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2016 MTV Video Music Awards

Thomas P

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Thomas P
15 minutes ago, vanus said:

when does vmas start and where can i watch them 

I'll post all that info, just wait it'll be in the OP soon.

I’m a simple guy to please, if you like Melodrama, we chill.
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The awkward moment when the VIDEO awards show only nominates artists based on their chart performance and populatity and not the actual videos :neyde:

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MTV's Vapid Music Awards 2016 already!?

I hope they'll do a better job than they did last year, cuz that was boring AF. Here for Rihanna's performance and Bey going home with a trunkful of trophies...sad that Gaga probably won't be there, tho.

ATTENTION: (bad) jokes and sarcasm are still a thing, so don't take everything I say literally. Thank you.
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The Child

Beyoncé still hasn't been announced as a performer? Why? :saladga:

‘If religion be the cause of disunity, then irreligion is surely to be preferred.’ ‘Abdu’l-Bahá
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Thomas P
Just now, Aga Gydal said:

I take it Bey's doing a surprise opening performance?


I’m a simple guy to please, if you like Melodrama, we chill.
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Born To Slay
4 minutes ago, Aga Gydal said:

I take it Bey's doing a surprise opening performance? 

Hopefully she does what Gaga did in 2010 and just goes and wins awards and doesn't perform

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Thomas P
4 minutes ago, Born To Slay said:

Hopefully she does what Gaga did in 2010 and just goes and wins awards and doesn't perform

I need her to. If Beyoncé doesn't, then I need Gaga, and we all now that isn't happening.

I’m a simple guy to please, if you like Melodrama, we chill.
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Born To Slay
2 minutes ago, Thomas P said:

I need her to. If Beyoncé doesn't, then I need Gaga, and we all now that isn't happening.

I'm sorry, I know u like Beyonce and I hate to root against what u want but I just don't like her music and would rather someone I like perform. 

If she does perform tho, I'll be happy for u.  

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Well......its gonna be bad......i will only watch britney tbh.....and also we are 2 days away and i feel like there are performers missing......i am not here for suprise performaces tbh........

I've got an "F" and a "C" and I got a "K" too And the only thing that is missing is a bitch like "U"
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Thomas P
3 minutes ago, nikola said:

Well......its gonna be bad......i will only watch britney tbh.....and also we are 2 days away and i feel like there are performers missing......i am not here for suprise performaces tbh........

Well theres gonna be a lot. Like the entire show is pretty much surprise performers.

I’m a simple guy to please, if you like Melodrama, we chill.
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Thomas P
1 hour ago, Kattys said:

best choreo " sorry" should be Biebs

That is the only thing that vid has going for it (even tho the choreo isn't good)

I’m a simple guy to please, if you like Melodrama, we chill.
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