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Do you think Gaga will have (her own) kids?


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I think she will. She's still pretty young.  I could see her freezing some eggs and maybe using a surrogate later if need be.

I wonder what some gaga kids would be like, that would be interesting to see.

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Franch Toast

Yes – if not biologically, then through adoption, or possibly both. And if she ends up with a partner who already has kids, I could see her being a loving stepmother as well. (I actually wonder if the hardest part of her breakup with Christian for her was saying goodbye to his daughters.) I just re-watched that clip of her at the Forney Center that someone posted with LGBTQ youth living in a group home, and I can easily imagine her adopting at some point. 

33 is not old these days in terms of child-bearing should she choose to go the biological route. I have several friends in their 40s who've had successful pregnancies and births that have resulted in healthy children, and this is without technology helping them. I don't think she's been postponing having kids because of her career, but rather, her love life. 

I think she'll be a terrific mother whenever the time comes. All you have to do is watch the videos of her with kids on stage to see how loving and caring she is toward them. I mean, look at this video:

She's so sweet toward that little girl. Imagine how she'll be with her own kids. When and if the time comes, I hope the paparazzi and fans will be respectful of her children's privacy. 

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Even though Gaga has big time money and fibro, I still really forsee her having her own children and having a strong desire to try to get pregnant and birth at least one of her kids. She's always said she's a traditional Italian girl at heart who wants a  family eventually :) 

God created Adam and Eve, but Gọdga collabed with Brian🎺 and Steve🎷
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