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Outtakes (part 3)


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I'm so jealous!

TMBT 3.22.11 // TBTWB 1.17.13 // ArtRAVE 6.3.14 // C2CT 5.28.15 // TJWT 8.13.17 // Chromatica World Tour 9.8.22
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Not sure is posted



The second one :legend:

TMBT 3.22.11 // TBTWB 1.17.13 // ArtRAVE 6.3.14 // C2CT 5.28.15 // TJWT 8.13.17 // Chromatica World Tour 9.8.22
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am an insieder :derpga:

Nah. I just have seen enough people chat about the pics, and they tend to refer to them in that manner. They screw up, though, when they talk about the picture that was used for "The Queen." They keep saying it was used for "Bloody Mary." :fat:

Well, The Queen picture does look a lot more Bloody Mary-y than the one they chose for the picture disc.

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OMG, I NEED THIS do u have it?

No, I made it from Kostas' avatar and the snippets weve had for a long ass time... I can't wait for this to leak... :giveup:

Edited by Josip
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