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2 minutes ago, littlepotter said:

By the end of the OP I had already forgotten how it started :cryga:


“For me, insanity is super sanity. The normal is psychotic. Normal means lack of imagination, lack of creativity.” ― Jean Dubuffet
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I wonder what Ayo sounds like.


“For me, insanity is super sanity. The normal is psychotic. Normal means lack of imagination, lack of creativity.” ― Jean Dubuffet
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This will be the fourth time I've been on this site for the release of a new Gaga album, and the fourth time I have witnessed this exact conversation play out like clockwork. A large chunk of fans don't like the new project, prompting other fans to write a polemic in hopes of exorcising the negativity from this site.

The reality is Gaga has always had a very diverse fan base, which is a wonderful thing, but it also means there will never be a uniformly positive response to her work. There just wont be. Due to her broad appeal there will inevitably be diverse opinions and tastes within this online community.

If you find a user's posts to be disrespectful and their criticism not constructive but overly negative just pop them on your list of users who you ignore.

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I'm still seeing more threads about people complaining than actual people complaining :duck: My only annoyance with the fanbase right now is the obsession with The Chainsmokers. We get it, you don't like them... move on :air:

Anyway, I like the message of your OP but I do encourage people to be critical of her work than just pretend to like 110% of it. Art is subjective and it's supposed to stir all kinds of emotions, if it's just a constant "yaaaasss" then you're not paying enough attention.

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2 minutes ago, Benji said:

I'm still seeing more threads about people complaining than actual people complaining :duck: My only annoyance with the fanbase right now is the obsession with The Chainsmokers. We get it, you don't like them... move on :air:

Anyway, I like the message of your OP but I do encourage people to be critical of her work than just pretend to like 110% of it. Art is subjective and it's supposed to stir all kinds of emotions, if it's just a constant "yaaaasss" then you're not paying enough attention.

"...difference between constructive criticism and destructive criticism..."


“For me, insanity is super sanity. The normal is psychotic. Normal means lack of imagination, lack of creativity.” ― Jean Dubuffet
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8 minutes ago, Benji said:

I'm still seeing more threads about people complaining than actual people complaining :duck: My only annoyance with the fanbase right now is the obsession with The Chainsmokers. We get it, you don't like them... move on :air:

Anyway, I like the message of your OP but I do encourage people to be critical of her work than just pretend to like 110% of it. Art is subjective and it's supposed to stir all kinds of emotions, if it's just a constant "yaaaasss" then you're not paying enough attention.

i agree with that, but seeing stuff like "she's gonna flop" "the song is pure trash" or wtv isn't opinion to me. I just wish to see more constructive posts on "why you don't like the song" for example than just...hate

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Just now, BurqaSwg said:

i agree with that, but seeing stuff like "she's gonna flop" "the song is pure trash" or wtv isn't opinion to me. I just wish to see a more constructive post than just...hate

100% agree! Although I haven't really seen any comments like that, but I do stay away from chart threads because...


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Katsuki Bakugo

Thank you DominicB for this! 

If All You Ever Do Is Look Down On People, You Won't Be Able To Recognize Your Own Weaknesses.
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Finally someone has said it. And so eloquently and lovingly as well. Agreed on all of your points. Some of the entitlement and downright careless abuse here are so shockingly being said by 'supposed' fans, it's alarming. We'd all benefit from a break from chart-gazing and just realize that's it's still the same selfless woman, the same tirelessly creative artist we were rooting for from the beginning.

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xoxo Craig
1 hour ago, DominicB said:

I've tried my best not to comment on the elephant in the room, but...


Iv'e come to notice at least 10 threads a day, on the base of denigrating an artist whom many have pressured and awaited, for three years.


She's just started the era not even two weeks ago, and we've had a half-fraction of this community engaging in degrading remarks, unnecessary contretemps and ungracious responses. 


We complain about this woman "abandoning us for three years", when in those three years, what was it exactly that we did on our end? 

