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"Most said delay"? :wtf: I call bs

私自身もこの世の中も誰もかれもが, どんなに華やかな人生でも, どんなに悲惨な人生でも, いつかは変貌し, 破壊され、消滅してしまう. すべてがもともとこの世に存在しない一瞬の幻想なのだから
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4 minutes ago, Antonio said:



#2 has more 11s that #1

****, i gave Brooklyn Baby an 11 :madge:

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Highest Score | 11

@Bio @Queen1551 @Lona Delery @LostSpark @Versus @SirLudicopro @juju @HIMER0S @sethrb101 @monsterdino @musicland @PerfectGUY @Evan Peters @BibleThisWay @ItsTommyBitch @alextruper17

Lowest Score | 6

@Saint Hollywood


Antonio's Remark | 9

It's a nice track, but imo fades into the background. I don't have a clue how this made the top 2, not to talk about how this was winning until I got @Vodka's and @sipthistea's submissions at the last minute, I'm just glad it didn't end up winning!

My Ideal Placement | #9



above 5


@juju | 11 | "Finally! A song that excels at the supposed vibe of this album; it's got the lo-fi Americana garage aesthetic down to a science, and her voice soars along the reverb with precision, unlike the previous songs where she struggled to find her footing. Not only that, but it features one of my favorite Lana lyrics: "They judge me like a picture book, by the colors like they forgot to read."

@Versus | 11 | "my fav lana song ever , made me cry the first time i listened to it and still to this day has me looking for a boy that can play guitar."

@ItsTommyBitch | 11 | "This is one of Lana's cleverest songs melodically, lyrically, stylistically, aesthetically (even though there's no video #JusticeForBrooklynBaby  and definitely my most played of her whole discography  The soft rock vibe, the amazingly sardonic but light sarcasm, her use of echoes and reverb while still sounding raw, the production is immaculate. For such a "bop" by Lana's standards, the verses are some of her most beautiful melodically. This entire album stretched Lana's ability to use her voice as an emotive tool; she sings more freely and expressively and uses conversational tones at times as well, and she uses a wide range. The way she almost has a drawl at times while talking about doing hydroponic weed (that real hipster ****) and being a true Brooklyn Baby too is a great effect. This is also her best use of the pseudo-scatting cooing in her discography imo. I could talk about this forever, but its a perfect song."

@sethrb101 | 11 | "LOVE LOVE LOVE. The chorus is perfection, and the rest of the song is pretty great, too, I'd say."

@SirLudicopro | 11 | "My personal favorite from this mind-blowing album and one of my favorite songs of all time. First of all, along with Florida Kilos, this is probably the happiest sounding song on the record, which is a nice change of pace. Also, Lana sounds like an angel descended straight from heaven throughout the whole track. I do not know what it is about this song that makes me like it so much. The verses are somewhat tame and calm while featuring lyrics that are satirical and yet so dreamy. The pre-choruses, while very short, are chill-inducing and truly magical sounding. And then the chorus kicks in. One of the best choruses I've ever heard. It really is a special moment. It's so sweet and comforting when I'm in a good mood, and yet it makes me bawl if I'm already in a sad mood. Then, the way the bridge ends and transitions into the final chorus is just so perfect it's crazy. Finally, in the last bit of the last chorus, a man's voice joins Lana and it really creates an out of this world experience for me, it's just indescribable. Sorry for fangirling so much, I just think this track is flawless and really special."

@Queen1551 | 11 | "A SONG!"

@Evan Peters | 11 | "i take back what i said about shades of cool and apply it to this song instead. this song makes me feel nostalgic about the days i never spent being in love, riding around in nyc, and smoking hydroponic weed."

@musicland | 11 | "BB has easily become one of my favorite Lana songs. It is cheeky, sexy, and hypnotic; all things that make up Lana."

@Lona Delery | 11 | "God, I love this song. Since I have first heard this one on New Year's Eve 2014. The dreamy vocals and breathtaking vocals, especially in the pre-chorus are Lana at her best. This song makes me feel like I'm flying."

