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When You Tell People You Listen To Gaga


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All my friends go "lady gaga (or lady man man)Ā :neyde:Ā is **** and i'm like well she made $59 million this year and that she can actually sing and then there all speechless and don't know what to say because they know I'm right and then they pull that "ARTFLOP" **** and told them that it made more money then you have made in your whole life.Ā 

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i've had many arguments with my lecturers and even people in my then classes turn it into a personal attack on me, like...Ā it's literally not that deep.Ā 

I did Graphic Design at college and my class was full of the stereotypical design students who love Alternative and Indie and the only popstars they liked were acoustic/downtempo stars like Adele or Sam Smith, even my lecturers were like that. They all hated pop singers so much that if they mentioned pop music and were dragging it, my name & gaga's was always on their lips, i'm not even exaggerating- they'd turn things into personal attacks on me about stuff like saying i must have a sad and miserable life and a whole lot of other crap- whilst they played the same crap indie/alternative love songs I was likeĀ :coffee:.

Like this is why I have a strong disliking of hipsters because they have such childish attitudes :emma:Ā like I've had people literally stop being my friend because of my music love tbh & people think i'm pretentious because I have good general knowledge, love gaga & I call myself an artist rather than a graphic designer

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Thomas P

the main one is

umh....I used to like her, but then she hasn't let anything out since 2011.

to which I say **** u, there have been two albums, one with some pretty ****ing mainstream, popular music, so go read a book!!

Iā€™m a simple guy to please, if you like Melodrama, we chill.
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My friends only know her old hits, they even ask "where is she, does she make music still?" and I tell them about the ARTPOP situation and the C2C era.

But whenever we hook my phone up on the aux, they tell me to skip most of Gaga's songs, but I force them to listen to her anyways.Ā :deadbanana:

I'm trying to turn them into fans, so that they can come with me to Gaga's next tour (which they said they would, they even said that her tours look fun) but I'mĀ notĀ entirely sure they'd come. They betterĀ though because I went to 1D's OTRA with them and I didn't even like them until after the concert. Ā B******Ā better return the favor.Ā :neyde:

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Hello munchkins.:flower:

So I work at the back in my local Hollister store and we're allowed to put our music on through a little speaker. Since I knew other employees put their music on many times, I decided to put ARTPOP on (minusĀ Sexxx Dreams cause I feel that "touch myself" line would be a little too awkward to listen with employees I'm not too familiar withĀ :rip:). It was just me and this other girl who only knew Poker Face but I knew she wouldn't mind meĀ listening to my songs. So I'm putting ARTPOP on when one of my managers comes in and asks whose music this is so I tell him it's mine. He goes, "Hmm.....hmmm...hmm. It's weird. " Then I respond , "It's Lady Gaga. "

He then goes on to say that pop music is **** nowadays and I'm not quite sure if he was alluding to my music.Ā 

At this point I would have just stared him in the eyes as he's speaking while slowly turning the music up. Ain't no body got time to hear that noise, I'm trying to listen to Venus :fthis:Ā 

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Everyone knows I'm obsessed now, but at the beginning everyone just told me she was a man and the devil :toofunny:Ā 

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Why is it so weird to admit you like Lady Gaga (when I say "you" I mean it generally)? I just think it's weird like, does any other artist turn heads the same way when you say you like them?Ā 

And yes, I completely understand not wanting to tell other people you stan for Gaga. I'm like that with people that I know will judge me about it but I find that the older I get, the less I care. It's only a matter of time before I stop giving a fuq

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Riot Poof

I just came back from an outing with two of my friends and we bopped to "Do What U Want," "Aura," and "Speechless."Ā :whitney:

I'm so fortunate to have friends who not only like Gaga, but know songs other than her mega-hits.Ā :pray:

I'm not a woman. I'm not a man. I am something that you'll never understand.
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I know how you feel. I've had some people tell me how s**t she is. But I've also been surprised how many people I've met who actually love or at least just appreciate her as an artist. I think there are so many people who don't like her (however this has been changing recently) and so many people that do just like anyĀ artist.Ā 

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GloZell Green

Honestly I'm everywhere so I didn't think I'd be a difference. The truth is they're okay with it. Some people love her actually, or I helped recruit monstersĀ :kissga:. There was this person that tries to make fun of me, but he was a Drake Stan, soĀ :awkney:Ā people supported me.

Lady Gaga | Shakira
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The reactions have been mixed for me, actually. Sometimes I get a raised eyebrow followed by that "hmm you can't be straight" look, but it doesn't bother me slightly cause they ain't wrong :emma:Ā 

There was this guy in my class that really liked me, for some reason, and we were discussing our music tastes. So after, he told me about all the rock bands he loves, I started name dropping the artists I listen to, and for some reason he was very fascinated that I loved Gaga and Madonna, so he kind of started doing research on them and would come talk to me about them :deadbanana:Ā I thought it was cute, but it could get a little awkward at times.

operating from another world
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The reactions have been mixed for me, actually. Sometimes I get a raised eyebrow followed by that "hmm you can't be straight" look, but it doesn't bother me slightly cause they ain't wrong :emma:Ā 

There was this guy in my class that really liked me, for some reason, and we were discussing our music tastes. So after, he told me about all the rock bands he loves, I started name dropping the artists I listen to, and for some reason he was very fascinated that I loved Gaga and Madonna, so he kind of started doing research on them and would come talk to me about them :deadbanana:Ā I thought it was cute, but it could get a little awkward at times.

How adorableĀ :flutter:


i've had many arguments with my lecturers and even people in my then classes turn it into a personal attack on me, like...Ā it's literally not that deep.Ā 

I did Graphic Design at college and my class was full of the stereotypical design students who love Alternative and Indie and the only popstars they liked were acoustic/downtempo stars like Adele or Sam Smith, even my lecturers were like that. They all hated pop singers so much that if they mentioned pop music and were dragging it, my name & gaga's was always on their lips, i'm not even exaggerating- they'd turn things into personal attacks on me about stuff like saying i must have a sad and miserable life and a whole lot of other crap- whilst they played the same crap indie/alternative love songs I was likeĀ :coffee:.

Like this is why I have a strong disliking of hipsters because they have such childish attitudes :emma:Ā like I've had people literally stop being my friend because of my music love tbh & people think i'm pretentious because I have good general knowledge, love gaga & I call myself an artist rather than a graphic designer

This is really frustrating. I can't stand closed-minded people.

thought I was born in a league of my own | but I'm sinking
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Judas Oyster

I can get some reactions from time to time, but these people see Gaga only as a bubblegum basic pop queen... So, I don't even care now because poor theyĀ don't know betterĀ :sweat:

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I just came back from an outing with two of my friends and we bopped to "Do What U Want," "Aura," and "Speechless."Ā :whitney:

I'm so fortunate to have friends who not only like Gaga, but know songs other than her mega-hits.Ā :pray:

I WANT THAT.Ā :messga:

I'm trying to find as many people as I can to stan for Gaga with. Ā I'm not gonna lie. I put my music on in Hollister not just for me, but to also act as a signal for any other lurking Little Monsters that may be working in my store. My G.U.Y. ringtoneĀ serves the same purpose lol (also because G.U.Y. slays your faves).

I don't understand pineapples, so I don't eat bananas.
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I feel you. I just ignore them and let them think what they want. But sometimes IĀ defend myself and Gaga when their getting beyond limits. People nowadays are so judgemental, that even if your a fan of any other artists you will be judged.Ā :fail:

All I ever wanted was šŸ…»šŸ…¾šŸ†…šŸ…“
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