A majority of the responses, to any of her publishes via social media were of an obnoxious and entitled manner, "Give us LG5, bitch", "If you don't release LG5 you're going to flop", "LG5", "LEAK LG5", and so on. She took it upon herself to speak up, for voices that had no power, in such monstrosities as abuse, and some of us managed to degrade that, as well. This woman, whom may not be of perfection, but of affection and dedication, has done nothing but want to stay true to herself, and to see people happy. 


As to move on from the past, i'd like to continue our current status of attitude, in the newly-began-chapter. 


Last week, she kicked off her next chapter, by releasing the long awaited lead single, from her fifth record.


15,000,000+ hits. Constant airplay, for the suckers of the radio. Predominantly positive reviews, except from ones mainly within this community. Not to mention, something she's not done before. It's fresh. It's the beginning. A lot of artists we compare her success to cannot manage to submerge into a different persona every era, and yet remain the same dedicated and aspiring being, as she has. (We say "Beyonce", yet personally, I feel like she just released the same album she did in December of 2013. I admire that woman's work and artistry, but Beyonce is Beyonce. Every era, new and potentially outstanding music, but the same persona constantly.)

She's yet to release the video, yes, but it's coming within the following week. We are getting a music video. We haven't received one since March of 2014. I'm quite thankful. No matter the corporate success, but matter the quality, atmosphere and dedication. 

She's clarified some of the most talented musicians and artists, whom just so happen to take part in this new chapter. 

She's done a song with Florence Welch. A phenomenal artist, with quite a voice. Ex. 

She's worked with Father John Misty. Quite an independent and talented gentlemen, capable of much more than what those who do not know of his work, in the slightest, estimate.

She's worked with Mark Ronson. A quite capable and extensively talented musician+record producer. Not to mention, some of his contacts, Miike Snow, Anthony Rossomando and those who we've yet to be surprised by.

(also co-produced by Mark, alongside another worker on JOANNE, Nile Rodgers. One and only.)

She's worked with many more, and more of whom we don't know. How can we be so sure of something, we not know the nature of?

We do not know JOANNE, as she.


How can we complain, of this woman moving forward? Would you desperately love for her to go backwards?

She's not that type of artist. She evolves. If you aren't too fond of that aspect of her character, then I wholeheartedly support your decision to depart from this community. 

This community was not intended for hatred and poisonous intent. It was ignited to show affection, appreciation and differentiation (appropriately).

If you do not know the difference between destructive criticism and constructive criticism, i'd work on that, if I were you. Life is too precious and short to complain about every little aspect. Need I remind you, we just entered this chapter, last week. Be patient, and something of the very least will roll your way.




Very, very very well said! :) So happy someone has came out and said what you have said! :) Was actually going to do a post myself similar to this but I dont know how to do it cause Im new to this site haha! I would rather have a Gaga were she is happy in what she does, and doesnt feel presured by 'fans' to release new music. I want these negative threads gone. Cannot stand it anymore! 

Perfect Illusion means lots to Mother Monster - Did any of you see her Snapchat Story of when she heard Perfect Illusion on the radio for the first time? She teared up cause it means so much to her! And this whole album means alot to her. We should be respecting that, not saying "P.I is Flopping" or "Perfect Illusion Is't #1". She evolves with every era, and if you dont know that then you are simply not a fan. SO STOP SAYING SHE SHOULD GO BACKWARDS AND MAKE A "THE FAME" 2.0! I'm very excited to hear the album! I love her so so so much! What ever makes her happy will make me happy, #1 or not     #MusicNotTheBling

Thanks again for sharing this! Maybe the fanbase will get decluttered after all! 

End Racism Now
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Thanks for this. Gaga's going to get good and bad reviews on her new content. She's going to be under a lot of pressure from the mainstream music listeners. The least the Little Monster community could do is support her instead of spread negativity about her. :unicorn:

I need a winter candy apple and an iced gingerbread candle, both three-wick, or I'm boycotting.
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Spill that truth tea :reductive:

I agree with you with every inch of my being. :firega:

Maybe we should find a new name for our community, and if that doesn't work out, "Faithful" little monsters for previous eras desperate for hits, please...

Delete your account.




Dilated, falling free. In a modern ecstasy
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