@halcyonpop | 10 | "The definition of a summer anthem. The happiness of this song is such a beautiful contrast to the rest of the album."

@IndieKylie | 10 | "In my opinion, this is one of her signature songs. The beautiful acoustic guitars, light vocals all help make this song a bright spot in an overall dark (thematically) album."

@Moebius | 10 | "Always stood out from the rest of the album, and in the best way possible. broke my hip first time i listened to it."

@SinnersVenus | 10 | "It sounds sooooooo good, and her voice on this is flawless. There’s not much more to say about this song, it’s just amazing, and that’s about it. 11-worthy, honestly."

@Harry | 9 | "There's an intimacy about this song that I love and it feels quintessential of Lana's entire aesthetic."

@BLACKOUTbritney | 9 | "Cutest song. Lyrics can be kinda cringe but the production and vocals are beautiful."

@Vodka | 9 | "Gives me indie summer girl vibes. She's cooler than her boyfriend who's in the band."

@littlepotter | 8.5 | "I'm just realizing how much memories I have with this album... I remember hearing it first as I was studying for my official exams. I remember liking it way more than Shades of Cool. Now they're reversed, but both are amazing songs. The bridge on this one is beautiful."

@slayo | 8.5 | "Really gives me the feels for my imaginary NYC biker boyfriend. I love it."

@britneygaga99 | | "The chorus is gold, the verses are kinda boring. Cool bridge."

@Maleficent | | "good, but too similar to SoC, in my opinion."

@Trepadation | | "amazing bridge."

@Gia Gunn | | "Back in 2014 I thought this was THE best song on this record, but looking back on it... I just don't see it? I don't even like it that much now to be honest."

@AJK273 | 7 | "The song is catchy and has a really great f*** off attitude that I like, its really the definition of a cool kids song. However, the instrumentation is boring and the beat doesn't help Lana emulate what she is saying lyrically. There could have been a bigger instrumental to help the song but it is a catchy song that doesn't really do anything really unforgivable. A good bop."

5 and below







Highest Score | 11

@BLACKOUTbritney @MarinaDelMar @blackstar @FFXSoul91 @Steve Nasty @Thomas @qoqo@London GUY @Harry @Vodka @sipthistea

Lowest Score | 4



Antonio's Remark 10

There's light at the end of the tunnel! West Coast won! SO this track was indeed winning in the beginning until Brooklyn Baby took over, and the last 3 submissions helped West Coast take the lead again, I'm so happy it won honestly, such a brilliant track.

My Ideal Placement | #2



above 5


@Harry11 | "One of my fav songs ever, period. Of any artist. The production and arrangement are world class. The tempo changes are genius, the vocals are mesmerising. Everything about this is spectacular."

@BLACKOUTbritney | 11 | "ICONIC surf rock song. Easily the best song of 2014 and Lana's best song. The production, her soft sexual vocals! The sirens! IM IN LOVE."

@Vodka | 11 | "The production, the chorus that key change. Those wispy vocals, and that one part by the end of the song with that sound of synthesizer waves."

@Thomas | 11 | "When we first heard this track, through LQ live videos from Coachella, no ones wig stayed on. Wether it was because of how f*cking good the song is or how dramatic the change from her previous album was - no one could shut up about it. When I first heard the studio version I truly felt a rush, like a natural high, beaming through my body during the chorus. This song still enchants me with how perfect the chorus' vocals harmonize with the west coast guitars. And the hip hop lead synth (which is obnoxiously loud and perfectly so) is such a great detail for a track called West Coast. What an amazing allusion to the real west coast."

@juju | 10 | "This song encapsulates Lana's desired aesthetic extremely well. I love the whisper in her voice during the verses, and then the way it transcends during the chorus. It's heaven, definitely a highlight of the entire album."

