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Joker 2 Out October 4th Banner

This new hit song sounds too much familiar


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Amen to that! Though considering what has been ruling the charts across the pond in the US (Blurred Lines, Happy, Uptown Funk, Cheerleader, Trap Queen and MANY more in this never ending annoying list) I kinda sorta appreciate what we have. :toofunny: Or do I?


Not to poop on your party but Cheerleader was a smash in Europe 2 months before it crossed over to the USA. And that Cheerleader sounds just like this song, except more monotonous. :flop:

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We're still recovering from country songs about the Iraq war tbh

seriously? :toofunny: i've never heard any tbh like they've never gotten European airplay it seems at leats

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I can't hear it :duck: There's something wrong with me omg.

Edit: Nevermind, now I heard it :lmao: I like the song ''Nothing Left'' from Kygo tbh

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seriously? :toofunny: i've never heard any tbh like they've never gotten European airplay it seems at leats

Lol you'd be surprised how many songs there are about putting a big American boot up Osama Bin Laden's corn hole

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