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Alice Cooper praises Gaga


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1 hour ago, ryanripley said:

i've been saying for a while, why do we not have another bowie if times are meant to be more progressive but men have just gotten more boring tbh

Things are formally progressive and straight guys will claim they're not homophobic but at the same time disavow anything remotely gay. Masculinity has become more and more rigid because now that gays are visible and are feminine-coded, straight men have to do anything to avoid looking like they might be gay. Because that would mean they're feminine. Which of course they can't be.

It's this weird combination of misogyny, homophobia, and bad stereotypes. The Heterosexual Matrix. :interestinga:

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I think the stealing his show mostly refers to the Monster Ball which was very theatrical like Alice's shows. The giant monster def was inspired by Alice's Frankenstein and Pink Floyds the Wall tour:



According to Gaga I'm a ****ing rad bitch
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17 minutes ago, derpmonster said:

I really don't think Gaga "created a separate persona." She has always believed in embodying all that she represents. She is Gaga and she is Stefani. And she has always been both. She's a hybrid. I highly, highly doubt she goes and thinks, "Oh, what would Gaga say/write/make?" and then do that. She does what comes to her.

Not in my understanding. Gaga is still Gaga and this was, in fact, one of the things she was talking about in that pre-Joanne interview. The name Gaga has become more than just her--it's become what people want her to be and expect her to be. This doesn't mean Gaga is a character.

If you listen to her interviews in Born This Way, she talked about how it was all about her New York roots (which is far more Stefani than a country inspired album would be).

Gaga is still the same artist and isn't trying to snuggle into a persona. The persona is the artist and she's just doing what she does and has always done--make diverse kinds of music. Fans, however, have been projecting on to her what is and isn't Gaga.

But look at Gaga's interviews during TF/TFM/BTW, her youtube videos (not the music videos), and her whole persona. You can see the glaring difference especially when you watch 5foot2. Yes, I agree that she is one artist, but both portrayals of her are so vastly different hence the disconnect. Take into careful consideration that these are the specific portrayals she wanted to display for each era. There is no such thing as a truly honest image of Gaga, because at the end of the day, we're looking at just that, an image. Even 5foot2 showed specific sides of her that paints her a certain way. She said in one interview that she chose what to show and what not to show in that documentary. Nothing is ever candid. If none of these were ever personas, we could say in full confidence that we sincerely know who Gaga really is. But we don't.

Inside, we are really made the same. 🕊
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