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Rant: Why does Gaga complicate things?


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4 minutes ago, gagzus said:

No she doesn’t annoy me because she’s learned from the legends about what longevity is; there’s a reason she’s having a resurgence in popularity whilst other stars who don’t evolve or transform whom she was in competition with have withered away in public interest. 

Nile Rogers explained it best, when Chic was at the height of their popularity in the 70s he became a songwriter and producer because as he has said everyone has an expiration date in the public eye in a medium and must adapt to other mediums for longevity, and it’s sad to admit but Gaga’s for her music career has happened so now she’s transforming and conqueror other fields in which she has passion for like philanthropy and acting, eventually she may even become a songwriter and producer who knows. This is why the careers of even many legends basically commercially expired like Whitney, Michael and Madonna because they didn’t adapt into a new medium even though they tried to, that’s why Cher’s commercial time is kinda up now because she hasn’t got anything new to adapt to like she has for the last few decades. It’s a fact in the entertainment industry you must move from medium to medium to mainatain a successful career. 

I have a feeling we’ll see Gaga do more movies, tv, maybe broadway, philanthropy and business ventures and probably only get 3 albums over the next 10 years in all honesty.

LG6 and C3C are most likely coming in the next year, you’re telling me in the other 9 years we’ll only get one album? :nooo:

1 hour ago, lolitamuse said:

If you think she still hates Hollywood, you're delusional. She fully immersed herself in the Hollywood movie star life from the moment ASIB premiered and she hasn't looked back. Someone who hated Hollywood wouldn't conform so well. She's hit every red carpet looking like a starlet, doing the press interviews and giving them just the right amount of charm with the right press blurbs (100 people in a room, Bradley sings from the nectar, we're both Italian, etc...)

Someone who hates Hollywood AND who has a track record of using fashion and performance art to make a statement would go to these red carpets with an edge. The rose with the thorn. Like wearing Converse with a ball gown. She has NO edge, no genuine remarks to give when being interviewed, no winks to her rebellious nature, nothing. She's a Hollywood bombshell and that's it. 

Tbh, I see her and Bradley forming a "Tim Burton and Johny Depp" relationship where she just ends up in all of his future movies. I think she's had a taste of hollywood ambrosia and she's not going back to the lower east side bar beer. 

She’s got Hollywood wrapped around her finger. A smart woman. She’s taking it easy now to be accepted, but once she gets an Oscar and acclaim, she’s going to change Hollywood for the best. 

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1 hour ago, lolitamuse said:

If you think she still hates Hollywood, you're delusional. She fully immersed herself in the Hollywood movie star life from the moment ASIB premiered and she hasn't looked back. Someone who hated Hollywood wouldn't conform so well. She's hit every red carpet looking like a starlet, doing the press interviews and giving them just the right amount of charm with the right press blurbs (100 people in a room, Bradley sings from the nectar, we're both Italian, etc...)

Someone who hates Hollywood AND who has a track record of using fashion and performance art to make a statement would go to these red carpets with an edge. The rose with the thorn. Like wearing Converse with a ball gown. She has NO edge, no genuine remarks to give when being interviewed, no winks to her rebellious nature, nothing. She's a Hollywood bombshell and that's it. 

Tbh, I see her and Bradley forming a "Tim Burton and Johny Depp" relationship where she just ends up in all of his future movies. I think she's had a taste of hollywood ambrosia and she's not going back to the lower east side bar beer. 

Hi after reading your comments I can tell you some logical explanations to almost everything in your concerns.

1) The entire first paragraph is easily explained by this; when she signed onto ASIB she signed a contract with Warner in which she must promote the movie and is representing the movie studio and movie in every interview, press appearance, red carpet, public appearance etc and it’s her job she is paid for just like you or I are. For example if you owned a business, the people you contract and hire represent you and your brand in everything they do in relation to your brand and business - which leads into my explanation of your second point

2) Edgy fashion, controversy etc is not appropriate when she’s promoting a serious drama movie and representing Warner, you wouldn’t have your employees turn up to your business to greet customers in eccentric outfits if you were selling say; high end suits. Meaning there’s a time and a place in your job/personal life for this and now isn’t the time. Plus she gets paid hundreds of thousands and potentially millions of dollars from warner so they expect her to represent them accordingly.

3) of course she would keep working with Bradley, why wouldn’t she when they’ve just made one of the biggest movies of 2018, are a talking point in the public eye for publicity as a team, she felt comfortable and they worked hard and efficiently together so naturally she’ll work with him again if the opportunity and the right project happens. 


