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Has Nicole Scherzinger lost her looks?


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2 hours ago, FlyingF said:

You didnt use a very flattering photo for the second one...


Compare this   http://scontent.cdninstagram.com/t51.2885-15/s480x480/e35/c0.73.720.720/13398599_1723512467888260_1673674117_n.jpg?ig_cache_key=MTI3MTM1MDExNTA2NTk5NzA1NA%3D%3D.2.c


to this 





shes definitely lost something, i just cant work out what :/

She's lost some volume under her eyes leaving 'sunken in' bags. And her cheeks set lower on her face.

But she's 30-fricken-7.

I'll be myself until they fūcking close the coffin.
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20 hours ago, Helxig said:

She's lost some volume under her eyes leaving 'sunken in' bags. And her cheeks set lower on her face.

But she's 30-fricken-7.

Nicole-Scherzinger:-Arrives-for-X-Factorthis is her at X factor auditions yesterday... i think its mostly hair and makeup that makes her look different now.. she seems to be wearing a smokey eye similar to how she used to and i think if her hair was black again she would look similar.. plus shes lost fat in her face due to aging

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To me, nicoles always had an older looking facce, because of her bone structure. She looked youthful because duh she was in her 20s but now she's almost 40, so that old face minus actual youth, yea, she'll look old. 

She's still stunning and aging gracefully though

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If you are this picky with celebrities, I don't want to know your view on normal people :air:

Currently listening to Joanne
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I agree you can see an overall in change in her looks but it's very minimal.  I always thought she looks beautiful.  I still do.  :wub:

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Nicole is beautiful tho, she's literally the hottest person on British TV (X Factor judge) :giveup:  

Side note: Her and Sharon (both back this year) make the best judges on any of these shows :excited2:

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  • 9 months later...
Pedro Savalli

She´s obviously aged as we all have :)) But the real problem here is that she looks sad, tired, emotionally dead inside, soulless. Like she´s going into her last battle. She´s still trying to put that facade on in interviews, she´s trying to be nice and look like everything´s fine but when the camera catches her unprepared - kinda in an off mode, she looks just tired and sad. Like that fame got the best of her. It´s really sad. And I do agree that it happened very recently. I liked watching her interviews, then I forgot about her for a while - then checked her 2015-16 videos......I mean the difference is huge. Especially terrifying is that in most of her interviews she looks kinda drugged or something. Some people say that she´s high. I believe that she might be taking some antidepressants or painkillers, maybe something from the barbiturate family. It´s just sad.

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