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Open Letter to Monsters


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2 hours ago, Zelda said:

Totally agree. It's sad to see so many of her own fans talk about her like that. I feel like many don't even care about her wellbeing, they just care about sales and getting everything they want and expect from her like she's our servant or something. 

Exactly. She knows who her true monsters are and those are the ones that she loves with every fiber of her being. Sometimes she may be annoyed with  her true monsters. Hell sometimes she may even be angry at them but I'll tell you one thing that's for damn certain. She'll NEVER stop loving her true monsters

I love you monsters. I'd be unfixably broken without you
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32 minutes ago, Letmelivemylife said:

this ^^!!!! Gaga has been my rock the past 8 years. I was aching so much for love that yeah I guess I latched onto her in a way. She became my surrogate mama in a way because she was there unlike my bio mom was (long story). So many call that creepy but until they've walked a mile in my shoes, they have no right to judge. She saw how broken and damaged I was and she took me in, "glued" me back together, and loved me as if I was her own flesh and blood. We can't even begin to understand the strength of her love for her monsters. It's a deep maternal type of love that runs deep to her core. Yeah sometimes she might be annoyed at us.

Hell sometimes she may even be angry at us but I'll tell you one thing that's for damn certain. She NEVER stop loving us. I always tell people "her monsters make her whole. If you say unkind nasty things about her, you'll meet 'angry' gaga. If you say unkind nasty things about her monsters, you'll meet 'mama bear' gaga. Trust me you don't wanna meet 'mama bear' gaga. Whoever had said unkind nasty things about us better start running because 'mama bear' gaga is comin after you. Nothing is scarier than a mama protecting her babies or in this case monsters"

Same here, she has been my rock for 8 years too. I would not be myself without her, I might not even exist anymore. So no, I can relate to you a lot and it definetely isn't creepy. 
A lot of people like to think we are exaggarating or being corny when we are saying stuff like this, but they don't see how deep Gaga as a persona nd her connection to us actually is. I always said that while her music is what made me fall in love with her eight years ago, her personality is what made me stay.  Not that I don't adore her music, but the point is even if she would release an album where I absolutely loathed every song, it wouldn't make me love her any less. She would still be my fave, she always will be, because she's such an important part of my life not only as an artist but as a person.

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I also get mad when people say they want the "old Gaga" back. Saying that basically means you want an even sadder, more suffering Gaga back. All for your own good, so you can have some more shocking outfits and iconic moments. What does Gaga wearing a certain thing do for you in the end? I mean yes, I enjoyed her outrageous look as well, but it's in the past, it happened, we've seen it, why always ask for more? Eight years have passed. I'm pretty sure your sense of style didn't stay the same for eight years either. And like, if you're such a fan of crazy outfits you feel you can't live without them, just wear them yourself or something lol. Gaga isn't your dress up doll.

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9 minutes ago, Farron said:

Same here, she has been my rock for 8 years too. I would not be myself without her, I might not even exist anymore. So no, I can relate to you a lot and it definetely isn't creepy. 
A lot of people like to think we are exaggarating or being corny when we are saying stuff like this, but they don't see how deep Gaga as a persona nd her connection to us actually is. I always said that while her music is what made me fall in love with her eight years ago, her personality is what made me stay.  Not that I don't adore her music, but the point is even if she would release an album where I absolutely loathed every song, it wouldn't make me love her any less. She would still be my fave, she always will be, because she's such an important part of my life not only as an artist but as a person.

My best friend Mandy always gets teased because she sends gaga a "happy Mother's Day" card every year. They can tease Mandy  all they want but I know that gaga melts when she gets those cards. I had someone ask me "if gaga had to choose between her monsters or her career, what do u think she would choose?" Without missing a beat, I said "she'd choose her monsters. We aren't just fans to her. We're like her surrogate kids in a way. We're the piece that makes her whole. Yeah she might be broke as heck, clipping coupons, and making every penny count but she would have us." I mean to quote IWBWY for a second "I won't be right without you. I might break without you. I'd rather be poor and happy than rich and alone". 

I love you monsters. I'd be unfixably broken without you
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10 minutes ago, Farron said:

I also get mad when people say they want the "old Gaga" back. Saying that basically means you want an even sadder, more suffering Gaga back. All for your own good, so you can have some more shocking outfits and iconic moments. What does Gaga wearing a certain thing do for you in the end? I mean yes, I enjoyed her outrageous look as well, but it's in the past, it happened, we've seen it, why always ask for more? Eight years have passed. I'm pretty sure your sense of style didn't stay the same for eight years either. And like, if you're such a fan of crazy outfits you feel you can't live without them, just wear them yourself or something lol. Gaga isn't your dress up doll.

Thank you!!!!! I'm sorry I love my monster family but sometimes some of   you guys are like the women who buy tiny dogs and treat them as dress up toys. 

I love you monsters. I'd be unfixably broken without you
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Definitely agree. Amazing how 99% of people here would probably be for the destigmatisation of mental illness in young people, the LGBT community etc but do not want that some outcome for celebrities simply because they 'asked' for fame. 

Tell me, is a soldier asking to develop PTSD when they choose to serve in the army? Would you dare say they should just accept the consequences and not want to make awareness for the struggle soldiers have when they arrive home? 

Why is it okay to do it to Gaga/any celebrity? Because they didn't die for your country? Shouldn't the fact that she's human be enough to give some little sympathy? 

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I so needed to see this thread.

If you're going to be so negative and cruel to Gaga, then you are not a fan. Even if you don't like her different styles of music or don't agree with every move she makes, if you are a "true" supporter of her then you would still have respect for her at all times. There are too many disrespectful comments made from so-called "fans" and I agree that those folks need to simply move on if they can't discuss her in a kind manner. It's one thing to have an opinion on her and her work; it's another thing to be so whiny, rude and ungrateful.

If you loved "old" Gaga then, great, be happy and grateful she gave you that. If you don't like what she does now, then don't listen. (Unless you're really nice and still wanna support her sales!) Real artists have only one choice and that is to follow their heart. She is and always has been here for her fans, but that does not equate to her taking requests for her creativity. She goes above and beyond with her support of her fans, far more so than most other celebrities of her caliber. 

So point again is that if you don't have a foundation of respect first and foremost for Gaga, then you are probably not a true fan and should perhaps search elsewhere for what you crave. 

doesn't everyone belong in the arms of the sacred?
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