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Hey guys,  a while ago I was listening to a remix (every night, before i went to bed actually lol). of ARTPOP which was a track by track review commentary by Gaga for each song, followed by "the" song. It was around 20 min long and it was on soundcloud. For some reason stupid me never downloaded it, so Iv kinda lost it, as the account it was on is no longer active. 
Id be very happy if someone could link me to it. I just love listening to Gaga's voice before going to bed. Its like magic, helps me calm down. Followed by the song its a complete BOP! 

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Omg, I used to listen to that same thing aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaall the time. So mad I didn't download it either :(

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2 minutes ago, bramstelwagen said:


thanks, but which part of "followed by the song" didn't you get :awkney: 

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4 minutes ago, tsvet said:

thanks, but which part of "followed by the song" didn't you get :awkney: 

uhm sorry they cutted out the song after the comentary and its 20 min like this sorry

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42 minutes ago, tsvet said:

thanks, but which part of "followed by the song" didn't you get  

U got sum nerve

chaeri pls
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Joshie S
1 hour ago, tsvet said:

thanks, but which part of "followed by the song" didn't you get :awkney: 

umm you said in the original post the track was 20mins long, the album is almost 1hour its self, so how you gonna get the track by track commentary AND songs in just 20mins sorry but you got what u asked for u can edit the file urself and add the tracks byeeeeee :toofunny:

The melody that you choose can rescue you ♥
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5 hours ago, JoshieS said:

umm you said in the original post the track was 20mins long, the album is almost 1hour its self, so how you gonna get the track by track commentary AND songs in just 20mins sorry but you got what u asked for u can edit the file urself and add the tracks byeeeeee 

Obv it was shortened versions of the song :awkney:

now Im not comming for anyone, but we'v got to think before posting something. That is how we create a lot of spam. 

Thank you

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