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Gaga x Terry for V Magazine 99


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I'm gonna dredge this up from the bottom of the first page because I don't even care. I honestly hate Terry Richardson and I thought after the Do What U Want fiasco she was distancing herself from him and I was so disappointed to find out that wasn't the case. That being said, she does know him better than we do so who knows. Even if she is a rape survivor, it's a real kick in the teeth for any other survivors.

4 hours ago, Chelsea Symona said:

She looks like a careless hypocrite at worst and blissfully naive at best.

I hate to say it, but this is honestly one of the best ways to describe Gaga. I feel like the only one of her fans who sees through her crap sometimes. I swear she could murder someone in the light of day and people would still defend her. I love her and I hate to drag her but she is so ignorant sometimes and I have no idea why.

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Space Cowboy

You dont like him fine, you cant convert us who support Lady Gagas friend, you have no power over me as i have none over you. Thats my opinion regardless of what Terry has been accused of in a court of law. Stefani has been accused in court of law too, So you can waste your time quoting me i wont respond to a biased-opinionated minded user, i dont respect or associate mysef with that. Terry Richardson was one of the few people that was there for her during her hip accident-recovery, when everyone else left her, and she was there for him when his mom died. She is his friend, he is hers, she respects him and loves him so damn right i support that after everything they've shared together.

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I do get some creepy vibes from Terry Richardson and I don't think he is a genius, but I can't just call him a rapist or hate him without having any proof. It's fine if you choose to believe the accusations but you can't expect everyone to do the same or the other way around.

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Space Cowboy

"I want the fans to be surprised. But I will just tell you that it's a wonderful, soul-searching experience. And it's very unlike the last album in that way. I made that album on the road. ARTPOP was, you know, the acid-making record. And this record is like — my old self as a cadaver. And I'm just, I'm operating on my old self."

Could this all be a subtle hint proving the rumors of LG5 involving the #LadyGagaMovie

Also in October 2014, Tony Bennett had this to say in an interview "Wait til you hear the next album. We’re also going on tour soon. Plus, a movie." - Tony Bennett on his plans with Gaga (What movie whose movie?)

I sure hope so! 

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2 hours ago, Void said:

I'm gonna dredge this up from the bottom of the first page because I don't even care. I honestly hate Terry Richardson and I thought after the Do What U Want fiasco she was distancing herself from him and I was so disappointed to find out that wasn't the case. That being said, she does know him better than we do so who knows. Even if she is a rape survivor, it's a real kick in the teeth for any other survivors.

I hate to say it, but this is honestly one of the best ways to describe Gaga. I feel like the only one of her fans who sees through her crap sometimes. I swear she could murder someone in the light of day and people would still defend her. I love her and I hate to drag her but she is so ignorant sometimes and I have no idea why.

You took the words outta my mouth! I still adore her, but it looks pretty bad from any angle you view it. It's pretty amazing that Anna Wintour smartened up before her, but whatever. I respect her choices but that doesn't mean I like them!

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All I think is that she believes he's innocent and it all flows with the Do What U Want message (that the media tries to destroy him). Personally I don't know if he's guilty or not.

Sugar, spice, and everything nice.
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11 hours ago, Chelsea Symona said:

It's pretty disappointing that so many people here would rather defend him than the victims. You believe Gaga when she say she was raped, but not these women? It's a double standard. It's pretty obvious why that is. Gaga's had bad judgement before so I don't think this would be the first time. And for the record, R. Kelly is also a terrible guy but at the least the media hasn't given him a second chance or turned a blind eye because judging by his Huffington Post interview, he hasn't changed whatsoever. Models have defended Richardson, more have not. And when you have high profile celebs saying he's bad news (Marina) and said he harassed them (Amy Adams) I'm going to take their word, opposed to those that in the fashion industry that have more to gain by saying "hey, he's actually kinda cool!"

In case you were referring to me (I think you weren't) I'm not saying I don't believe that Terry harassed many women. In fact, I believe them 100%. I'm not really defending him but I'm saying Gaga is probably only working with him because she likes his photos. And Gaga looks like one of this people that see the "good side" of everyone and she's probably giving a second chance, although I think that's very naive from her

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I agree completely with you. I think it's hard for Gaga because she has built a genuine relationship with him, probably before she even heard allegations. I think it's hard for her to believe the allegations and accusations are true because she is so close with him and he hasn't tried anything inappropriate with her, even when doing very risque shoots.

I think she is naive tbh.

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18 hours ago, Warholian said:

I doubt she gives a **** what the public thinks of her anymore. Let her do what she wants with her body. :green:

Who? Gaga? I think the opposite. I think lately everything she is doing is to get back on the good side with the public, and she's being too overly concerned by opinions.

Go see A Star is Born
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8 hours ago, PopThatArt said:

Who? Gaga? I think the opposite. I think lately everything she is doing is to get back on the good side with the public, and she's being too overly concerned by opinions.

Agreed. Which is why even if she doesn't care about the allegations or still sees the good in him -- whatever it may be -- it's not the best move from a PR point. As I said, it's pretty odd that Anna Wintour (who is veryyyyy out of touch) realized he's hurting her brand but Gaga hasn't. Or worse, she did and backed off, but since less people are concerned about Richardson as they were 6 months ago, she thinks it's okay to bring him back. Mess. There's really no way Gaga is in the right here.

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14 hours ago, Clip said:

In case you were referring to me (I think you weren't) I'm not saying I don't believe that Terry harassed many women. In fact, I believe them 100%. I'm not really defending him but I'm saying Gaga is probably only working with him because she likes his photos. And Gaga looks like one of this people that see the "good side" of everyone and she's probably giving a second chance, although I think that's very naive from her

I wasn't talking about you! I would've quoted your reply. :) Anyway, I agree with you. My point was that I think a lot of people go out of their way to not believe these women because he's affiliated with Gaga, yet believe her when she says very similar things as them (just about a different person). I know there's inherent bias and all, but it's not right. As a survivor myself, I dealt with EVERYONE believing him because he was popular and rich, meanwhile I'm neither, but he was able to take advantage of me because of that. It may seem far fetched to some, but those in power are usually the ones that abuse it the most. I also think this is why Gaga's association with him bothers me sooooo much because I thought he was gone for good and even believed she made right of her wrongs by focusing on 'Till It Happens To You' yet he's back now. :/ She's able to do what she wants and I respect it but no one's obligated to like it. You're right, though. She probably does see the good in him even still and might have trouble cutting contact because he's been around so long.

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