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I understood the negativity towards madonna

Duella Dvil

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Her impact is massive and she paved the way for every female popstar we have around currently. That doesn't make her immune from criticism or being dragged for acting like an asshole.

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40 minutes ago, FameHookah said:

Eww these madonna fans here disgust me always bringing gaga down to feel better about her failing music, go to madonna nation and leave us alone, you cant shove her shitty music or antics down our throats


She is a evil bitch i dont care if she inspired gaga or not, she was a **** to her and us END OF.


Have common sense and stop bitching that people on a GAGA forum dislike her.




49 minutes ago, Bonkers said:

She did that interview where she deliberately dragged Gaga. Ā Then she went on a World Tour and mocked her every single show. Ā 

I haven't heard her apologize yet.

Oh god this crap again. Madonna was never mean to Gaga. For the 1000000 time ''reductive'' is not a negative word. Also about the Express yourself/BTW medley she was making a point; Madonna is not Gaga and Gaga is not Madonna. That why she end it with 'she's not me'. She was not rude. But you Gaga fan have to make a big deal about it. There never really was a Madonna vs Gaga feud. The media exaggerate things and you all swallow it like idiots. I'm so glad I never did.

Now all you Madonna & Gaga fans get the **** over it already and follow the Queens example:




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Everyone gets criticized here and at other pop forums. When an artist,Ā including Gaga herself, does or says something that people have opinions about...they discuss it, and many if the comments will be negative.Ā There will always be negativity, for all the artists brought up here.Ā 

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I absolutely love her music (especially her 80s stuff) and I fully acknowledge just how iconic she is and how she's one of the greatest pop starsĀ of all timeĀ but I don't care for her as a personĀ :emma:

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3 hours ago, DillonTwink said:

People who drag Madonna are trash and ugly and stupid considering without her, Gaga would be NOTHING but a drag queen imitator still.

But anyway, this is a forum full of heated gays so




3 hours ago, DillonTwink said:

Seems like you're a stupid BITCH since women like gaga would never be allowed on a stage if it werent for Madonna. Embarrassing troglodyteĀ 






Why are you so damn rude? :wtf:

They didn't personally insult/attack you.

I wanna know why these two comments, very disrespectful to Gaga, were overlooked by the Madonna stans on GGD?

You're all talking about members being rude to Madonna, but you like one of these posts or just ignore them,Ā because dragging Gaga and her fans here - is ok and acceptable?


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She has some great songs!Ā I'm a casual fan. I see her faults and her good attributes. Ā 

not an okra
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GloZell Green
55 minutes ago, VampireHeart said:




Why are you so damn rude? :wtf:

They didn't personally insult/attack you.

I wanna know why these two comments, very disrespectful to Gaga, were overlooked by the Madonna stans on GGD?

You're all talking about members being rude to Madonna, but you like one of these posts or just ignore them,Ā because dragging Gaga and her fans here - is ok and acceptable?


You basically said it: A lot of Madonna fans create the hate for their idol.

Lady Gaga | Shakira
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My mom says in the 80s when she was popular she had a lot of fans and got attention for being crazy but most people in the general public had no respect for her cause she came across as desperate for attention.Ā Sound familiar guys? :air:Ā 


Also she got a lot of hate for her mediocre vocal skills. At least Gaga doesnt get that!

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D'angelo talks about her in a GQ interview

The A-list was circling now, wanting a taste of D's authentic flavor. When Madonna turned 39, she asked him to sing "Happy Birthday" at her party. One press report had her sitting on his lap and French-kissing him. In fact, two sources say that ultimately D rebuffed her advances at another gathering not long after. At that event, the sources say, Madonna walked over and told a woman sitting next to D, "I think you're in my seat." The woman got up. Madonna sat down and told him, "I'd like to know what you're thinking." To which D replied, "I'm thinking you're rude."


Singer James Morrison has revealed how Madonna snubbed him when the pair met in a recording studio in Los Angeles.

Morrison tried to introduce himself to the pop star earlier this year when she visited the same studio that he was using to record his second album.

But rather than return his gesture, Madonna chose to ignore the singer because she didn't recognise him.

ā€œIā€™m not her biggest fan but thought Iā€™d say hello so I went over and said: ā€˜Hello, Iā€™m James, nice to meet you,ā€™ and put my hand out to shake hands,ā€ he told the Metro.

