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Why do faux animal rights activists attack Gaga for wearing fur

Alien Tulip

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I think it's because leather is the left overs after killing for meat. And fur is madeĀ only for superficial reasons.Ā 

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I have less of a problem with fur/leather if its VINTAGE. The damage has already been done - I myself own a leather wallet but its one my dad owned from a long time ago. But if you buy NEW fur/leather then you are SUPPORTING the current practice of animals being slaughters for their skin.

It's called voting with your money/ supply and demand. You pay for a new fur coat/jacket and the company will notice it and slaughter more animals for the $$, therefore YOU are responsible.

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Born To Slay
3 minutes ago, Lucifer said:

I think it's because leather is the left overs after killing for meat. And fur is madeĀ only for superficial reasons.Ā 

What's your definition of superficial?

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7 minutes ago, Born To Slay said:

What's your definition of superficial?

I'm seeing it from their perspective, not mine.

I don't really understand what you want me to answer? My definition of superficial, in this debate,Ā is putting the way you look over other issues that comes with it.

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What's wrong with Leather? Does it come from an animal?Ā 

Lady Gaga/ Madonna/Lana /Azealia Banks/ Jazmine Sullivan/ DEEE-LITE/ Moko
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39 minutes ago, Born To Slay said:

That's absolutely true. The only time it's necessary to kill an animal is if one is threatening your life. Just like the only time it's okay to kill people is if they're threatening your life.

Anyone who isn't vegan, isn't for animal rights because they're killing animals not to live but for pleasure.

You're equating animals with humans?

I suppose we should allow predators to freely roam around our cities. They understand the nature of that equality.

Humans are the dominant species on Earth, and we can do whatever we want to make sure that we live comfortably.Ā 

Next time you visit a hospital,Ā be sure to thank those lab rats who died to make sure that relative is going to survive that sickness. Unless of course you think the comfort of rats is more important than the sick human is.Ā If not, then what makes a lab rat any less deserving of having rights than domesticated animals? Is it because they're not as cute?

Eating meat is not "pleasure". It has been a source of nutrition for humans since the dawn of time, and is the only reason you have a brain functional enough to process the language you need to write this BS.

While there are alternatives, not only are they expensive to distribute on a mass scale, but are also unfeasible in the long term, unhealthy for growing children, and most importantly, are the definition of unnatural processed food. If you want to follow nature, then be an omnivore like you were meant to be.Ā 

Still, animals are sentient beings and don't deserve to be treated ruthlessly.

Proper treatment of animals is not mutually exclusive with using animals for their resources.

You can be for animal rights without fundamentally being ignorant about how the world functions.

Edited just now by LebaneseDude.
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12 minutes ago, Born To Slay said:

Anyone who isn't vegan, isn't for animal rights because they're killing animals not to live but for pleasure.

I know you are very passionate about the topic but why does it always have to be all or nothing. If somebody can't give up eating meat but isĀ still fighting against fur industry or some other kind of torturing of animals they are still doing at least something for animal rights. Even small steps should matter for achieving a greater goal. Or would it be better if all non-vegans just stopped caring altogether because otherwise they would be just consideredĀ hypocritical by real animal activists.Ā Ā 

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26 minutes ago, LebaneseDude said:

Eating meat is not "pleasure". It has been a source of nutrition for humans since the dawn of time, and is the only reason you have a brain functional enough to process the language you need to write this BS.

While there are alternatives, not only are they expensive to distribute on a mass scale, but are also unfeasible in the long term, unhealthy for growing children, and most importantly, are the definition of unnatural processed food. If you want to follow nature, then be an omnivore like you were meant to be.Ā 

Still, animals are sentient beings and don't deserve to be treated ruthlessly.

Proper treatment of animals is not mutually exclusive with using animals for their resources.

You can be for animal rights without fundamentally being ignorant about how the world functions.

First of all, humans are NOT omnivores. We are biologically herbivores - NO carnivorous instincts whatsoever.


Put a child in a crib with a bunny and an apple and tell me when the kid kills and eats the bunny and plays with the apple. I'm sure it will be drawn to its blood and raw flesh like a true omnivore/carnivore would be, and be able to eat as much meat as it wants without getting heart disease and other chronic illnesses like a true carnivore/omnivore.

And we are past the point of requiring meat. You can get ALL of your nutrients from a non-meat diet, therefore eating meat is unnecessary and a CHOICE. Expensive? Tell that to the millions of people who have hospital payments for high-blood pressure pills, heart disease, strokes, etc. THE BIGGEST killers - I have yet to hear about millions of people dying for eating too many fruits and veggies. Being a meat eater is the most expensive diet there is. And since when are fruits and veggies processed foods? Produce is the LEAST processed food you can find.

