minutes ago, xoxo Craig said:

I don't agree with the part saying "nobody wants to hear your political message". Like you have a huge platform and someone like him who is in the public eye has a lot of influence. I don't believe you should just shut up about what you believe in.... imagine if Lady Gaga never spoke her mind? How many of you would still be here had Lady Gaga not done what she did for the LGBT community?

In a world where we have the President of the US wanting to start a war with another country, now is not the time to "shut up". Now is the time to voice your opinion, especially if you have the platform they have.

I think the main point here is that they're all hypocrites. Rich, privileged people that do basically nothing to change ****, but like to pretend they're activists for something. 

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