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Is Cody Fern (actor who plays Michael Langdon in AHS Apocalypse) gay?


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If he is he can literally be my husband. This week's episode gave me everything I need in my life. I need answers! Thank you in advance. :laughga:

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Just now, hoebitch11 said:

i dont think so.

but yes he is hottttttttttttttttt:excited2:

They were saying he is in the AHS: Apocalypse thread ... Idk what to think!

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Don't know him, but here's what I found on Wikipedia: "Cody is currently in a relationship with social media personality and founder of "Randomly New" thrift store Eric Smith since early May 2016. Cody has not publicly commented on his sexuality."

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Props for not naming the thread, "Is Cody Fern a hunty?" :golfclap:

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1 minute ago, derpmonster said:

Props for not naming the thread, "Is Cody Fern a hunty?" :golfclap:

It took all I had. I've been asking "Is Cody Fern a hunty?" since I was thirteen. :tony:

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11 minutes ago, derpmonster said:

Really angry at you for not naming the thread, "Is Cody Fern a hunty?" :koons:

didn't want to say it, but you paved the way :huntyga:

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10 minutes ago, Savage said:

It took all I had. I've been asking "Is Cody Fern a hunty?" since I was thirteen. :tony:

Switch "Cody Fern" to "every at least kinda attractive kinda celebrity" and you have me :tony:

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He truly is an enigma :sis:

Like I was watching Cody as this androgynous Michael Langdon and my gawd that was hot :pray:

His acting >>>>>>>>>> one of the best male talents since Finn Wittrock.

He's kinda cute.


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Y’all are so worried about other men being hunties that you forget about the hunty that matters the most. Yourself.  

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