ā€œShe just looked at it and said: ā€˜And what do you do?ā€™ I told her I was a singer and she just stared at me and didnā€™t say anything. It was really uncomfortable. Then she just ignored me.ā€

Morrison added: ā€œf**k her, though, itā€™s just a matter of common courtesy. It doesnā€™t matter what someone does for a living. Sheā€™s just rude. Thereā€™s no excuse for it.ā€


Ginny Dougary


I'd gone to Los Angeles to interview Madonna. The first thing was that she cancelled the interview on the day with no explanation. Then, two days later, when it did happen, she was sort of pale in her personality, but also rude. She didn't particularly acknowledge me and was rude to her assistant in front of me.Ā  At one point I thought I would have to resign. It was disappointing because I admired her so much, but it was stupid of me.


[Reid] Rosefelt

writes about having spent a lot of time alone with pre-superstardom Madonna during the shoot, where she even asked his opinion of one of her unreleased songs. Years later he ran into Madonna at an art shop and re-introduced himself, saying that he worked with her on Susan.

ā€œA lot of people worked on Desperately Seeking Susan,ā€ she said, as she walked past him.



Madonna receives loathsome flower from fan at Venice Film Festival

Hereā€™s a lesson for Madonna: Donā€™t look a gift horse in the mouth. Especially when youā€™re on camera.

At a Venice Film Festival press conference for Madgeā€™s new picture, ā€œW.E.,ā€ a fan came over to the diva and handed her a hydrangea. How kind, right? How could Madonna possibly make this a bad P.R. situation?

ā€œI absolutely loathe hydrangeas,ā€ the material girl said after rolling her eyes. ā€œHe obviously doesnā€™t know that.ā€

The person also obviously didnā€™t know that you were gonna be kind of a jerk about his very nice present. But take heart, fan. The reviews for Madonnaā€™s second directorial work arenā€™t that good.


Arsenio `loved' Madonna's slams - USA Today

Before the show, [Madonna] requested popcorn and mineral water. Backstagers reported the biggest laugh came with Madonna's crack about Joan Collins. ("Do you ever get jealous of Joan Collins?'' asked Hall. "Have you seen her lately?'' countered Madonna.)



Just a small sample of the horrid stories of her. Care to share any where someone holds her in high regard for being a good person and making them feel like a human being? Don't post anything about charity. I'm talking human to human interaction

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Bad Bromance

@Uncle ARTPOP, I know the hatred here toward her and other pop stars is pretty evident and it's not going to change any time soon.Ā  It's like asking Madonna fans to stop being hateful towards GagaĀ on a Madonna fan forum.Ā  That's never going to happen so you best just ignore it and move on, tbh.

I used to be a huge Madonna fan, but I lost respect for her when that fan gave her a bouquet of hydrangeas and she had the audacity to tell her assistant that if he was a real fan he'd know she loathes hydrangeas.Ā  Well, I used to consider myself one of her biggest fans and I didn't know that.Ā  I put myself in his shoes and realized I'd have been crushed if she did that to me.

The straw that broke the camel's back was when she dissed Gaga the way she did on that interview for ABC, where she called her songĀ reductive, and when she repeatedly mocked Gaga and Little Monsters while she toured around the world promoting MDNA.

Some people don't know how to express an opinion respectfully, like I believe I just did.Ā  It's best to just put it in a balloon and let it go because you're not going to change people's mindsĀ on this forum which is dedicated to Lady Gaga.

I don't care what you think about unless it is about me.
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9 hours ago, Brooke Candy said:

Why does it even matter? I mean...her career died years ago and nobody cares about her anymore.

Gaga is the Queen of Pop now. Its a fact.Ā 

The delusion... "her career died years ago".... Became the first woman and sixth person ever to sell a billion concert tickets yesterday but sure, her career is dead. And has been for years. Despite 6 mega tours since 2004 that have all set records. Despite #1 albums and singles. Just because she's banned on US radio doesn't mean she isn't a hit elsewhere in the world. She's one of the only people to have #1 albums in the 80's, 90's, 00's and '10s. She has a reportedĀ net worth of a billion dollars and hundreds of millions of dollars in personal wealth, despite coming from a sh*tty past. She has broken barriers and has achieved things no one will ever do again, simply because she was the first.

Madonna is an enormous feminist and LGBT icon who's changed society and popcultureĀ forever. What she has done is irreplaceable. And you can quote Lady Gaga on that one because she's said it herself, want me to pull up the video footage of Gaga saying it?

And if no one cared, why would she be brought up, why would so many fans of her be defending her on this forum, huh?

You're so, so, so rude and ignorant.

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Katsuki Bakugo

People hate what they don't understand.Ā 

If All You Ever Do Is Look Down On People, You Won't Be Able To Recognize Your Own Weaknesses.
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its like the same 3 people :air: (and some annoying newbies)Ā 

and if you say something about their fav (not gaga) they have a meltdown lol (personal experience)Ā 

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