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Rate the last album you listened to

Lion Heart

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Lion Heart


Aphex Twin- Richard D. James Album

Rating: 10/10


Through the use of an array of software synthesizers and amorphous beats Richard David James' electronic album will definitely leave your cerebellum in a state of utmost perplexity and excitement. R.D. James juxtaposes jolting and unpredictable beats with canorous fragments of noises to deliver this electronic masterpiece. Just when you thought you had the beat memorized, instantly and seemingly out of nowhere, the record changes direction and proceeds to taunt the power of the human brain, and continues riding the road of entropy.



Here's the previous thread: http://gagadaily.com/index.php?showtopic=262&st=0

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Kiss- Carly Rae Jepsen


Nice pop album, a lot of bubblegum, but it comes off as sweet and nice. Though some of the production is off (or over done), the hits are addictive, and thankfully, Call Me Maybe isn't the exception to the rule to her infection, cute pop songs. Standout hit is still Tiny LIttle Bows.

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Jagged Little Pill - Alanis Morissette


I use to always remember this album being played when I was growing up, usually while cruising with my mom in her Mustang GT (Oh the wonderful childhood memories). I never really understood the album back then, being that I was so young. I've been listening to this album on repeat for a while now and I honestly can't ever get enough of it.. It's a beautiful masterpiece and should be appreciated/listened too by everybody at least once in their lifetime :legend:

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The xx - Coexist 5/5

Amazing Indie record with subtle club music influences and deep emotional lyrics!

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Old school hip hop makes such a refreshing change from all the other mainstream rap about right now. This is a must if you love the golden age of hip hop. And check out Cherry Wine which features Amy Winehouse on one of the last tracks she ever recorded.

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b---h please 9.5/10

That depends on whether you have the deluxe or the original. :hor:

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Lion Heart


Imagine Dragons- Night Visions

Rating: 8/10

If you thoroughly enjoyed listening to Coldplay's Mylo Xyloto, then you will probably savour this record as well considering the similar soundscapes and "pop-y" vibrations. Night Visions is one of those albums that the mind needs after a long and exhausting day at work/ school/ etc.- it has that "fresh" and melodic sound that acts as a stress suppressant, and clears all the trash from a day's hard work. The dorsolateral frontal cortex is stimulated in a way that brings about tranquil scenarios that reflect the overall peaceful sound of the record.

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