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If Gaga's acting in AHS is lackluster, let's not be delusional.


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for about a year in her teens... And m.theatre isnt quite same. SO as said above, don't create too high expectations, though she will surely do fine.

yes but she learned theatre all through high school. Maybe even middle school considering its new york.  Acting is acting, yes there are differences but I'm sure she knows enough to know how to react, study a script, characterization, etc. Also remember she was in a program that only select few were allowed to partake in

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yes but she learned theatre all through high school. Maybe even middle school considering its new york.  Acting is acting, yes there are differences but I'm sure she knows enough to know how to react, study a script, characterization, etc. Also remember she was in a program that only select few were allowed to partake in

This is why I'm not worried. She knows what she has to do. A bad actor thinks that memorizing the lines is enough, a good actor understands that you have to go onto set with a specific plan.

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Let me be clear: I don't have a solid opinion on Gaga's acting career, or have any reason to believe it is lackluster. This is just a hypothetical for AHS and future events/albums.

AGAIN!: I'm not bashing Gaga in any way, shape, or form.

      I'm a huge fan of Gaga's music, her music videos, everything Gaga. Hell, I'm on a Gaga forum like 200% of the time. But their is something about fan bases in general that happens when an artist from one genre (lets use genre as a metaphor for the entertainment business sectors) to another (acting in this case, from music), and it has to do with a term used all the damn time. DELUSION.

     It's very common for fans of a star to become so wrapped up in their past, in their other talents, to see through it all and be honest. I will admit that I share in this dishonesty from time to time, but I attempt to take everything with a different spin, as to somehow divulge from this narrow view we sometimes experience. I understand that many in the community like to think Gaga is some super-human goddess, but in reality, she's just a very talented girl from New York. 

     I only bring this up because I wondered how Ariana's fans were taking the news about Scream Queens not going over well with the audience. I'm sure the acting in the show was on point, but the writing for the show was seen as too sarcastic/cheesy for TV. Most of the boards I looked at on the subject were completely oblivious, some even went on to say how AHS should 'take notes.' :sweat:  I would hate to be dissapointed by Gaga, or the show in general, and come to GGD only to see that everyone thought it was 'the best show ever aired in the history of television'. I mean, I know people have different opinions, and that's fine, but you can feel denial through a post.

     So, if AHS isn't all its hyped up to be (specifically for Gaga's acting) lets not make up excuses or pretend like its something its not. Let's be more than just a echo of masses, and responsibility for our grip of reality. I'm not saying that Gaga's part won't be incredible. Again, AHS hasn't even aired yet. But let's take this opportunity, the calm before the storm, and clear our minds of expectations. Everything doesn't have to be perfect, and this also applies to our queen, Lady Gaga. 

tl;dr Gaga is human, she might not be Oscar ready, and if she isn't, don't pretend that she is!

Gaga is that you? Or is it Bobby? Don't waste time on here, get back to work. :lolga:

Go see A Star is Born
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I get that most of the time monsters tend to overreact about her all the time. Also, I get that we all have to defend our inspiration from time to time because she is like the mirror of our ideal selves. When that mirror is being attacked its the basic instinct is to defend her.

I may not have a high expectation with Gaga but I she have my 100% faith and support. :whitney:


Some of them want to abuse you, some of them want be abused.
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Fans are allowed to be "delusional".  Why is that such a horrid thing?  There are plenty of opportunities to be cynical and negative and "realistic" in life, it doesn't have to apply to fans. If fans want to "escape" into their Fandom, let them. I hate that term as used in pop forums because it's just another derogative to put people down if they disagree or choose to look at things different.. 

People who express critiques in a rational thoughtful manner rarely get jumped.  A lot of people post critiques with harsher language and then act surprised that they get harsher responses, when its pretty obvious their posts would rile people up. And calling others delusional is just a method of self inflation. 


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Fans are allowed to be "delusional".  Why is that such a horrid thing?  There are plenty of opportunities to be cynical and negative and "realistic" in life, it doesn't have to apply to fans. If fans want to "escape" into their Fandom, let them. I hate that term as used in pop forums because it's just another derogative to put people down if they disagree or choose to look at things different.. 

