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Gaga: I want this to be about my life and not just visuals @MillionReasons

Noah X

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I think the meaning of the video is that even when she feels **** inside she will switch it on and perform as we'd expect her to. She's also telling us that the people around her, her family and team, are her support network. I think the main point is that she still gives us what we want even when she'd rather not.  

There is this attitude that she should be happy now and have the confidence of her early 20s again, but she has been through some **** in her career and I don't think it's as easy as what it seems to resolve something like that. I feel like she went through a Britney/Amy situation, a period of time where everyone (media and public alike) honed in on their flaws and they became laughing stocks because of them. Look how Amy and Britney faired during that treatment and how Gaga did, things could of become a lot worse for her but thankfully she was able to deal with it. Not a single person here could possibly relate to what that feels like so we shouldn't assume it's something simple to resolve. 

GP can probably still remember that period and should they watch the video I think its clear she's showing that it's not easy being who she is and she's showing her more human side (which is literally all she wants at this point). 

Why does it need to be this big flashy thing to get that message across? The video serves it purpose perfectly. 



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1 hour ago, Economy said:

In todays day and age the music video is almost as important as the song itself.


The streams videos get and streams audio gets says it all...


Music videos are a huge thing now period. So when they are boring it sucks!

I know but like it's a song, it's a video, people are being so dramatic :toofunny: this is no big deal. These people need to realize there are starving children and disease in the world but they're typing a million paragraphs about how angry they are the video sucks :toofunny:

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23 minutes ago, SKANK said:

There is a distinction between minimalist "straight to the point" visuals and poor quality visuals. Million Reasons is the latter.

I would never in a million years say she is slacking-off, or actually lazy. She has an incredible work ethic, and I don't doubt for a second that she is working as hard on this album as she has worked on every other album she has released.

I don't think the sub-par visuals (album cover, PI video, MR video, ect.) are the result of physical laziness, just creative laziness, a lack of ambition, and perhaps a bad team around her.


From this perspective, and from the points that you've mentioned, I totally see where you're getting at it. And to actually, much of an extent, I agree with what you said, I guess it was just that I had a different way of seeing it.

Again, I'd like to thank you for providing some actual perspective on the video, instead of just saying it was too lazy, or that it was utter sh*t, or anything of that caliber. 

I guess we'll just have to wait until the next video to see where this is going. I thought the Perfect Illusion video was incredible, and while the MR video may have been a bit disappointing to some people, let's just hope that for the sake of Gaga, and for the sake of not having a huge meltdown again, the next video will be incredible! 

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Y'all are so mean to her lol it's one thing to not like the video but when y'all constantly drag the woman about her life, career, mental health etc etc it's taking it a little far

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Katsuki Bakugo
1 hour ago, pedrohemg said:

She can still make great videos about her life. Lana Del Rey does that. MR is poor.

High By the Beach was simple yet iconic as faux! 

If All You Ever Do Is Look Down On People, You Won't Be Able To Recognize Your Own Weaknesses.
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8 minutes ago, TwerkinLurkin said:

Y'all are so mean to her lol it's one thing to not like the video but when y'all constantly drag the woman about her life, career, mental health etc etc it's taking it a little far

And its not like she NEEDS to do this, she doesnt need to work for 1 more day of her life, shes doing it for herself, and if the fans cant see that, they will have to swallow it and leave

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Just now, Adakam said:

And its not like she NEEDS to do this, she doesnt need to work for 1 more day of her life, shes doing it for herself, and if the fans cant see that, they will have to swallow it and leave

Exactly she could literally move to the middle of no where and not do anything for the rest of her life if she wanted to

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There are good and smart ways to show that, this video was not one. So, whatever.

I'm feeling like a Britney fan in this part right now, having to listen to or read people justify half-ass*d work.

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4 minutes ago, TwerkinLurkin said:

Exactly she could literally move to the middle of no where and not do anything for the rest of her life if she wanted to

And people need to realize that when people grow and live through things, they change, shes definetly in a different place and mindset, maybe she is just not interested in visuals and stuff anymore? she grew up with rock music, by bands that didnt need gimmicks or even music videos to rule the world.

And tbqh, lets not forget that MR wasnt her single choice, maybe we would have gotten a whole different experience if fans didnt bitch about milking MR's early success

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I just have to say . . . 


I literally made an account because of how embarrassed I felt reading through the replies here. I've been a weekly lurker since the BEGINNING. The Fame Monster days. And I'm just like . . . how are there so many of you that don't see the story in the two videos she's made so far this album cycle. Because it's literally about how fu**ing  hard she's worked to try to bounce back FOR ALL OF US after serious emotional trauma. Being picked up in the desert and then BAM time to promote. I don't think that "re-used" footage from the iTunes commercial was laziness. I think she's telling a story about how she feels RIGHT NOW, not when she was writing the song. And what does she feel? Immense pressure from her fans to succeed and amaze with everything she touches and anything less than perfection (in their eyes) is just not good enough. I feel like I even see her thinking about this in the mirror as she gets ready to shoot the commercial. Then she gets a message from her sister and a rosary because her family is keeping her strong right now, NOT US. It's actually heartbreaking if my understanding of it is correct. I feel terrible that she might see these things some of you are posting.



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1 hour ago, Bette Davis said:

"A much deeper look into who I am and where I am going."  I don't see how this is somehow deeper because it's stripped-down and simple, but if she feels that she can express herself better that way, then good for her :nick: 

The only thing I don't like about that is how it feels like she is implying that her previous work was somehow more shallow and superficial when to her fans it felt like she was pouring her soul into it.

the truth


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2 hours ago, Kenon Sings said:


She sounds so exhausted and IRKED.

She has been reading the comments :udidnt: :udidnt: :udidnt:

little journalists better hide :udidnt:

LG6 acoustic album coming soon :udidnt:






When we think she isn't watching, she is. When we think she isn't listening, she is. It's a "mom" thing. I can sleep through the alarm that's a foot away from my bed and yet I can hear my daughter cough from 3 rooms away with the door shut lol. 

I love you monsters. I'd be unfixably broken without you
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2 hours ago, Delusional Aura said:

Am no :interestinga:. The problem most of us have is that it's poorly directed and edited. We don't mind a simplistic video but at least have it done by a PROFESSIONAL so that it's polished. Simple can be beautiful. But the MR is just simple. 

Well you know what.  Gaga did not want it to be professionally done?  Did you ever think about that.  Did you ever think maybe she ****ing likes it the way it ****ing is.  No because you are all selfish dicks who dont give a **** what she wants

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Here we go again.....

 'last time I said I was being truly authentic to myself but that was actually a lie and this time I REALLY mean it'


...ıllıllı c h e r r y c h e r r y b o o m b o o m ıllıllı...
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