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YouTuber Ingrid Neilson comes out


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20 minutes to tell us you're gay

waste of time tbh

Conveniently, you don't have to watch it. Also conveniently, some people will enjoy the longer video. Everyone wins, no need for b---hing.

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Did leaving a negative comment in a thread about an important moment in a persons life make you "better as a person", or are you just interested in theorizing about being a better person as opposed to actually being one?

Your original post in this thread is rude, regardless of your philosophical stance on the unimportance of coming out or how busy you are. If you are conscious of the necessity of "sending messages" and being "better as a person", then you might want to start with some self-reflection and edit your dismissive original post. 



​me saying it's a waste of time has everything to do with my belief on coming out, it's the whole point. it is a waste of time for me to try and watch that video and i felt it necessary to express my opinion rather than oppress it. what i have to say is important to me and i want to share it, as she is allowed to share her experience, i can share my comment. as you can quote me and tell me why you think i'm wrong, i can stick with my opinion. i won't edit my voice, i said what i said, i'm not gonna apologize or edit what i meant

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​me saying it's a waste of time has everything to do with my belief on coming out, it's the whole point. it is a waste of time for me to try and watch that video and i felt it necessary to express my opinion rather than oppress it. what i have to say is important to me and i want to share it, as she is allowed to share her experience, i can share my comment. as you can quote me and tell me why you think i'm wrong, i can stick with my opinion. i won't edit my voice, i said what i said, i'm not gonna apologize or edit what i meant​


If what you have to say is important to you then you should be more conscious of how you say it. Your curt and vague original post in no way conveyed your deeper opinions on the "unimportance" of coming out. It was purely dismissive and rude.

There is nothing wrong with editing and taking things back. Your ego is the only thing preventing you from growing and being "better as a person."


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Dangerous Man

It seems that coming out on YouTube is a thing now. :neyde:


"A little less conversation and a little more touch my body."
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If what you have to say is important to you then you should be more conscious of how you say it. Your curt and vague original post in no way conveyed your deeper opinions on the "unimportance" of coming out. It was purely dismissive and rude.

There is nothing wrong with editing and taking things back. Your ego is the only thing preventing you from growing and being "better as a person."


​ummm i've said my opinions about coming out time and time again and i'm gonna assume people know by now, obviously, you, as a member, aren't here often so maybe you didn't get the memo, but i've said it. there is nothing wrong with taking back what i said, had i regretted what i said, maybe i would, but it's simply the fact that i don't regret what i said, if my ego is inflated than so be it because it took me a long time to accept myself and i'm not gonna waste my time trying to get you to, like this girl is, from my assumption, but i don't know, i didn't watch the video, i don't want to. having a good ego is a good thing especially for me, someone who has little to none at all his whole life and i get a little confident once in a while, and there is nothing wrong with that.

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​ummm i've said my opinions about coming out time and time again and i'm gonna assume people know by now, obviously, you, as a member, aren't here often so maybe you didn't get the memo, but i've said it. there is nothing wrong with taking back what i said, had i regretted what i said, maybe i would, but it's simply the fact that i don't regret what i said, if my ego is inflated than so be it because it took me a long time to accept myself and i'm not gonna waste my time trying to get you to, like this girl is, from my assumption, but i don't know, i didn't watch the video, i don't want to. having a good ego is a good thing especially for me, someone who has little to none at all his whole life and i get a little confident once in a while, and there is nothing wrong with that.


I've been regularly posting on this site for years and don't know who you are. You can't make curt remarks in a thread and assume everyone will understand the intentions behind your post. Judging by the response to your post compared to the response of my post in this thread I think it's safe to assume most people here didn't get your "memo." 

I can tell by the way you express yourself that you are young and probably not open to advice, so I won't waste any more of our time on this. Just know that your communication skills are doing a disservice to your opinions. 

Good luck. 

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20 minutes to tell us you're gay

waste of time tbh

​Just to put it out there: She's not rambling on for 20 minutes trying to make a big deal of herself or anything. Her video is more like a discussion. She talks about her experiences pretending to be straight and dating guys, and how hard and unfair it was for her to feel that she needed to lie to herself and her drag her boyfriends into the lies in the process. How they'd have real, genuine romantic feelings for her that she wasn't able to reciprocate because she isn't wired that way.

It's a pretty nice discussion she has, tbh. 

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I've been regularly posting on this site for years and don't know who you are. You can't make curt remarks in a thread and assume everyone will understand the intentions behind your post. Judging by the response to your post compared to the response of my post in this thread I think it's safe to assume most people here didn't get your "memo." 

I can tell by the way you express yourself that you are young and probably not open to advice, so I won't waste any more of our time on this. Just know that your communication skills are doing a disservice to your opinions. 

Good luck. 



..because i'm so young and immature

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