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Some monsters are mad at little girl who danced with Gaga in Brisbane


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What if these are madonna stans who created fake monsters twitter accounts to make Gaga and her fan base look bad

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Incredibly immature and stupid. Why? She's just 11, omg :ohno: Imagining me at that age, getting all that hate, I would just.. :rip:

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The headline says "attacked online", but the text admits it's YouTube comments. Really all you need to know, I think. YouTube comments = cesspit of the Internet.



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The headline says "attacked online", but the text admits it's YouTube comments. Really all you need to know I think. YouTube comments = cesspit of the Internet.


SO TRUE :lmao:

Needs more spelling and grammar errors though

Some monsters... desperately need to get a life. A real one.

Actually, at first I was convinced it was monsters who did this. But when I heard about the fact that it happened solely on Youtube... I don't think we can know for sure if they are or aren't trolls, or whether they're monsters or not. It actually doesn't matter, it's just a sick thing to do. Pretty much everyone commenting on Youtube needs to get a life tbh, they act like this about everything. As Nemo correctly said: Youtube = cesspool of the Internet.

Remains absolutely vile and repulsive behavior anyhow, of course. 11 years old... :cry:

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I can't at people like that... how can they really be that bitter towards a kid? :smh: Pressed haters.

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It was in the YouTube comments. "Attacked online" is just media sensationalism trying to get some eyeballs by exploiting Gaga's popularity.

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Squidward T

Now come to think about it, Madonna stans would do that, I wouldn't be suprised tbh

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Youtube commenters tho :lolgaga:

It's like taking Twitter monsters and having them fail grade school three times over.

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I like how everybodys on her side now tho. :roll:

Did anyone ever express on here that they held a grudge against her for being pulled up on the stage by Gaga? :eek:

I don't mean people saying like "Oh, I'm so jealous!" or "That should've been me tbh :nails: " type comments, I mean actual obviously vicious ones. I think we all wished we could've been on that stage like she did, but that does not equate being on the side of those who attack her.

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Is it just me or is this fanbase getting worse? I don't remember Maria Aragon getting attacked.

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Squidward T

Whatever, there are crazy fans in every fanbase, I just ignore them

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