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No Plus Size Models In Haus Labs Ads?


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Why be inclusive just for the sake of it?

Every colour, every size, every eye colour, every hair colour, every nationality, big nipples, little nipples, long fingernails, short fingernails.

It's a campaign to sell products. There's plenty of variety in the models they chose.

End of thread.

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2 hours ago, SHALLOW said:

Now go find a plus size non binary model. Good luck.

pretty sure america is over-populated with those kind of people lately :rip:

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1) it's make up. MAKE UP. not clothing.

2) Rihanna didn't feature plus size models in her make up campaigns either. She began showing them when she released clothing.

2) because showing fat people promotes an unhealthy lifestyle

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Morphine Prince

Although I do agree diversity should be the norm, this is makeup not clothing. I don't see how body size is relevant. Skin is skin. End of story. 

She had people of different skin tones and people who use makeup in different ways - things that are relevant to a makeup product. 

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10 minutes ago, ARTPOPthatbooty said:

because showing fat people promotes an unhealthy lifestyle


because showing skinny people promotes anorexia??

 why are you assuming the skinny models are healthy or that they achieved that with healthy lifestyle? you sound ridiculous. 


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Weren't there, like, 3 models in the ad ?

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Not surprised at the shallow losers in this thread who cant take the slightest critique of their idol.

Yes she should have featured some body and face types other than thin skinny oval faces, especially considering the "message" she is promoting. But gaga never truly lines up with the BS she spouts about equality and inclusivity, it's all just buzz word salad and virtue signaling.


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Mess at you guys making it more complicated than it has to be :air: Yes it's make-up so size doesn't matter but... that is exactly the point: if it doesn't matter then why not diversify the models to the utmost? :emma: 

The truth is: she just forgot and didn't realize she was missing a plus size model. This is Gaga lol. It's totally something she would do (so bye at everyone saying "IT'S MAKE-UP OMGGG WHAT ARE U SAYINN") but she just didn't think about it because she chose specific people she found inspiring visually.

I'm 100% sure she would realize herself she made a mistake with it if someone told her. Why is everyone being so hostile and defensive? :awkney: Just oversight. It happens.

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16 minutes ago, Oriane said:

Weren't there, like, 3 models in the ad ?

8 (or 9 depending on the twins)


She just forgot. I'm 100% sure she'll correct this in the future.

Because yes she does care about this issue. A: "She shouldn't feature plus size models" and B: "She's not really promoting inclusivity" aren't the only options ffs :air: (not directed at you) She wants to promote diversity but just didn't think it through. Not a disaster, not worth bashing her over it but also definitely not worth passing over as a non-issue :awkney: Diversity is necessary and important. There should be a plus size model here if the message of diversity is serious but that doesn't mean Gaga's a "bad person" for forgetting about it. It's not all black and white.

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22 minutes ago, lego said:


because showing skinny people promotes anorexia??

 why are you assuming the skinny models are healthy or that they achieved that with healthy lifestyle? you sound ridiculous. 


anexoria is FAR from skinny. A normal human is born skinny. Stop talking all of this bullshit.

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2 minutes ago, ARTPOPthatbooty said:

anexoria is FAR from skinny. A normal human is born skinny. Stop talking all of this bullshit.


and plus size doesn’t mean morbidly obese, you need to stop hating and accept different types of bodies, it’s disgusting how you talk about fellow human beings. 

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2 hours ago, Lucas said:

They say that fatness is a disease, I call it poor choice of lifestyle.

Omg don't say that :giveup: It's not that simple :ohno:

Guys, come on... let's not treat this issue too lightly just because this is Gaga's make-up line getting criticized :air: It's not worth it.

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15 minutes ago, Didymus said:

8 (or 9 depending on the twins)


She just forgot. I'm 100% sure she'll correct this in the future.

Because yes she does care about this issue. A: "She shouldn't feature plus size models" and B: "She's not really promoting inclusivity" aren't the only options ffs :air: (not directed at you) She wants to promote diversity but just didn't think it through. Not a disaster, not worth bashing her over it but also definitely not worth passing over as a non-issue :awkney: Diversity is necessary and important. There should be a plus size model here if the message of diversity is serious but that doesn't mean Gaga's a "bad person" for forgetting about it. It's not all black and white.

My brain probably only remembered the ones showed in the official make-up collections.

Yes, there are already models with different skin colors, genders, and most of them are overall non-conventionally looking, you can't have everything.

You popped my heart seams, all my bubble dreams
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