People who express critiques in a rational thoughtful manner rarely get jumped.  A lot of people post critiques with harsher language and then act surprised that they get harsher responses, when its pretty obvious their posts would rile people up. And calling others delusional is just a method of self inflation. 

giskard, you have to stop. You're making too much sense for this group.

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We have to stop with the word 'delusional'.

Most of the time people use it to attack others on topics that are up to personal taste.

When the first episode airs most users are gonna praise her but there are going to be a few ones who are gonna bash her performance and then they are going to like each other's posts and gang up to make fun of certain users who seem "delusional". That's how GGD works.

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Gaga is that you? Or is it Bobby? Don't waste time on here, get back to work. :lolga:

It's me :hor:

Purr more, hiss less.
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This fanbase already complain about her acting skills with Machete Kills & Sin City 2 so..

I actually was thrilled with her in Machete Kills, i know how Robert Rodriguez work & i was expecting an actilng like that, plus her role in SIN CITY 2 was really small and when you have a role like that, that is like a 5 sec role is hard to shine but she nailed it! so...

AND I know she'll be fine & i know there will be a lot of fans & haters that will complain about it, no news

𝗟𝗮𝗱𝘆 𝗚𝗮𝗴𝗮 • 𝗠𝗮𝗻𝗱𝘆 𝗠𝗼𝗼𝗿𝗲 • 𝗦𝗼𝗽𝗵𝗶𝗲-𝗘𝗹𝗹𝗶𝘀 𝗕𝗲𝘅𝘁𝗼𝗿 • 𝗣𝗮𝗿𝗶𝘀 𝗝𝗮𝗰𝗸𝘀𝗼𝗻
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I believe gaga's acting will be pretty decent. I mean, she did everything on purpose for a reason.    SHE was the one to ask Ryan if she could have a role this season. This is her chance to get back on top and gain both relevance and a bigger fanbase. If she can manage to make a good job she could be back for future seasons and maybe act on a different show at some point too. It's risky, but I'm sure she knows what she's doing

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The media would destroy her :giveup:

They already did it with her role in Machete Kills :proud:  it can't be worse than Britney in that horrible movie called CROSSROADS or Madonna in Swept Away or Body of Evidence :air:  i remember i saw that movie when i was really young and it's dreadful :air:


And there are some cases were the singers also are good at acting like Mandy Moore and maybe Bey & Rih idk

𝗟𝗮𝗱𝘆 𝗚𝗮𝗴𝗮 • 𝗠𝗮𝗻𝗱𝘆 𝗠𝗼𝗼𝗿𝗲 • 𝗦𝗼𝗽𝗵𝗶𝗲-𝗘𝗹𝗹𝗶𝘀 𝗕𝗲𝘅𝘁𝗼𝗿 • 𝗣𝗮𝗿𝗶𝘀 𝗝𝗮𝗰𝗸𝘀𝗼𝗻
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same goes for people who will be to harsh on her. I mean, everything you say is right, but it could be applied on both directions.

You can't expect Gaga to be Meryl Streep, and you cannot deffend her acting as if it was. But you also cannot expect Gaga to be Meryl Streep and bash her to the pits of hell because she isn't.

I am not waiting for her to become the new icon of what an actor should be. But I don't think she will disappoint or do bad. She will be great. 

The only problem here is people's expectations, as you said. So tone it down. 

Exactly. Delusion goes both ways. There will be people who will be unnecessarily rude about her acting, which is quite often the reason why fans "attack" (more like rebuke) some users. I don't think anybody here is 100% sure about Gaga's acting... we're biting our nails here.

If Gaga delivers a poor performance, I think most people will try to forget the mess. 

This is in no way comparable to defending ARTPOP or different looks. These things are genuinely subjective, so I don't see how you've made this speculation based on experiences regarding opinions about her music and visuals. 

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This fanbase already complain about her acting skills with Machete Kills & Sin City 2 so..

I actually was thrilled with her in Machete Kills, i know how Robert Rodriguez work & i was expecting an actilng like that, plus her role in SIN CITY 2 was really small and when you have a role like that, that is like a 5 sec role is hard to shine but she nailed it! so...

I'm remember fans and critics being very nice about her performance in those. I mean, it wasn't much, but she nailed both appearances. 

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