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Things to do at school


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Y'ALL Gaga Daily was finally blocked on the personal school computers :triggered:
But not on the computer lab :firega: (which is really weird :laughga:)

But I'm bored now that I can't go on Gaga Daily. And I can't surf around anymore as an excuse to not talk to my enemy. :saladga:

So, what are some things you guys do to have fun at school?! And websites, what websites do you guys usually visit?! 

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i medici

At school im mostly focusing on school and other than that talking to friends. School is not about having fun tbh. I enjoy it because of the people around me, but if you cant find that than just focus on school. That way you have more time to do fun things when classes are over. :shrug:

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Danny Milk
8 minutes ago, flynn99 said:

OMG that hasn't happened to me yet but pictures and videos never load when im at school lol


I guess it doesn't really matter
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I always did did breathing excercises that strenghtened my core and narrowed my waist, and I arched my back :lolly:

its cute with all the testosterone overloaded teens running around :lolly: 


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