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The BTW Ball Premiere


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I would love to see gaga standing on an empty stage singing every song like that with sweater and track pants instead of this ****

obvious exhale troll. sigh. if you were a real fan that was disappointed, you would simply state your opinion and leave. and not buy the btw ball tickers. i reported you for calling the concert ****. that is not even constructive criticism.

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Can't wait for all the youtube prop makers to get on this ****. SIRESASA, RECREATE SOMETHING LIKE I KNOW ONLY YOU CAN!

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Honest to god, you need to stop. You have expressed your opinion (probably about 57 times :sweat: ) and we get you don't like the show. BUT, this thread is here for us to ENJOY and a--lyze the videos and stuff that went on during the tour. PLEASE PLEASE stop with your pointless negativity cause it's ruining this thread. Thank you.

No this thread is for everyone.. you can make a second thread and talk about how amazing this show is but this thread is for everyones opinion.

I usually dont post alot but this to me is a shock I cant stop expressing myself :P lol

Just dont read my post when you see it :ohwell:

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Honest to god, you need to stop. You have expressed your opinion (probably about 57 times :sweat: ) and we get you don't like the show. BUT, this thread is here for us to ENJOY and a--lyze the videos and stuff that went on during the tour. PLEASE PLEASE stop with your pointless negativity cause it's ruining this thread. Thank you.

tell it gorl *snaps a z*

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All i here is how she ether didn't sing songs from TFM or TF or she needs to wear these outfits with these songs Blah Blah Blah People this is the Born This Way Ball not the Fame Ball not The Monster Ball, So of course she is going to perform more songs of the album and not the Fame or Fame monster. God all you people do is complain everytime gaga trys giving you the best show! Shut the kitchen door and Enjoy the freaking music! :coffee:

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I would love to see gaga standing on an empty stage singing every song like that with sweater and track pants instead of this ****

:laughga: thanks for showing us how irrelevant your opinions are, feel free to go now

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Go here! It will totally change you perspective of the entire show! Its amazing!!!

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i guess people want her to do the exact same thing she did in the monster ball. so what if she didnt do stupid video interlude clips. i rather see her dance and perform. iam not going there to watch a screen. iam there to watch her. and it does have interludes with that weird hologram head thing. and iam loving it.

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obvious exhale troll. sigh. if you were a real fan that was disappointed, you would simply state your opinion and leave. and not buy the btw ball tickers. i reported you for calling the concert ****. that is not even constructive criticism.

seriously? reported me for saying my opinion about the show? I dont care I can do another account whats the big deal?

I am a real fan and everyone here knows it I dont need to prove it I dont know if your new here..

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Enormous castle stage that opens up, Gaga on horse, floating government head, meat grinder, meat dress, Gaga as motorcycle, floating Gaga, every song from BTW live, plus hopefully she'll lose those pants when she isn't in Korea... Can't wait to see this flawless tour tbh :hor:

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