I hate to break it to many of the people in this thread rn but Hollywood or not she’s still an employee and this is her job she’s paid to do, it’s full fledged adult life just she happens to be famous and rich to boot, but she still has employers who pay her bills and whom she represents. That’s why she’s like this now because she built up a bad reputation publicly for her antics and outfits and now she’s grown she probably realised she’s representing Interscope or Warner or whichever business or team or people she’s with at that time so there’s a time and a place.

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Damn it's kinda sad reading all of this... By her saying she ran away from stefany it's not by default that gaga it's artificial, but just try to imagine yourself in a way that disposes you from all your bagage, a versión of yourself than can go all the way, it's like when People say "it would be easy to be someone else for a day"  not in essence but in skin, a one that can protect her for the insecurities of her past. And also what lady gaga means once she became famous and even more with time started to Change cause its not just hers in a way, it be comes property of the World. 

It would be good if many of u try to understand that and stop Being so restrained with an image or a memory, its the same woman and accept that People evolve and not just what u see is everything her life has gotten very crazy this past decade a lot it's going to Change for sure

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8 minutes ago, AStarIsBorn21 said:

LG6 and C3C are most likely coming in the next year, you’re telling me in the other 9 years we’ll only get one album? :nooo:

I meant solely Lady Gaga studio albums, I see her releasing a new album next summer C3C not coming until winter 2019/2020 then her taking time off for a family and coming back in the back end of the 2020s to release a studio album or two which will probably either do modestly or not very good commercially but will please fans and critics since the majority of her fans will be either in their 30s with families (I.e. me I would) or in their 20s dealing with real life like jobs, taxes and growing up realising what a lot of us in our 20s who’re fans and have been since 2008 realise; it’s just music and it’s fun and that’s that. She will probably also do another movie in between now and then too though I hope. I’d love to see her do a comedy

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7 minutes ago, gagzus said:

I meant solely Lady Gaga studio albums, I see her releasing a new album next summer C3C not coming until winter 2019/2020 then her taking time off for a family and coming back in the back end of the 2020s to release a studio album or two which will probably either do modestly or not very good commercially but will please fans and critics since the majority of her fans will be either in their 30s with families (I.e. me I would) or in their 20s dealing with real life like jobs, taxes and growing up realising what a lot of us in our 20s who’re fans and have been since 2008 realise; it’s just music and it’s fun and that’s that. She will probably also do another movie in between now and then too though I hope. I’d love to see her do a comedy

It’s kinda weird to predict the career of someone for a decade. :laughga: But I’d love to see her in a comedy too. 

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Biden Harris 2024

At the end of the day, we're all human, however complex our personalities are...:legend:

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I'm still so confused why so many of you have a problem with her kissing up to win an Oscar. Which is exactly what she's doing. Her ambitions aren't gone, they've just changed for now. She is taking advantage of this career and life changing moment. You're questioning why she isn't making a statement, being laid back in interviews this past year when promoting this when it's obvious it's for the awards. (and the people saying she's being pretentious and taking herself too seriously, like she hasn't been doing the exact same thing since the beginning of her career....:poot:)

She may say it's about the art instead of the awards, money, fame, but let's be real, if 2008 Gaga were given the chance at an Oscar win, she would be acting the exact same way. Thats because it's a big deal and not something people take for granted. Gaga doesnt want to say or do the wrong thing because this is her career, which she has pride as she should. Every dress she wears, interview she does, and wrong picture that's released is critiqued and examined for any chance a smear campaign is possible. Of course shes going to want everything to be perfect, as cringy as she's making it. She's being over the top and dramatic which she's always been. This is the same girl the cried at the AMA's multiple times people.

She never said she wasnt "Gaga" anymore. This narrative only was brought up because people are over thinking a comment. Gaga is the more confident version, the superhero, of Stefani. She has never hidden that. It's how she gets on stage. I would not put it past her, that this image overhaul is an effort to show that she really is an enigma when her next era begins. She has said that she's constantly thinking about what she's going to be doing next, even hinted at knowing, Is it so hard to believe that this is the buildup to another image change? Maybe I'm being delusional, but I would not put it past her.

Another important thing(that I personally think is the biggest reason of them all), which I havent seen many, if anyone, point out: This isn't her project. She is the star, and all eyes are on her, but she is not the only one that would be criticized if she does something that negatively impacts the movie. This Bradley's baby, and his passion project which he has been working on for years. Do you honestly think she would want to ruin this chance for him? She talks too much about him, yes, but she cares about him. She cares about how she is seen because if something goes wrong, it wouldn't be only her name being dragged through the mud and her chances being ruined. Let alone, Sam, Anthony, and anyone else who worked on it and had faith in her. Gagas career has been her vision, her image to ruin or be praised for, but it's not only hers that's important right now and she is very aware of that.


