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JOANNE Album Cover Meltdowns go in here


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For me simple and subddued image with clean layout alway sound great.... i maybe would envisioned something  not so literal for this era, but than its not my album,

The image is fine, but my ADHD mind still has some issues so the image could be more pleasing to look at so to say (to me)

I would cropped the picture  just below the collar bone, and eyes slightly closed, and head tillted down a bit.... As it is it look kind of without any emotion.... softer make up , not so harsh pointed eyebrow

Again i am nitpicking, but those tiny thing do something for me... a lot

I am posting here, beacuse i dont want to ruin everyones fun, beacuse i am glad everyone likes it so much.

Some adjectives like, calm, collected chill are heard,... and that kind of vibe is more realised in some random post, like on istagram--- you know how  smetimes there is something verry soft, and vunerable about her, and here it was missing, that image isnt as striking as it could be... examples.....








Does anybody undestrand, what  i mean? It is album cover, in the end, which is why I nitpick so much

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Lion Heart

What a shitshow :wtf: 


There's not a single thing I liked so far this era. 


The PI cover is so random and awful. 

Perfect Illusion itself is so underwhelming, and noisy, and repetitive I'm already sick of it. 

And now here's this basic ass album cover. 


And for the record, I LOVED almost everything about the C2C era, while a good portion of this fanbase bitched about it. 



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Oh and google Collier Schorr,  who took that photo. She tooks te most amazing striking portraits of people all the time, compare this photo to her other work, and somethng is missing.... This photo looks like and outtake from the actual photoshoot, and it didint make the cut

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idk why there needs to be meltdowns over this, its such a simple yet beautiful cover as i feel this era will be "personal" to her so i feel it fits the theme of the direction she is going in!!

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1 hour ago, Torsoface said:

I mean the lightning is off :emma: 

I would've liked it more bright like this



You actually made it better. 

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37 minutes ago, JackTheTripper said:

For me simple and subddued image with clean layout alway sound great.... i maybe would envisioned something  not so literal for this era, but than its not my album,

The image is fine, but my ADHD mind still has some issues so the image could be more pleasing to look at so to say (to me)

I would cropped the picture  just below the collar bone, and eyes slightly closed, and head tillted down a bit.... As it is it look kind of without any emotion.... softer make up , not so harsh pointed eyebrow

Again i am nitpicking, but those tiny thing do something for me... a lot

I am posting here, beacuse i dont want to ruin everyones fun, beacuse i am glad everyone likes it so much.

Some adjectives like, calm, collected chill are heard,... and that kind of vibe is more realised in some random post, like on istagram--- you know how  smetimes there is something verry soft, and vunerable about her, and here it was missing, that image isnt as striking as it could be... examples.....








Does anybody undestrand, what  i mean? It is album cover, in the end, which is why I nitpick so much

I understand. It's too posed. She needed to look more natural for that vulnerable look. 

That middle photo is one of the most beautiful I've ever seen of her. 

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I like the color contrast between the background and hat, but like everything else so far this era it's just kinda underwhelming

Take a moment to think of just flexibility, love, and trust~
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John Wayne

Why does everyone bitch about not "being Gaga". She's changed, she's evolved as a person and it's transferred in her artistry. If you want the wild costumes and wigs, go back to 2010. Respect her for once. 


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1 hour ago, fede ARTPOP said:

I like the cover, but why does it have to be that "raw" ? Shes going to much with that "stripped down" vibe :sweat: , she always wanting to be The Bitch, and after she got there she come with this...just get some filter for the cover...is not that bad Gags:sweat:


My fave: 



ooh that one's really good

Take a moment to think of just flexibility, love, and trust~
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1 hour ago, FATCAT said:

I really like it, but I want to see the Deluxe version! The Beats 1 guy saw handwriting!

He said it was on the back of the case

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What's there to meltdown about? It's a great cover. Very simple and elegant. I love it. The BTW album cover meltdowns were justified, not this. 

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Poope MOnster

um... from 

the fame / ARTPOP / btw

only her good one was the fame monster

she always have bad cover and single cover compare too photoshoot that is different story

so i dont have a meltdown i think it pretty lovely powerful and suitable for album name

>> http://www.billboard.com/photos/6715351/best-album-covers-of-all-time/1

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