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Harlequin - OUT SEPTEMBER 27th
Harlequin - OUT SEPTEMBER 27th
Harlequin - OUT SEPTEMBER 27th

but can we talk about how important this moment was?


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I still remember every thing about the moment when I finished watching the ending to The Legend of Korra. I was completely blown away when they did the reveal at the end, and I can relate to the videos shown in that I had many of the same reactions. This was the first time a major children's network had an explicit bis-xual relationship between leads and you can tell that it impacted a lot of people. It's gonna be a moment referenced to and talked about in animation history for a long time.

Take a moment to think of just flexibility, love, and trust~
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Never watched it, but kudos to them for having a bis-xual relationship in a cartoon. It's a bold move and I'm glad it was accepted :yes:

I like dancin', and ponies....
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