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James L

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I thought this movie was too long. I think this movie is overrated.






Everybody is praising it like it's the second coming but I was soo bored after 2 hours. And it kept on dreading till the end.

And it doesn't deserve all those oscar nominations. 

Sorry for this unpopular opinion. 

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7/10   maybe my expectations were higher before i saw the movie






7.5/10    Tom Hardy doesn't once in the movie from what I remember. A good performance from him.       

Mars..........or bust!
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Hard Candy (2005)

Suspecting that the older man she's been chatting with online is a pedophile, 14-year-old Haley plans to meet him in person and teach him a lesson.


Rating: 7/10


Just finished watching this and I'm in complete awe; which may just be the mixture of feeling disturbed and finally seeing how it finished. What attracted me to this was the flawless Ellen Page, it's something I've always noticed in her filmography but was always intimidated to watch - thought it was going to be pretty scary but it's really just a thriller. I just got Netflix today and it was there so I thought I'd give it a shot. Really good movie all around, there's some really good physiological twists that occur which keeps it interesting. The cinematography was pretty simple but for the most part I liked the shots. The film seems the include big chunks of real time and is filmed in the same spot mostly which makes it feel dragged out at certain parts. I was eagerly dragging my cursor along the video line to see a thumbnail of what was coming up once or twice because the pace just was too slow for me. Then again that's kind of what a thriller entails and it was definitely suspenseful. I may have thought it was a waste of time had Ellen Page's character not tied up the loose ends of understanding her motive and the general climax not been reached. The pace was the only lul in this which brought down it's rating but overall it was pretty good.

#BlackLivesMatter #TransLivesMatter - You let down members of the community and forced us out.
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Life After Beth = 8.5/10


Never seen Aubrey Plaza in a role like this; I thought she pulled it off. The film wasn't perfect, but the acting, genre mixing, and directing and script were great. I just wish they explained what was happening to the dead.

"My people… need to let our bitchiness out. Otherwise, it turns to bile and poisons us"
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I'm partial to decent war movies. I'm glad this wasn't another movie based on a true story. I'm getting a little tired of those.



Mars..........or bust!
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'All The Boys Love Mandy Lane' I thought it was a pretty decent indie horror flick. Nothing amazing, but it was creepy and weird and I totally did not see the twist at the end coming! 6.5/10

Plus, Amber Heard is so pretty.

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My kind of movie 8.5/10



A classic 9/10

Edited by Poker
Kindness rules all.
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An OK thriller but somewhat comical that the bad guy, Idris Elba keeps getting his ass beat by the woman, Taraji Henson.. :haha: 

Mars..........or bust!
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