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Captain Marvel (2019)


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3 minutes ago, JohnWayne92 said:

I loved it. 

Very light hearted, lots of comedy, but much like Ragnarok before Infinity War, it is probably necessary for End Game :selena:

Great visuals, good story, and definitely worth seeing in IMAX for anyone wondering. 

I'm looking forward to expanding on her =)

Yea, this movie works like palate cleanser imho, since Infinity War are soooo bleak 

Wonder how they will take her story on the sequels. :woot:


(ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ✧*:・゚ young, dumb, and full of numb (*´艸`*) ♡♡♡
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I watched the movie yesterday with seven of my friends, and I connected to Captain Marvel a lot. It's the first for me to connect to a superhero. All of my friends enjoyed it even the ones who are not into the Marvel Cinematic Universe as much as I am. The IMAX experience is amazing!

Spoiler review


How I Connected to Captain Marvel

I have been through a lot of hardships in my life. I have always found myself to fall down, and I always find myself to get back up with the support of my friends and family. The movie opens with Carol Danvers not knowing who she is. That's the first moment I related to her. I lost myself a few years ago, and I completely forgot the person I am. She relived her memories through experiences she was put into. It reminded me how I was put into the same experiences that haunted me in the past once again. One of the biggest examples is changing schools multiple times. I was bullied and picked on every time. Carol continues to be put in challenging situations like finding out that the entire time she has been on the wrong side which is something I can relate to by hating myself. She remembers herself after she is surrounded by people who supported her like her friends from the past, and I felt deeply connected to that. The moment it hit me completely where I felt empathy towards her is when she said that she is human. Humans are powerful. I felt strong and empowered to be a human being. A human being who fought a lot of hardships, and I have a lot of hardships to fight in the future. A human being who has friends fighting with him in the battlefield so that they would not see him fall. I find strength in Captain Marvel's message, and I will continue to embrace that. :heart:

Captain Marvel's Point of View

The strongest aspect of the movie is that we were experiencing the events of Captain Marvel with her. The entire movie is watching her story unfold from her point of view. The audience was reliving her memories with her, and I know that is the biggest reason I connected with her. It was a shock finding out everything with Captain Marvel. Brie Larson did an amazing job portraying her. A lot of people criticized that her acting was cold when the trailers first came out. It makes sense since she is lost as a human being. You later see her character become more flexible and fun as she finds out and owns herself again later in the movie. :flutter:

Captain Marvel Is the Future

The post-credits scene doubled my excitement for Avengers: Endgame. Everything about it shook the entire theatre. Everyone clapped and gasped when she appeared. She's going to play a major part in the next Avengers movie, and I can't wait for April 26th. :giveup:



Thank you @RAMROD for creating this thread. :hug:

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4 minutes ago, KinneyUnderYou said:

I watched the movie yesterday with seven of my friends, and I connected to Captain Marvel a lot. It's the first for me to connect to a superhero. All of my friends enjoyed it even the ones who are not into the Marvel Cinematic Universe as much as I am. The IMAX experience is amazing!

Spoiler review

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How I Connected to Captain Marvel

I have been through a lot of hardships in my life. I have always found myself to fall down, and I always find myself to get back up with the support of my friends and family. The movie opens with Carol Denvers not knowing who she is. That's the first moment I related to her. I lost myself a few years ago, and I completely forgot the person I am. She relived her memories through experiences she was put into. It reminded me how I was put into the same experiences that haunted me in the past once again. One of the biggest examples is changing schools multiple times. I was bullied and picked on every time. Carol continues to be put in challenging situations like finding out that the entire time she has been on the wrong side which is something I can relate to by hating myself. She remembers herself after she is surrounded by people who supported her like her friends from the past, and I felt deeply connected to that. The moment it hit me completely where I felt empathy towards her is when she said that she is human. Humans are powerful. I felt strong and empowered to be a human being. A human being who fought a lot of hardships, and I have a lot of hardships to fight in the future. A human being who has friends fighting with him in the battlefield so that they would not see him fall. I find strength in Captain Marvel's message, and I will continue to embrace that. :heart:

Captain Marvel's Point of View

The strongest aspect of the movie is that we were experiencing the events of Captain Marvel with her. The entire movie is watching her story unfold from her point of view. The audience was reliving her memories with her, and I know that is the biggest reason I connected with her. It was a shock finding out everything with Captain Marvel. Brie Larson did an amazing job portraying her. A lot of people criticized that her acting was cold when the trailers first came out. It makes sense since she is lost as a human being. You later see her character become more flexible and fun as she finds out and owns herself again later in the movie. :flutter:

Captain Marvel Is the Future

The post-credits scene doubled my excitement for Avengers: Endgame. Everything about it shook the entire theatre. Everyone clapped and gasped when she appeared. She's going to play a major part in the next Avengers movie, and I can't wait for April 26th. :giveup:



Thank you @RAMROD for creating this thread. :hug:


That is very inspiring read, thanks for sharing with us. :applause:


(ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ✧*:・゚ young, dumb, and full of numb (*´艸`*) ♡♡♡
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33 minutes ago, RAMROD said:


Wonder Woman is so overrated, it was pretty similar to Captain America 1st movie just with altered roles and the boss fight was dumb, also all the jumping, slow motions, were cringy :laughga:



I'm working late, cause I'm a puta
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It was an okay movie, one of my least favorite MCU movies. 

