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Perez Hilton : 'Lady Gaga's peformance, was not amazing'


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Look who's still trying to get headlines by trying to stand out with hatred. Glad Howard stood up for her, but why would you ever talk to such a bully in the first place? :sick:

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Didn't he tweet immediately that he loved her performance/endless praise? 

Anyway, he's right to have an opinion, but it's obvious he would be talking differently this if he was still up her ass...

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ugh remember 2013. Such a throwback. Gaga has grown so much even though she'll prolly see this she won't be effected. Neither should we.

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Anyone who says it wasn't amazing knows nothing about singing. Even if it's not your favorite vocal sound, perhaps, her technique was ON. POINT. The control on her voice was astounding, the fact that she truly made it her own while being respectful to the original song was respectable and creative, and choosing to sing live instead of lip-synching is another incredible feat. She made her voice sound good throughout that entire stadium. 

Perez can't even write a piece of decent journalism and he's trying to knock Gaga down a peg for her hard work. He can sit down at his computer and try again. 

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