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'Hunger Games' star criticizes Taylor Swift, Madonna for 'rampant' appropriation of black culture


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Cultural appropriation is the new... Oops.

On a more serious note: I am not sure how to react to this sudden wave of blaming people for cultural appropriation. I am not a black person and therefore I can not pretend to fully grasp the severity of being discriminated against for your skin color. What I can do is try to be sensitive when talking about this topic. My opinion is: In the future, cultures will blend. Races will blend. So, cultural appropriation is something that will happen a lot. It's inevitable, therefore I can't help but roll my eyes whenever someone mentions "cultural appropriation".

But then again, who am I to judge? I don't know what it feels like to see people taking elements from your culture but neglecting the very people who made this culture. But then again: What is black culture? Can it be defined? What is white culture? Hmmmm. So many questions.

It's hard to light a candle, easy to curse the dark instead.
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.​Intention is not as important as the final product. No one is saying these people are being racists. It's the final, overall image of the cornrows, ebonics, watermelon (and the Japanesy line). Katy and company are not individually racist but their cultural MISappropriation DOES perpeturate negative images and systemic oppression of minorities. Does that make sense?

​I'm not quite sure if I fully follow :confused: I think sometimes links are made between things that weren't intentional and aren't meant for that purpose, like how the watermelon thing is being added as fuel to this argument when it's not relevant. In a way I think the people using small random and unrelated things here and there to add to their argument are perpetuating the stereotype and negative images instead of battling against them :sweat: 

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Spanish Eyes

​I'm not quite sure if I fully follow :confused: I think sometimes links are made between things that weren't intentional and aren't meant for that purpose, like how the watermelon thing is being added as fuel to this argument when it's not relevant. In a way I think the people using small random and unrelated things here and there to add to their argument are perpetuating the stereotype and negative images instead of battling against them :sweat: 

​I get that completely. In my opinion, many times it can be exactly what you're describing. I'm a sociology minor, so I've had a few classes address ideas like this. It really is up to interpretation. I posted this to better clarify what cultural appropriation is because a lot of people on this board really don't get it. I think I may start a thread later today with an explanation of cultural appropriation and how you can use it tastefully and be inspired by minority cultures. My computer's spacebar is broken, so I'm on my phone. I'll totally give you a more detailed explanation when I get a better computer. It's actually a fascinating topic. haha

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It's so contrived, it almost feels like someone paid her to put Madonna and Taylor Swift in one sentence. 

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​I get that completely. In my opinion, many times it can be exactly what you're describing. I'm a sociology minor, so I've had a few classes address ideas like this. It really is up to interpretation. I posted this to better clarify what cultural appropriation is because a lot of people on this board really don't get it. I think I may start a thread later today with an explanation of cultural appropriation and how you can use it tastefully and be inspired by minority cultures. My computer's spacebar is broken, so I'm on my phone. I'll totally give you a more detailed explanation when I get a better computer. It's actually a fascinating topic. haha

​Oooh that'd be interesting and very educational :yes: I know for a fact that I don't know anywhere near enough to begin getting into full on debates about it, and when I'm confronted with so many words and phrases I don't understand it begins flying right over my head :messga: I look forward to your eventual thread :party: 

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Being 100% Greek, should I be offended that numerous countries and governments and cultures worldwide have borrowed heavily from Ancient Greek culture? The answer is no.

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ima need rue to stay in the games & lay in them bushes & hush up boo boo. 


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There's nothing significant about wearing hoods, saggy pants, chains, saying the n word, dressing urban, etc. People act like its the equivalent to wearing traditional Asian attire. Sorry but I'm over this "cultural appropriation" trend.

​I personally think cultural appropriation is a think, but a lot of what is **** on and is deemed cultural appropriation I think... isn't?

It's a touchy subject, and I feel like it's definitely being misconstrued on both ends.

I challenge one of those twats to tell me what "black culture" is supposed to be without inevitably exposing themselves as ignorant fools.

​Kind of funny story? Here at my university, we have this collective demographic stigma of being hella liberal and hella open to cultural diversity, and yet- as was said in OP- there tends to be more an open love of what is perceived to be "Black culture", and the actual Black demographic (or general minority demographic in general, myself included, but in particular the Black student community here) statistically get so much less.

From what you said, I'm trying to look back to what I perceive, and what others perceive, as "Black culture", and it's kind of awful in that you're right- people really do bring themselves out as very, very ignorant. And on both ends, too! On both ends- both the people simultaneously glorifying and mocking the culture, and even the people fighting for some cause through a singular mindset, without looking deep into it or without the actual consideration of the situation in context.

I don't know- I'm in the uni's library stewing in this thought, and your post just got me up lol. I miss you, Didy.

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​Then explain it to me.

​the hairstyles , for there certain hair type , fashion choices , food , religion , they are much more family oriented , and much more . as a black person i think i know what I'm talking about

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This whole bashing of white people appropriating black culture is stupid as ****. Since when are people not allowed to do stuff just because they are a different race? y'all want peace and love in the world yet you want white people to do white people stuff and black people to do black people stuff what the **** is that even, culture is meant to be shared

​I think, within the given context, it's seen in a more structural manner. Personally, I wouldn't have a problem with the sharing of culture- I agree wholeheartedly that culture should be shared! That's why I'm (almost) always on the defense when Gaga wears different pieces in different countries in respect and in admiration to their dominant culture.

It's just- there's no doubt that any culture can appropriate other cultures in a negative way. It's just that, in a worldly point of view, inherent white/Western supremacy is still definitely a thing, and that changes the whole structure of borrowing culture in the sense that it's perceived that they are more allowed to do certain things, because they are seen as the default. Is it the individual white person's fault? Or anybody else's really? No- but, it is a problem that is much larger than people are bringing it out to be- something that will take a while to completely deconstruct (which, fortunately, it is something that is being and has been in the process of being taken apart).

In an ideal, culturally and racially egalitarian world, culture will be shared amongst everybody in an equal manner.

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Shes only 16. The haters should give ha a break.

​if anyone should give someone a break it's her

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