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ABC Spain - Lady Gaga stomps in Barcelona


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Lady Gaga has step this Sunday the stage of the Palau Sant Jordi in Barcelona, the first of the European leg of the Joane World Tour, where she has shown energy, empathy and charisma in front of 15,000 people. The diva has come disposed to conjure the pain with great doses of spectacle, after being forced to cancel European concerts for an outbreak of fibromyalgia. And she has achieved it from the first minute, when she has appeared on stage as a steamroller, overflowing with energy and climbing to a platform from which he played the first theme of the night: «Diamond Heart», from her new album «Joanne».

In the second song, also from her new album, have appeared the hard-working dancers who accompany her and who have left their skin tonight, while she, who has also given herself body and soul, has taken off her golden hat and leather jacket to catch the guitar and do it all at once: sing, dance and play. The Palau Sant Jordi has trembled with the third theme of the night, "Poker Face", because, if the public has started the concert jumping with joy to see their queen in such good shape, celebrate with one of her most famous songs has fired the endorphins of the staff. Euphoric, the audience has entered fully into a show without truce, in which the American has alternated the themes of her new album with some of her most desired 'hits', such as «Alejandro» or «Telephone».

All this adorned with continuous changes of costumes and scenic movements, which have reached their peak when two catwalks that have connected the main stage with one of the three annexes have descended from the roof. Before it had appeared a giant screen, three oval, several platforms with the possibility of leaning, real fire on the main stage and lights in all directions and all colors. On seven occasions, Lady Gaga has left the stage to change clothes, but the rhythm of the concert has not waned at any time, because the interludes have been covered with videos and visual effects prepared to keep hypnotized the followers, who have left the Palau Sant Jordi knocked out of so many visual, sound and emotional impacts.

Because the emotion and empathy have also been very present, especially when Lady Gaga mentioned the terrorist attacks of last August in Barcelona and said: «I love you and dedicate this song to Barcelona, to its tragedy and to all who suffer» She has not made direct references to her illness, but many indirect ones and he has let himself be loved when he has told the origin of the new album. «Joanne» is dedicated to her father's sister, Joanne Germanotta, who died at the age of 19 years of lupus and that the singer did not know because she died before she was born, but that marked her family and herself, that the wound was open for many years.

Lady Gaga recalled this chapter of her family life during the second part of the concert, which she has taken advantage of to defend equality and repeat many times that she loves us all, regardless of the color we are and the sexual orientation that we choose. Before it has been thoroughly unleashed in songs such as "Paparazzi" and then again with "Bad Romance", with which it has become clear that, although lately she is giving more ground to the person than the character and the human face of Stefani Joanne Angelina Germanotta is gaining ground to the crazy sophistication of Lady Gaga, impossible dresses are still part of both.

After the festival of light and color that has been «Bad Romance», Lady Gaga has sat down at the piano and has said goodbye to her audience with «Million Reasons»; una de cal y una de arena (one of lime and one of sand): one of party and another of intimacy, two concepts that may seem difficult to unite for many, but not for Lady Gaga who is, above all, a scenic animal.


Translated from the original article: http://www.abc.es/cultura/musica/abci-lady-gaga-pisa-fuerza-barcelona-201801150119_noticia.html

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Spain media is stanning also:golfclap:

We love a scenic animal:giveup:

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21 minutes ago, Rafr88 said:

Lady Gaga who is, above all, a scenic animal.


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1 minute ago, Liza said:

Translation error and/or the author was having 2010 rumour flashbacks 

I was thinking about those rumors after reading this topic as well. But yeah, I guess it's translation errors. :selena:

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little legend

i keep reading *his*

from his latest album Joanne

his big hit Poker Face and etc.

and i thought wtf ,are they shading her?

but then i read the last sentence and :icega:

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2 hours ago, Fascination said:


1 hour ago, little legend said:

i keep reading *his*

from his latest album Joanne

2 hours ago, Liza said:

Translation error and/or the author was having 2010 rumour flashbacks 

2 hours ago, Fascination said:

I was thinking about those rumors after reading this topic as well. But yeah, I guess it's translation errors. :selena:

Mess at me trusting Google:saladga: 

It's being fixed:sis:

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