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One Direction & Justin Bieber to release albums on the same day


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i really have no plans on listening to either albums :neyde:


Barbie elitist - Weaboo - Sissy
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This is going to be gaga v katy 2013 x100000 :air:

Twitter is going to be an absolute wreck that entire week :rip:

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Might just avoid all social media that week

still be on GGD tho cause 

Haters gonna need more than a flashlight for my shade
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This is fantastic. Also genius marketing by their teams if they did it on purpose. Their fans will no doubt buy numerous copies to try and get the number one. If it actually works, I doubt either will care too much who comes out on top as the sales will be so high :rip:

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Drama my faves are not involved in? Lemme get the snacks

omgggg I'm not even sure who I'm rooting for

I'm not rooting for anybody, I'm just here for the mess


If you see me posting like crazy, I'm either bored or procrastinating.
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Yes, they're going to kill each...the sales of powder pink coffins is going to go through the roof.

ATTENTION: (bad) jokes and sarcasm are still a thing, so don't take everything I say literally. Thank you.
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Didn't 1D just release FOUR? When was it released?

1D is the new Rihanna

If you see me posting like crazy, I'm either bored or procrastinating.
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