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Artist's work submitted by fan to Madonna without permission


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Ok I will keep posting The same thing untill ppl will stop with this unjustified hate! Think IF this was Gaga instead...

1. The OP post has been removed. Why I wonder? Just know that nobodys legal team can remove these kinds of posts without reason. Hello freefom of speech. Either he has been compensated IF by mistake his work had been used without authorization or he was lying...

2. You need to understand quotation rights. Thats how montages are made everyday everywhere by everyone. Montages never show credit. It would be impossible. Madonna has made THEM many times, so have million others.

3. This case is probably just a simple mistake. Madonna's team probably thoughed and might have even asked that The person who made The pic had rights to use The original artwork or it was done under quotation right. In any case, matter has been resolved since The OP post is removed. Either M's team had The right to use it and The artist was hungry for attention or The artist has since been compensated and has given M permision to use his work.

4. ALL in ALL, its 100% sure that M is not stealing anything on purpose! Why on earth would she do it? She has always been a very known art lover and collctor. This was for loving tribute to fans. IF there indeed was a violation of copyright, it has been properly now handeled. Im sure that it eas a mistake. Its disgusting how ppl just attack Madonna for this! Again, think IF Gaga's team would have made this mistake?

But in any case, ofcourse its wrong to use others work without credit. So in this case its a mistake or we don't know ALL. 

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@hmm so what are your thoughts on this? :pumpkat:

I already answered though :emma: "I doubt Madonna is aware of it being theft or thought much of the picture's usage, although the artist has legitimate grievances. I'm sure it'll be easily sorted."

I don't look to a celebrity for moral guidance and it doesn't affect my opinion of Madonna and the situation is less significant than previous incidents. Morally, the artist deserves credit in some form and it would be up to the courts and/or the involved parties to agree the extent of this. It doesn't devalue Madonna's work in general or her previous endeavours and the usual people here are over-exaggerating the severity of the incident - it's nothing more than a rather silly slip-up on behalf of either Madonna or her team. This is all assuming the refusal to credit/compensate actually happened but I don't care enough to check whether or not that's the case :sweat: 

Unless the question is on Madonna's hypothetical hypocrisy - most celebrities are :sweat: 

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The Child

well I provided receipts, now its your turn. Good luck! This is a simple case, he sold The rights for The use of The remix.

Well then TF1 did lie about it lol

‘If religion be the cause of disunity, then irreligion is surely to be preferred.’ ‘Abdu’l-Bahá
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You should be all like: I'M A MISERABLE PERSON 

haha no.

we know it wasn't funny and we know you care more than me at this or any point so we also know who's the miserable one. report my ass and prove my point once more.

no exit, sir. sorry.

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Morphine Prince

haha no.
we know it wasn't funny and we know you care more than me at this or any point so we also know who's the miserable one. report my ass and prove my point once more.

no exit, sir. sorry.

If something is funny or not is subjective. I don't actually care what you think. However, it is concerning that you choose to spread your negativity on here. Just look at your posts. 

I won't report you because there's nothing to report. You didn't think it was funny. Congrats! You have an opinion. However, your constant negativity on this site is tiring. 

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Her team ignoring her is awful...they know its wrong but don't care cuz they assume she won't dare make a move against Madonna....

So much for trying to help out the struggling artists she was campaigning for during TIDAL....

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Her team ignoring her is awful...they know its wrong but don't care cuz they assume she won't dare make a move against Madonna....

So much for trying to help out the struggling artists she was campaigning for during TIDAL....

and youyou know this how? You do know that The original post has been removed byvthe artist a while ago? Its pretty safe to asume The matter has been properly resolved. It was probably just a mistake. Theres noway in hell M would purposely steal, its ridicilous notion. And you do understand that its not that easy to get a hold of M's team right away, theres always a delay...Anyway The matter is resolved.

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Madonna and her team should have thoroughly checked out the submissions made to them by fans. She has the money and the team to properly do this. Since it wasn't done, they should have corrected the issue as soon as they found out. 

The original artist had contacted M's team and shared the fact that they are using stolen images and art, so Madonna and her team needed to do the right thing. Contact the artist and credit and pay for the art or take down the images and artwork that was stolen. Compensate the artist for using their work during the shows it was used for...it isn't like they aren't making money on this tour. Lol


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Madonna and her team should have thoroughly checked out the submissions made to them by fans. She has the money and the team to properly do this. Since it wasn't done, they should have corrected the issue as soon as they found out. 

The original artist had contacted M's team and shared the fact that they are using stolen images and art, so Madonna and her team needed to do the right thing. Contact the artist and credit and pay for the art or take down the images and artwork that was stolen. Compensate the artist for using their work during the shows it was used for...it isn't like they aren't making money on this tour. Lol


They have :) The post has been deleted by The artist awhile ago, matter is resolved. And again, it not that easy to get a hold of a celebrity's team immidiately, it takes time. I don't think they have ignored on purpose. 

PProbably a mistake or something... Case closed. :)

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Ok I will keep posting The same thing untill ppl will stop with this unjustified hate! Think IF this was Gaga instead...

I dont think gaga would ever do that.

Fear, she's the mother of violence
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I dont think gaga would ever do that.

and Madonna, The famous art lover and collector would? This is probably just a human mistake or misunderstanding. Can happen to anyone. And its already resolved... Ppl are totally cruel with The hate and attacks on this post, starting from The Title :(

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This is fan work that was submitted to her through instagram.





The only "stealer" is the fan, since he takes various pictures that he finds online and pastes on them celebrities faces, random body parts etc 


I'm 99% sure Madonna didn't even know that the original pictures, used for bessynyc4's""art"", sourced from Danny Quirk. 

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Pure Adrenaline

Literally putting the art in the forefront :stalkga:


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