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GGD'S Pokemon World: Kanto [CHALLENGE #4: TO THE TOP OF THE TREE!]


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5 minutes ago, Florian said:

He didn't like yours tho 



3 minutes ago, Dayfid said:


Expose me


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2 minutes ago, Florian said:

Venom Queen striked again


Venom Queen? I'll take you up on that, cash me inside my gym


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Population of Kanto has suddenly increased significantly, visitors waiting outside the building for the GYMs to be opened, yet the President has told me exclusively he wants to test brand-new leaders. 

This week's challenge will be divived in two important tasks.


The first task is to test your skills and battle both of your non-super-effective rivals.

Made by @Florian, here is a graphic that hopefully will help you understand the process:


Here is the full list of battles this week, resulting in 2 battles per trainer:

Florian (Water) vs. Helios (Fairy)
Helios (Fairy) vs. PartySick (Fire)
PartySick (Fire) vs. Logan (Psychic)
Logan (Psychic) vs. Dayfid (Grass)
Dayfid (Grass) vs. DiegoMonster (Electric)
DiegoMonster (Electric) vs. jujubae (Poison)
jujubae (Poison) vs. Florian (Water).

You must record every battle with the VS Recorder and send the link in a PM.




By starting the battles, it will also be the beginning of the 'Gym Battles' feature:

'Gym Battles' feature will allow you to battle every gym in Kanto, BUT, there's a general rule that has to be strictly followed: in order to battle other ones, you will have to create a 4-pokemon team of the same type and declare a battle against it's leader. By doing so, you'll earn leadership points and if you reach a certain limit, you can overtake the current commander. Every GYM will have its own Leadership Chart, which will show current trainers' points, Please NOTE that the championship chart is the general one (which is already in the OP with your general points) and the leadership chart is the GYM one, which will also contribute towards your general score. For more info check the 'Leadership Chart & Points Info' at the end of the post.

Let me give you an example:

Florian officially declared a battle against the Thunder Gym, which is the one I have the badge of. He must have already 4 creates 4 electric pokemon and registered them by PMing the host with them. When you register any to the game, your name will be added to the respective leadership chart, starting with 0 points.

I will have 72 hours to answer the call and by doing so we will battle. If he wins, he'll get 15 points in the Thunder Gym Leadership Chart and I'll lose 10. It will be the same for every other chart.

Explained that, now let's go back to the second part of this week's challenge.


Your second task is to create another 4-pokemon team based on the other favorite types you wrote in your sign-ups (Well, except Helios since the other options didn't make the list I posted before, sorry :toofunny:  )

Here are the teams you have to create:

Helios was given the electric type.
Logan was given the fairy type.
Florian was given the grass type.
Jujubae was given the psychic type.
PartyStick was given the poison type.
Dayfid was given the water type.
DiegoMonster was given the fire type.

When your teams are ready, use the same pm we have to post your entries, and the second part of the challenge will be done.


'Leadership Chart & Points Info'

Why is the 'Leadership Chart' useful?
You will win extra championship points depending on your performances in the gyms. Example: if you have 80 points in water, 20 in fire and 45 in grass, you would win 80+45+20/10 points = 14,5 points. This will happen after the main rewards ceremony. Also, for each gym badge you own, you'll get extra points at the end of the week.

*Original leaders start with 100 points.
*Leaders can lose their leadership below 75 points AND defeated by a trainer (Will remain leaders until defeated, even if below 75 points)
*Once a trainer has defeated a leader or another trainer, he can start growing up leadership points to become the new leader
*Changing a pokemon from your current team costs you 8 points if leader, 4 if trainer.
*if a trainer gets 100 points in any gym, and the leader has less than 75 points, trainer becomes leader automatically, even if the leader hasnt been defeated by him.
*Trainer cannot fight the leader if there are other trainers in the leaderboard between him and the leader. 
Example: There are 3 trainers and the leader in the Viridian City Gym, first with 20, second 20 and third 40; the one with 20 CANNOT fight the leader but the one with 40 can. Trainers can fight each others to win leadership points.
*You can't register a team if one of your pokemon is the same as the leaders'. Same with changing Pokemon.
*You can declare a battle once your team is registered and approved by the host. The rival will have 72 hours to answer the call and if they doesnt, they automatically lose 10 leadership points, you win 10. If the battle is done normally, follow the same victory/lose rules.

I'll update the OP and secondary post with the individual charts later today or tomorrow morning, it's a lot of info to process I guess, I'll be online for a few hours so I can answer all of your questions.


Rewards for this week's challenge:

5 Championship Points for every battle won.
5 Points for creating the other team.


@Florian @Logan @PartySick @jujubae @Helios @Dayfid

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Just now, Logan said:


This is so complex. 

So to simplify things: Our first task is to do our two battles? 

to do your two battles and create the other pokemon team :D you were given the fairy type.

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1 hour ago, Florian said:

I'll cash you inside howbow dah 


Looks like you WILL have to cash me inside :lolly: ! Coming for you and @DiegoMonster :hor:  WIll either of you be available to battle later today? 10PM EST?

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36 minutes ago, jujubae said:

Looks like you WILL have to cash me inside :lolly: ! Coming for you and @DiegoMonster :hor:  WIll either of you be available to battle later today? 10PM EST?

I work tomorrow at 8am, its already 10pm so im not sure if i could log in by then :( 

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