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anyone have bloody mary instrumental?

So I am crying and dying right now. My hard drive crashed and I lost everything. Gone with the wind. And so...

Does anyone have MTN, GH, and TEOG acapellas in MP3?

I feel your pain.

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anyone got fooled me again HQ studio version?

Properly detagged :P


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Does anyone have the Born This Way (song) official Instrumental OFFICIAL quality??? as in some lossless format? not just the one that leaked in 128kbps mp3.

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Bloody Mary

I have a couple of requests! Not sure if others have asked already but here goes...

1) Out of Control Studio Version (e.g. cleaned up and mixed based on the demo we have)

1) Let Love Down Studio Version

3) Future Love Studio Version

4) Born This Way Piano/Acoustic Studio Version

Thank you! GGD audio mixers work on so many wonderful things in these threads!

Edited by bloody mary xx
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Can someone give me the link for The Fame lossless? & Do we have Born This Way (album) in lossless? :huh: If we do, can you give me that link also. :sweat:

EDIT: NVM I didn't know I could rip them myself :flop:

Edited by Angel
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My Lady GaGa folder on Mediafire :) I've uploaded the lossless right and left lead and backing vocals. I have a feeling that you, as an audio remixer, can put right and left together haha

(they've been uploaded in .wav, just FYI)

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