Jesus....this looks like a book....I'm sorry:laughga:

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I miss the Gaga that sang "D'yer Maker" at the Bitter End.  IMO everything is "in-authentic" until MetalGa finally shows up.  


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My guess is she'll be "Gaga" again and back to her old shenanigans that we all miss as soon as award season is over. I think she's just trying to have a squeaky clean persona to be in better standing with the academy. 

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11 hours ago, mariomania1234 said:

I completely disagree. Her whole aesthetic and sound changes album to album. Sorry.

I’m not here to drag Gaga, but I do feel the need to say that she has more or less felt the same ever since C2C. She used to have a different look and aesthetic from album to album, ending with ARTPOP. C2C, Joanne and ASIB has more or less felt, and looked the same to me, save for a few one off appearances. 

I feel like we’ve seen her in fancy, old Hollywood dressed or t shirt and jeans for four years now. And the bleached hair with her roots showing...seems like it’s been ongoing forever. 


(Note, I’m not complaining, I’m simply responding to your statement. Do I greatly miss the artistic expression and dedication to that that she used to have? Yes. But am I happy with what we have now? Sure. All part of the ride I guess.)

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11 hours ago, Miel said:

I'm wondering if things got complicated because of how she retroactively looks at things.

I truly believe, as does she, that she was being as "authentic" as she was, at each and every respective moment in her career in the past. However, I'm wondering if she is at odds with it now, after she has changed and grown up.

During the JWT, she said during one of the meet and greets that she sorta views BTW in a better light now than she had recently. Wasn’t sure how to digest that tbh. 

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11 hours ago, AStarIsBorn21 said:

Tell me these all share a vibe. I’ve already lost interest in conversing with you. If you genuinely believe she hasn’t changed since 2015 you need to take a step back and look at the bigger picture. Bye.

2D12838400000578-3256344-image-m-91_1443 grammys-2016-red-carpet-lady-gaga-billbo3dde81c85e28aad11cdb2e4e30f4ab5d.jpglady-gaga-grammys.jpg?quality=70&strip=alady-gagas-latest-jaw-dropping-red-carpers_634x1024-150618191425-634.Lady-Gaga-Sbritish-fashion-awards-red-carpet-arrivaLady-Gaga-Costume-MET-2015-outfits-billblady-gaga-bradley-cooper-venice-film-feslady-gaga-42nd-toronto-international-filLady-Gaga.jpg

70% of those are just dresses and gowns and such. As compared to fans literally clamoring to simply see what she was going to wear out of her hotel for 30 seconds. The girl was dressed like a giant chicken nugget once. Every single outfit was avant- garde fashion. That’s (I think) what the user you responded to is trying to say. 

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10 hours ago, M Monstre said:

Thereďťż is one thing though that I do sort of disagree on, and that's the very last point you mentioned. Now, I haven't beenďťż a fan since the beginning of her career (I became a fan during ARTPOP), so perhaps my own personal bias is going to affect how I interpreted that last sentence, but I don't necessarily believe that just because you were a fan for 'x' amount of years means that you deserve respect. I think no matter if you've been a fan since Day 1 or if yďťżou've been a fan since yesterday, people should just have equal amounts of respect for each other.

I have been a fan since The Fame. 

What I think he meant, is being a fan and supporting her from day one up until now, really allows you to look at her career as a whole, and realize she honestly does seem like a completely different artist now. 

The things the fanbase used to get excited about, we don’t really have those things anymore. I don’t see it as complaining, more lamenting. TF-TFM-BTW and some of AP were fun ****ing times. You’d see a post “Gaga leaves hotel 03-21-2011” and you’d race to see what the hell she was wearing. 


Now, it’s “Gaga attends press junket” and you see two pages and you’re like “Probably a dress with ha roots showing again, lol”


still love her, always will, it’s just all very different. And it’s a drastic difference. 

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4 hours ago, thwip said:

During the JWT, she said during one of the meet and greets that she sorta views BTW in a better light now than she had recently. Wasn’t sure how to digest that tbh. 

Born This Way is probably my favorite album of all time but I don't feel the music all the time. I don't feel ARTPOP in my veins like I did last year. I might once again. I don't think she meant too much other than that she went back to it after a while. When she made BTW, that was 100% what she believed in. Sometimes you grow past the music and then you rediscover it.

In an interview a few months ago, she was asked, "What do you want to be remembered for?" She could've said anything there. It was ASIB promotion time. She had a very clear answer though and that she seemed happy about. "For the message of Born This Way." My heart sort of melted there.

Also, Gaga has recently mentioned how she tries not to beat herself up too hard for things she did that she wishes she did differently. It's because whatever she did in the moment was the most honest it could've been because that's how she felt then.

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