If a human is an omnivore then so is my dog because he eats carrots/fruits too. Just because we CAN, doesn't mean that's what our body was meant to consume.

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Born To Slay
15 minutes ago, Mariann said:

I know you are very passionate about the topic but why does it always have to be all or nothing. If somebody can't give up eating meat but isĀ still fighting against fur industry or some other kind of torturing of animals they are still doing at least something for animal rights. Even small steps should matter for achieving a greater goal. Or would it be better if all non-vegans just stopped caring altogether because otherwise they would be just consideredĀ hypocritical by real animal activists.Ā Ā 

You either pay for animal abuse or you don't. Letting people do things like fighting one thing while supporting another makes people more complacent with abusing animals then they already are.Ā 

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2 minutes ago, monstereo said:

First of all, humans are NOT omnivores. We are biologically herbivores - NO carnivorous instincts whatsoever.


Put a child in a crib with a bunny and an apple and tell me when the kid kills and eats the bunny and plays with the apple.

And we are past the point of requiring meat. You can get ALL of your nutrients from a plant based diet, therefore eating meat is unnecessary and a CHOICE. Expensive? Tell that to the millions of people who have hospital payments for high-blood pressure pills, heart disease, strokes, etc. Being a meat eater is the most expensive diet there is.

Since when are fruits and veggies processed foods? Produce is the LEAST processed food you can find.

What is that chart supposed to prove?

Primates are herbivores.Ā As such, the ancestors of humansĀ were also herbivores. YetĀ our brains are different, and the reason for that is that we incorporated meat into our diets, not very long ago on an evolutionary scale.Ā 

As such, while our bodies are still relatively close to herbivores in structure, our diets are functionally distinct. Homo sapiensĀ are omnivorous by nature.

Also children do not have the propensity to kill unless they are psychopaths. If you think a child does not recognize a living being then you are surely ignorant about how children's brains function.

Fruits and vegetables do not contain all the necessary nutrients for adults. You're also supposed to incorporate beans and other sources of protein and Ā fat. On top of that, you need to make sure you take the proper supplementation.Ā 

In addition to that, it has been proven that vegan lifestyles are ultimately unhealthy for children UNLESS a very strict and careful diet is followed and that's only if they're relatively older.Ā 

It's easy to say that we are past the point of requiring meat when you are still living a cushy city life while being supported by your family. Unfortunately, most of the world's population does not have that luxury. Animal consumption will continue to be a normal part of human behavior.

Furthermore, do NOT attempt to use excessive behavior as justification for the issues of meat consumption. Anything taken in excess is going to cause health problems. I can just as easily point you towards a 110+ year old woman who has been eating meat for her whole life.Ā 


Edited just now by LebaneseDude.
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6 minutes ago, Born To Slay said:

You either pay for animal abuse or you don't. Letting people do things like fighting one thing while supporting another makes people more complacent with abusing animals then they already are.Ā 

What a ridiculous notion.

Nothing is absolute.Ā 

Edited just now by LebaneseDude.
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Born To Slay
1 minute ago, LebaneseDude said:

What a ridiculous notion.

Nothing is absolute.Ā 

Why not?

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9 minutes ago, Born To Slay said:

Why not?

Because different parts of a causeĀ have different priorities.Ā 

To put it simply,Ā don't fight for LGBT marriage before you fight for the right to love.

You don't fight for the right to love before you fight for the right toĀ live.


A good first step in the fight forĀ animal rights is ensuring thatĀ animals used in industry are cultivated in a proper environment, not first alienatingĀ 7 billion people by telling themĀ drop their diet of meat or GTFO.



Edited for clarity.

Edited just now by LebaneseDude.
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Born To Slay
2 minutes ago, LebaneseDude said:

Because different parts of a causeĀ have different priorities.Ā 

To put it simply,Ā don't fight for LGBT marriage before you fight for the right to love.

You don't fight for the right to love before you fight for the right toĀ live.


A good first step in protecting the rights of animals used in industryĀ is ensuring that animals are cultivated in a proper environment, not alienateĀ 7 billion people by telling themĀ drop their diet of meat or GTFO.

But if people don't stop finacing the industry, whyĀ would it ever change? It's breaking the bank. Even theĀ farms promoted as humane are often caught abusing animals repeatedly. How can we put pressure on an industry to change if most people buy a product under its current cheap condition.

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11 minutes ago, Born To Slay said:

But if people don't stop finacing the industry, whyĀ would it ever change? It's breaking the bank. Even theĀ farms promoted as humane are often caught abusing animals repeatedly. How can we put pressure on an industry to change if most people buy a product under its current cheap condition.

It'll change. Just give it time. Nothing is done overnight.

Industries are already being pressured to improve conditions in animal husbandry.

Edited just now by LebaneseDude.
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