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Gaga's bisexuality????

Kim Woodburn

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26 minutes ago, gag said:

1. Rub it in our face... where? She barely talks about the sexuality and only does it when the interviewer asks.

2. Maybe because bisexuality is constantly erased and overlooked. From media portrayal to how people (in and out of the LGBT+ community) still disregard bisexuality as a 'phase' or a fake sexuality.

Lady Gaga provides representation for the bi community and if that obnoxious then... okay. :emma:

?????? you just misunderstood every single one of my sentences like... seriously?? 

I didn't say she rubs it in our faces; she doesn't. But she doesn't HAVE TO DO IT in order for her bisexuality to be valid... which is what I see a lot in this thread. Does she constantly have to talk about it in order for it to be real? I don't think so.. 

And anyone that talks about something too much becomes obnoxious at some point (WHICH GAGA DOESNT) 

do you understand now? :interestinga:

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50 minutes ago, Kim Woodburn said:

I know she said one verse in Sexxx Dreams was about men, the other about women, not sure which verse was which but hey ho!

Well clearly "heard your boyfriend was away this weekend" is referring to girl.

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Princess Stache

I think shes only sexually interested in women and sexually AND romantically interested in men.

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Don't think she is bisexual. Think she had an experimental phase. She was in a scene at the time where I'm sure that was common. 

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2 hours ago, M Monstre said:

Wait. Why do some of you guys think she's not bi? She doesn't have to prove that she's bisexual, and I don't see any particular reason why she could just lie about it. 

Poker Face is about her bisexuality, I don't understand why some of you would think that she isn't. 

Lol I still have straight friends who still don't understand why we play pokerface at Pride every year. "SHES got me like nobody". Lol not that hard people. 

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As a lesbian, I do think that gaga has a genuine attraction to women as well as men. Honestly I've always suspected that she and Tara had something between them and when it didn't work out, they quietly parted ways and decided that they were better off as best friends. They were a little too affectionate with eachother to be "just best friends". I mean yeah I cuddle with my female friends and we have tickle fights but gaga and Tara were a lil too close

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Honestly, some of y'all :madge:


She doesn't have to prove to anyone that she is bisexual. She doesn't have to be in a relationship with another women to confirm her bisexuality. She thinks girls and guys are hot, so she's bisexual, thats all there is to it. :bye:


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Why would she talk about this all the time or even as often as you'd like? It's personal, it's her thing whether she's bisexual or not. Currently, it's pretty visible she's into guys, she wants to have a family and children. There's nothing wrong with that.

„I allow myself to fail. I allow myself to break. I'm not afraid of my flaws.“
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Kim Woodburn
30 minutes ago, Letmelivemylife said:

Lol I still have straight friends who still don't understand why we play pokerface at Pride every year. "SHES got me like nobody". Lol not that hard people. 

I really do not want to have to be the one to give you lessons in verse, bridge and chorus.

Why couldn't that line be about a guy? Men can like both sexes too.

I still feel this is a shock horror to some people lol

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She doesn't need to scream it to everyone, she said it a couple times, that should be enough information

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1 hour ago, QueenJoanne23 said:

Don't think she is bisexual. Think she had an experimental phase. She was in a scene at the time where I'm sure that was common. 

If she says she is, she is. 

You can't tell her it's a phase

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Evan Peters

Wow, another thread that reveals who's a biphobe/doesn't think bisexuality is a thing. What a shock. I am truly surprised. 

emma roberts is an abuser
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2 hours ago, Ryusei said:

?????? you just misunderstood every single one of my sentences like... seriously?? 

I didn't say she rubs it in our faces; she doesn't. But she doesn't HAVE TO DO IT in order for her bisexuality to be valid... which is what I see a lot in this thread. Does she constantly have to talk about it in order for it to be real? I don't think so.. 

And anyone that talks about something too much becomes obnoxious at some point (WHICH GAGA DOESNT) 

do you understand now? :interestinga:

I understand now but your post could have been easily misconstrued, I absolutely agree with this comment though.

"idk why she has to constantly rub it in our face when we all know" implies that you think she constantly rubs bisexuality in our faces.

"That's like a vegan constantly saying he's vegan --> obnoxious" means you equate her to stereotypical radical vegan movements.

I apologize for the misunderstanding but your comment was not clear at all (also I'm too passionate about the notion that the LGBT community should express their sexuality just as much as heteros can so sorry for slightly going off). 

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i didn't know not talking about one's sexual orientation means it dsissolves away over time. i guess with that logic i am now straight bc i have a male bf. (i am pansexual). i mean...why..just bc she hasn't talked about it or dates mostly one gender doesn't erase her sexual orientation. :huh: :grr:

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Bisexuality, or sexuality overall for that matter, isn't as concrete as many people make it out to seem.

If she says she's bisexual, then she is to herself. Whether or not she leans more towards men is her business and generally not others', for as long as she chooses to keep it private.

That said, Joanne totally gave me sapphic vibes. Like, I feel like a good chunk of that album can be interpreted as her singing in a very queer way.

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