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Applause had more longevity than BTW. Why?


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Delulu Rogers

I don’t know what y’all are saying. Everyone knows BTW and it was a much bigger hit than applause. Here in Canada nobody remembers how the song even goes other than the one line “I live for the applause”

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BTW was extremely front-loaded. It was still #1 for six weeks and sold massive numbers, but had nowhere to go but down after that.  

Applause was actually considered a "flop" at first. I feel like nobody remembers that for some reason lol.  It did manage to burn slowly and remain in the top ten for 14 weeks, but 13 of those 14 weeks were in the bottom half of the top ten.  

Also it's not really fair to compare the audience impressions on radio.  There was a major inflation in 2012, so the numbers after aren't really comparable to the numbers before.  

BTW was clearly the bigger hit overall.   

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Saade Baena
2 hours ago, Modern Ecstacy said:

Porque é uma musica melhor, por isso (haha jk [mas não realmente])

mas é estranho ver Born This Way cair de 5 para 13. É uma grande queda para 2011, não?

Eu me pergunto qual foi o motivo. 


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The hamsters is what made Applause a success. That commercial did more for the song than the video did.

I agree with the people that said BTW was the beginning of her decline with the gp. I think she should have just left that song on the album for people to discover instead of making it the lead single.

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because it is her best lead and much much better than BTW. 

TWITTER - amirishot /// LAST.FM - crystallies
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As someone who wasn’t a fan till C2C, I certainly remember hearing Applause on the Radio more than BTW (the song). However, I was more aware of the BTW album era as a whole (especially The Edge of Glory... which I heard ALL the time on the radio).

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I think its because there was a lot of hype on the album and when the single was released the ppl got kinda disappointed plus Applause is obviously miles radio and GP friendly than BTW.

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4 hours ago, Henri Bardot said:

Applause was to be her 3rd signature song.

Literally no one knows BTW. 

Applause is a bop, but Roar got in the way :selena:

Did you just say no one knows Born This Way?  :ladyhaha:

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BTW was extremely front-loaded and tanked on the radio. Applause was her biggest radio hit. Do I have to say more?

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666 others

BTW was too woke and too gay for the GP.

7 hours ago, Andreu said:

mess at people calling Applause her best lead

I love ARTPOP and Applause but Bad Romance is her best lead period.

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I founded this strange. I only recently started being a fan of her’s but when Appluase was out, I heard it everywhere and it was one of my favorite songs at the time (I didn’t even know who it was by or anything). I also knew about Bad Romance and her earlier songs like Poker face , but never did I Hear Born This Way. It’s one of her biggest hit’s and I never heard it on the radio. I heard other songs in the BTW album like Marry the Night tho :fthis:

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BTW lived off of the hype of the enormous TFM era. Applause is a bop and lasted because it was an organic hit that lasted on the charts out of it's own merits, not piggy backing off of the success of a previous era. 

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Rezzi Musta

Applause did good on youtube as well.

I remember listening to it randomly on tv.

It was huge but BORN THIS WAY were massive. It was everywhere.

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It's just because BTW was so extremly frontloaded because everyone was wating for what gaga would deliver next after one of the biggest debuts ever (TF+TFM). Any track from born this way would gone #1 atleast the first week. It also had it's biggest promo the first weeks (Grammys, video, radio deal etc). So it partly so many had already bought the song the first weeks that it could not keep on the charts later on and also when Judas/TEOG got released those got the attention instead, TEOG esspecially took over on radio fast. 

Applause on the other had a nice debut (Because it's gaga) but faced strong competition like Roar, Blurred lines, wrecking ball etc so it wasn't was big as btw in the start but people liked the song and radio started to really support it later on(it became her biggest radio it, although we can't really compare 2013 numbers to 2009/10 since more radio stations were added.) It also had a short but nice video unlike btw that tbh was very dark and long for most gp watchers that added replayabilty. 

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