The movie plays as if you are already supposed to care about characters that they never take the time to make you care about. I never really felt a sense of danger. Carol obtaining her powers seemed a little hokey and weak storytelling wise. 

And I found Brie to very bland in the role. I’m curious to see the character in Endgame, as I’m hoping with a better script and darker tone, she will better be able to display emotion and range. 

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I loved it :diane:

If you see me posting like crazy, I'm either bored or procrastinating.
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1 hour ago, thwip said:

It was an okay movie, one of my least favorite MCU movies. 

The movie plays as if you are already supposed to care about characters that they never take the time to make you care about. I never really felt a sense of danger. Carol obtaining her powers seemed a little hokey and weak storytelling wise. 

And I found Brie to very bland in the role. I’m curious to see the character in Endgame, as I’m hoping with a better script and darker tone, she will better be able to display emotion and range. 

See this is what I was unsure about. I felt like all the trailers just made her seem really lacklustre with no kind of personality and kind of boring and I was hoping that the trailers just poorly showed her character.

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3 hours ago, XanderC said:

See this is what I was unsure about. I felt like all the trailers just made her seem really lacklustre with no kind of personality and kind of boring and I was hoping that the trailers just poorly showed her character.

I’m sure some others loved her, I’ve never had an issue with her other roles, she’s a good actress, but she was like wooden in this. 

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3 hours ago, TMM90 said:

Booked tickets for the 6th

but my boyfriend and I slept trough it :messga:

OMG, had a long day?  :diane:


(ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ✧*:・゚ young, dumb, and full of numb (*´艸`*) ♡♡♡
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Decent movie. That being said, I'm glad they got Captain Marvel's origin story out of the way so she can slay in Endgame.

Goose is going to save the world in Endgame by eating Thanos, just watch. :gayhat:

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5 hours ago, XanderC said:

See this is what I was unsure about. I felt like all the trailers just made her seem really lacklustre with no kind of personality and kind of boring and I was hoping that the trailers just poorly showed her character.

Sadly, I found it bland and the movies is pretty weak at some points. It isn't a must see for me. 

Not terrible but not great of a movie. 

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I really liked it. Probably one of my all-time MCU films. 

It's just unfortunate that this film is surrounded by so much trolling and bias reviews though. This movie would never get the reception it got if a male was staring in the film. 

Example 1/many.

"Captain Marvel is not a good movie. Well, maybe it is a good movie if you are in it’s desired target audience. And that audience appears to be teenage liberal girls and their liberal mothers. The film was released on March 8th, 2019 which just so happens to be International Women’s Day. March is also Women’s History Month. The main character of the movie, Captain Marvel, is a woman played by Brie Larson. Much of the notable supporting cast are also women.

It’s girl power to the tenth power! 

What part of that recipe mentioned above would appeal to your average adult male who is the chief consumer of action adventure superhero movies from Marvel Studios? Not much if any. Which is why the movie sucks so badly.

Lifetime or possibly Netflix on a free trial would be the best vehicles to consume a movie like this. Maybe wrapped up in a blanket while you eat some bon bons. It did not have much action. Dialogue was muted and far too long. Entirely too many soft and emotional scenes.  

Marvel has a history of producing exciting movies about their superheroes with plenty of special effects. A CGI buffet. But what was delivered in Captain Marvel was the total opposite. It fell totally flat for a superhero movie and didn’t even really fully capture the emotional side that a Lifetime movie would do. To your inner 12 year old liberal girl looking for equal representation on screen, this may be a masterpiece. To the rest of us, not so much. Check out the video review for more!"

The comments aren't great either. and obviously we shouldn't take this seriously, but this is literally how people are responding. And it's insidious. There's room to critique films, but then there's this..

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You shouldn't pay attention to that, @ZacharyMark 

Can't take his opinion seriously when he is black and wears MAGA hat. Clearly a self hating individual. Clearly his intention is not well. :shrug:

(ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ✧*:・゚ young, dumb, and full of numb (*´艸`*) ♡♡♡
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