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ThinGa slays everyone and everything


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I like when she feels confident and happy tbh. I couldn't care less if she's thicker or slimmer, as long as she is healthy and feeling fierce and sassy :gaga: 


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Some people here coming for those who just exressed their preference for thinGa without offending others are rude and pressed and insecure talking bull$hit and nonsense crap. And it's ok to be insecure but you should respect others' opinion when it's well expressed without offending anyone.

Not trying to start anything, but you're acting as though "muh personal preference" is an important enough reason to create a thread about someone's body. Who the **** cares about your preference for "thinGa" or whatever. It's just gross that she suffered from bulimia and body image issues and we're still making threads like this.

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Not trying to start anything, but you're acting as though "muh personal preference" is an important enough reason to create a thread about someone's body.

It is a Lady Gaga forum and we can discuss everything related to her. 

 Who the **** cares about your preference for "thinGa" or whatever.

Six pages of people expressing their opinions on that prove you wrong, included yourself.

 It's just gross that she suffered from bulimia and body image issues and we're still making threads like this.

This topic is about admiring how beautiful her body looks lately. It couldn't be more positive.
Gross is the way you are thinking.



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Such an ugly thing to say tbh. "ThinGa" like.. yeah she looks beautiful but 1. when does she not and 2. you dont need to worry about her weight. just say shes been looking extra good lately instead or something

omg why is princess is princess high my new nickname
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It is a Lady Gaga forum and we can discuss everything related to her. 

Six pages of people expressing their opinions on that prove you wrong, included yourself.

This topic is about admiring how beautiful her body looks lately. It couldn't be more positive.Gross is the way you are thinking.

What lol. Just because it's a Lady Gaga forum doesn't mean you're devoid of criticism for making a thread like this. I never even implied it's wrong admiring how beautiful she is, because she is always beautiful. But a topic like this one is just more likely to generate unnecessary body-shaming arguments more than anything "positive".

I can't be bothered arguing about this tho

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Alcina Dimitrescu

i love thinga. Leave the extra weight to Lana who actually knows how to properly rock them (mainly it's the lack of tight leather and the double chin but still)

Gaga looks so pretty like this :flutter:

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What lol. Just because it's a Lady Gaga forum doesn't mean you're devoid of criticism for making a thread like this. I never even implied it's wrong admiring how beautiful she is, because she is always beautiful. But a topic like this one is just more likely to generate unnecessary body-shaming arguments more than anything "positive".

She is always beautiful, I totally agree.

To me tho she looks more beautiful when her body is thinner (not skinny) just like the way she looks now and the topic is about that.  The unnecessary body-shaming arguments are made because of people who cannot respect others' opinions and for some odd reason when they see someone admiring her thin or skinny body shape they act as if they witnessed the biggest harassment ever. 

When someone tho says that they love her curvy body everything is ok and no harm is done whatsoever. This fan base loves double standards.

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Brooke Candy

Mess. I don't understand why people are crying over the fact that some members here find the thinner Gaga hot/hotter. Like, get over yourselfs seriously..

buy 'Paper or Plastic' by Brooke candy on iTunes NOW!!
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She is always beautiful, I totally agree.

To me tho she looks more beautiful when her body is thinner (not skinny) just like the way she looks now and the topic is about that.  The unnecessary body-shaming arguments are made because of people who cannot respect others' opinions and for some odd reason when they see someone admiring her thin or skinny body shape they act as if they witnessed the biggest harassment ever. 

When someone tho says that they love her curvy body everything is ok and no harm is done whatsoever.

I can respect your opinion! Although I feel like you're completely blind to the several people in this thread who have said completely unwarranted things regarding weight and body types (not to mention people's preferences) in general, all while being fixated on the idea that "thin" is inherently the most attractive (which is subjective). I don't think I've criticized people's preferences at any point here, but rather, the way we talk about said preferences, which can at times be problematic.

I'm not trying to argue though, just kind of my two cents on threads like this one.

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Don't really like the term ThinGa but I won't make a big deal out of it.

I love how she's clearly a bit more comfortable with her body now, showing it off and not adjusting her waistline with apps on her phone.

It reminds me of how I feel about my body. I'm a bit 'fuller' now, like Gaga was and I like the way my body looks naked but once I put clothes on, things don't always flatter or fit right. I kinda feel she felt the same during the C2C era. I don't think she didn't like her body, but I feel she wasn't comfortable feeling she could wear whatever she wanted. 

I love her 'curves' but she has a thing for squeezing them into too tight outfits which could be kinda unflattering.

With her round hips and bam and  her long fit legs she looks hot in every shape, as long as she's healthy.

According to Gaga I'm a ****ing rad bitch
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it must be due to Gaga's low bmi or undereating that sometimes her weight fluctuates like this but i agree this is a hot new look :nick: trust me i have it too

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she definitely looks like she's lost a lot of weight. 

i wonder what her dietary regimen has been...?

eating less grains? more greens and veggies? 

has she been doing the Purium cleanse? 

or just exercising...

i mean honestly, a lot of her weight / bloatedness is probably a result of eating highly decadent food.. especially bread & pasta. 

maybe she went paleo.....

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She looks great, fierce and much more confident. Keep it up girl, as long as you do it for yourself and not to please the standars of the world of entertainment! :applause: 

... Aaaaaand liking her better thin or fit, doesn't mean we don't love her or appreciate her at any other size... Some people are so sensitive :saladga: 


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