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An in-depth look at the HTC Vive (VR)


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The HTC Vive has been developed in a collaboration between HTC and Valve (creators of Steam, Half-Life, Portal, Dota etc.) and it's probably the best Virtual Reality (VR) option out there.

It'll cost more than the Oculus Rift (around 700$) but it's a lot more than just a VR headset.

If I had the money for it (and a much more powerful PC than I have right now), it would pre-order it right now :giveup:


Official Website: http://www.htcvive.com/us/

Steam Storepage: http://store.steampowered.com/app/358040/

This is so cool :air:



Gaga use this for Gaga x Intel 2.0 :air:


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