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Is Joanne's track list more than meets the eye?


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Track 1: Diamond Heart 

In this song she talks about her dreams of making it, and in the bridge she says "and soon I'm breaking out of here..." 

Track 2: A-YO

This track correlates with her first record, The Fame.

"Here we go", the beginning of Lady Gaga.  The big production song of the album, she speaks about "casting" her spell, and how "now it's a party". 

Track 3: Joanne

A much more personal and sad (lyrically) track, this song represents The Fame Monster. 

Track 4: John Wayne 

Judas, anyone? She knows it's bad to love him, but she's mad in love with the bad guy. 

This song obviously correlates with Born This Way, which is, like John Wayne, dark, loud, and explosive. 

Track 5: Dancin' in Circles 

Just like much of ARTPOP, Dancin' in Circles revolves around a fun, sexy concept, and provides an "in style" sound (at least when produced). 

Track 6: Perfect Illusion 

This is her break down track. I feel like it could represent her changing directions with her music around 2015/16. It could also reference her music career as a strictly dance music artist. "I'm over the show". 

Tracks 7-14 

THIS is Joanne. A much more relaxed, natural sounding portion of the album, which I feel represents what she wants the record to be. 

One, five, ten lay a million on me
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"My people… need to let our bitchiness out. Otherwise, it turns to bile and poisons us"
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I've always secretly thought that perfect illusion was about the "monsters" who only love her for the hits and wigs. She spent years "raising" us in a way and it must have been a huge devestating blow to realize that some of the people you so lovingly "raised" only loved you for something superficial. That isn't love. True love shouldn't be conditional. It's ok though because she has monsters who will stand by her no matter what. 

I still think that "come to mama" is gaga's way of saying she'll always be "mama monster". Yeah she "raised" us to be fearless and independent but sometimes maternal instinct takes over and she just wants to shelter us from the big bad world. I think that song is her way of saying "I'll always be there for you no matter what because no matter how old you get, you'll always be little monsters to me". Sometimes i think that deep down she wishes that she could go back to the glitter and disco stick days just for a moment to cherish that time she had with us. It's like she blinked and we were all "grown up". 

I love you monsters. I'd be unfixably broken without you
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I love your interpretation and I honestly think that the Joanne part of the record is the best then.:giveup:

We have two selves. One the world needs us to be, compliant, and the shadow. Ignore it and life is forever suffering.
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Gia Gunn
1 minute ago, Letmelivemylife said:

Sometimes i think that deep down she wishes that she could go back to the glitter and disco stick days just for a moment to cherish that time she had with us. It's like she blinked and we were all "grown up". 

When you enter GGD for some memes and end up getting the feels™



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Very interesting interpretation. While I don't think that is what was completely intended (although I would love it to be), it is interesting to note the sonic difference between the first half of the album, and the second half.

3 points in and ready for more
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23 minutes ago, Gia Gunn said:

When you enter GGD for some memes and end up getting the feels™



Awww hugs. The bond that we share with gaga is truly incredible. Other celebs have a very distinct separation between them and their fans but gaga blurs the lines because she's quite maternal with us. We aren't "just" fans to her. We're so much more. We'll always be the little monsters with the glitter and disco sticks to her no matter how old we get. It's a "mom" thing. My daughter will be 7 and she's still the toddler in the ninja turtles footie pajamas to me. 

I love you monsters. I'd be unfixably broken without you
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I've thought this too! Maybe she didn't write the songs in order for them to tell a story, but I know that when an album is complete, they put a lot of thought into the order of the songs on the tracklist. I'm guessing she wrote a lot of personal songs and in the end just decided that they fit together nicely that way. Diamond Heart at least is directly talking about her struggle to 'make it' and her drive to break out of go-go dancing and become famous. 

Her album was written very autobiographically anyway, and was all the things she had to say and all the songs she needed to write.


32 minutes ago, Letmelivemylife said:

I've always secretly thought that perfect illusion was about the "monsters" who only love her for the hits and wigs. She spent years "raising" us in a way and it must have been a huge devestating blow to realize that some of the people you so lovingly "raised" only loved you for something superficial. That isn't love. True love shouldn't be conditional. It's ok though because she has monsters who will stand by her no matter what. 

I still think that "come to mama" is gaga's way of saying she'll always be "mama monster". Yeah she "raised" us to be fearless and independent but sometimes maternal instinct takes over and she just wants to shelter us from the big bad world. I think that song is her way of saying "I'll always be there for you no matter what because no matter how old you get, you'll always be little monsters to me". Sometimes i think that deep down she wishes that she could go back to the glitter and disco stick days just for a moment to cherish that time she had with us. It's like she blinked and we were all "grown up". 

This too.  Right from the get-go I thought the double meaning behind PI was about monsters. Relating to that quote from years ago where she said "Some of you will stand by me forever, but others may betray me".

And I definitely thought Come To Mama had some relation to how we used to call her 'Mother Monster', and the way she was always there for us. But now she's seeing the world in chaos, and wants to be the sympathetic mother to everyone, and not just us. Because she's already taught us how to love ourselves. Like you said, her fans that she spent so long nurturing are all grown up, and it's time for her to help the rest of the world now too.

I'll be myself until they fūcking close the coffin.
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18 minutes ago, Helxig said:

I've thought this too! Maybe she didn't write the songs in order for them to tell a story, but I know that when an album is complete, they put a lot of thought into the order of the songs on the tracklist. I'm guessing she wrote a lot of personal songs and in the end just decided that they fit together nicely that way. Diamond Heart at least is directly talking about her struggle to 'make it' and her drive to break out of go-go dancing and become famous. 

Her album was written very autobiographically anyway, and was all the things she had to say and all the songs she needed to write.


This too.  Right from the get-go I thought the double meaning behind PI was about monsters. Relating to that quote from years ago where she said "Some of you will stand by me forever, but others may betray me".

And I definitely thought Come To Mama had some relation to how we used to call her 'Mother Monster', and the way she was always there for us. But now she's seeing the world in chaos, and wants to be the sympathetic mother to everyone, and not just us. Because she's already taught us how to love ourselves. Like you said, her fans that she spent so long nurturing are all grown up, and it's time for her to help the rest of the world now too.

Exactly. I'll stand by her until the day I die because she's always stood by me. She loved me for who I was flaws and all. She became the mama I never had. That's why I got so worked up when it became a trend for celebs to name their fans. To me that's just a huge "**** you" to the whole point of little monsters. Little monsters isn't just a name. It's "home" for a lot of us. It was the first place where we could take off the "masks" so to speak and just be ourselves. People just see my gaga/monster tattoos and they just label me an obsessed fan. What they don't know is that gaga/monsters were there when no one else was. 

I love you monsters. I'd be unfixably broken without you
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9 minutes ago, huttont said:

Must be why I really only like the first half of the album:trollga:

Get to praying, you sinner :wtf:

OT: I live for things like this so thank you :giveup:

🧡Should go home but the party wants me🧡
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yes and
1 hour ago, HOTNGaga said:

Track 4: John Wayne 

Judas, anyone? She knows it's bad to love him, but she's mad in love with the bad guy. 

This song obviously correlates with Born This Way, which is, like John Wayne, dark, loud, and explosive. 


Okay, but she said that john wayne is the fame monster song on Joanne... 

Did you think I'd show up in a limousine? No
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2 hours ago, HOTNGaga said:

Tracks 7-14 

point where op realizes the reach is impossible :giggle: 



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