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Kesha - Rainbow leaked


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Lucy Balnex
3 minutes ago, Conor Dawn Thomas said:

PM me please y'all <3

if you pm me first, i can reply with the link i cant pm you first as ive reached the limit of 2 per day

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Whew. Okay, at first I was thinking I was disappointed but wow all of these tracks have replay value for me :applause:

LOVE the aesthetic and the theme and the lyrics are very much Kesha (more her mom tbh :sis: )

I just wish some of the 3 min songs were 4 minutes and the 2 min were all 3:30 :giveup: 

Faves after 2 listens:


Finding You

Let Em Talk

Praying ofc




私自身もこの世の中も誰もかれもが, どんなに華やかな人生でも, どんなに悲惨な人生でも, いつかは変貌し, 破壊され、消滅してしまう. すべてがもともとこの世に存在しない一瞬の幻想なのだから
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Lucy Balnex
46 minutes ago, ChristianDior said:

Could somebody PM me please? :)

i will if you pm me first as ive reached the 2 per day limit

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The only track I don't like is Hymn, but overall it's a great album. Off to the second listen and actually pick up the songs I'm gonna have on repeat. :whitney:

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6 hours ago, Haroon said:

Guys please don't post download links :udidnt: 

OMG...I thought the album was out overseas :toofunny:


Can I just this one not have a warning? Totally innocent mistake @Haroon

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Bastards is such a cute song. I love the lyrics. Didn't expect a ballad as an opener. I really like it. :golfclap:

Let 'Em Talk really sounds like a Avril Lavigne song, even her voice sounds like her. Snatched me too tho. :excited2:

The album has a nice flow and it's really building up to something. Woman sounds really nice after Let 'Em Talk. Still in love with this song. It will probably be one of my favorites on the album. 

Talking about my favorite songs, next up is Hymn. It sounds like a old school Kesha track. I really like the mid tempo and I really dig the message. A cute bop. :music:

Praying is still slaying, no more words needed. 

Learn To Let Go is a nice followup from Praying. From a more heavy song to a lighter uptempo song. The message also fits after Praying. They are really telling a story through the songs. Once again a cute bop. 

Finding You, acutebop.mp3. 

Rainbow, the orchestra, I can't. Always get me. I love how their are so many ballads on the album. :flutter:

Hunt You Down reminds me to Lilly Allen - Not Fair and I love that song. I actually really like this song too. Joanne needed a uptempo country pop song like this to be honest. I could hear this on the radio. :woohoo:

Boogie Feet made me wanna play the guitar even if I can't play it. :rockstar:

Boots, oke, this is the real bop on the album. YAAAASSS. :tony:

Old Flames really fits the album. Her voice sounds so nice together with Dolly her voice.

Godzilla is so cute, I can't. :giveup:

Last track, Spaceship. Great closer of the album. Once again a cute song, I'm totally digging the country vibe on this album.  

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People who thought Joanne was country need to listen to this album tbh.

It's a cute album, but not the best album of the year, I'm not gonna lie. Still it's great for what it is and I'm so happy to have some new Kesha tracks. This album reminds me so much to Joanne. Deeper meaning, stripped down, raw, more real emotions.

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I love it....i am so happy my second fave cam back with album that some people(that releqsed album this year :hor:👁:giggle:)would wish they could make.....slaaay me KESHAAA

I've got an "F" and a "C" and I got a "K" too And the only thing that is missing is a bitch like "U"
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It's a nice album :applause:

Besides the already released songs, I like Let 'em Talk, Finding You, Rainbow and Spaceship.

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Can someone please send me the link?! I'm on a road trip and have already preordered it but want to jam!!!

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