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Disco Heaven #8 on Itunes (Uganda)

Biggest Bitch

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lmao I want a screenshot 🤧🤧

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Y’all who live in the US stream Shallow it’s number 4 on the US ITunes Charts and my country Canada it’s number 1

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can we please have someone from Uganda buy 4 copies of born this way, then 5 copies of DIC the next week, then 6 copies of Born This Way, etc until Gaga's the artist with most consecutive number ones in Uganda? Most random record but would be fun

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1 hour ago, SpeechIess said:

boys boys boys and paper gangsta finally getting that recognition 


The two best non singles on The Fame DESERVES:firega:

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Moving to Uganda right now. They do have taste! :vegas:

Wonder who was the 1 person to buy the fame to make it chart in Uganda? 

You only need 1 album to be top 10 :ladyhaha:

Did one of you change your iTunes location? :selena:

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