@SinnersVenus | 10 | "I love West Coast the West Most, to the point where I West Boast about it to West Ghosts. No, but honestly, this is my fav, even though I gave it a 10. I really have 2 faves which trade between the #1 position, but at this point in time, West Coast isn’t in that place, but if I could, I would give 2 #11s to the two of these."

@halcyonpop | 10 | "Lana DELIVERS once again on this lead single. If you haven't heard the radio edit, I HIGHLY recommend it."

@SirLudicopro | 10 | "West Coast has an insane production. It has so many intricate layers that all mix together to make this pop-rock-alternative masterpiece of a song. I just like how the pre-chorus seems to build up into this epic chorus, and yet we get a totally unexpected turn of events and the chorus is this sweet and slow head-swaying piece that is completely different from the rest of the song. The instrumental reflect the atmosphere given by the lyrics and the song title, as it gives off a very beach-like vibe. This was also the best possible choice for the lead single as it is one of the most bop-like songs on the album and is nowhere near as depressing and intimidating as most of the other songs in here. Finally, it has crazy replay value because you can almost hear something new in the instrumental every time you listen to it."

@narcoswing | 10 | "It's a perfect summer bop, and still her best lead single and a highlight of this album. Love the synth in the background in the last chorus."

@ItsTommyBitch | 10 | "If I could give another song an 11, this would be it. Her best lead single, and one of her most meticulously crafted works of art. The tempo change, the quotes, the lyrics, the atmosphere, the guitar, the instrumental at the last chorus  It's pure sex, but also feels like spinning around and never stopping but never getting dizzy. The audio video was perfect tbh."

@IndieKylie | 10 | "What an epic lead single. The instrumental set-up and production are perfect here."

@Trepadation | 10 | "amazing transitions."

@musicland | 10 | "I will be in my car alone, and this song comes on shuffle and I literally start screaming. The way it opens with the drums, her high notes, everything about this song gives me heat flashes."

@Maleficent | 10 | "that shift at the chorus is pure heaven."

@littlepotter | 9.5 | "My first Lana single release as a stan! Me and my friends had it as our statuses for months. I remember watching the youtube video of her swirling on the beach in a continuous loop and reading comments about how people didn't realize it was looped. Good times. Honestly this song has one of the most interesting beat progressions and DO NOT GET ME STARTED ON THE RADIO EDIT. IT'S A BLESSING TO ALL EARS and thus deserve the extra .5"

@Gia Gunn | 9.25 | "Waaaay better than I remembered, my flop ass was definetely not here for this in 2014."

@Lona Delery | 9 | "Love this song as well, but it took me some time to get into it. I have always loved the radio mix, though. Whenever I listen to it, I have the urge to smoke."

@sethrb101 | 8.2 | "This is another solid 8 for me, but I have to give it even more credit because of the tempo change. Soooo good."

@Evan Peters | | "it took a while for me to get into this song, but now i adore it."

@AJK273 | | "This song is really well put together, with a great drop and structure that Lana's vocals do well to emulate. The song does suffer however from some of the elements getting washer over by the mixing, the sound is in some points to dreary. But it is a great song that always finds me twirling and dancing and swaying. It is hot."

@Moebius | 8 | "I love it because it's more upbeat, and it works too."

@slayo | 8 | " I feel like this shouldn’t have been the lead single, but it’s still a cute bop. Not as good as some of the other tracks before this one though."

@FlyPirate | | "Could be better, a bit random compared to other songs."

5 and below


@britneygaga99 | 5 | "I just can't get to like it."


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THANK YOU ALL for participating and making this rate so much fun :kara: hope to see you in my next one! :kara:


cheers to West Coast!

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The earth shattered, the sky opened, The rain was fire but we were wooden
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Saint Hollywood

Brooklyn Baby stans can seethe



I'm still pressed at y'all disrespecting Shades Of Cool like that



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Lona Delery

k im having a meltdown

Sometimes it feels like I've got a war in my mind, I wanna get off but I keep riding the ride
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