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Bjork: "Sound is the n***** of the world"


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I find it funny anyone would take offense to this, its not racist or derogatory. People just take offense to anything, I call my friends *******s its just a word.

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Giorno Giovanna





"If you define 'niggers' as someone whose lifestyle is defined by others, whose opportunities are defined by others, whose role in society are defined by others, then Good News! You don't have to be black to be a '******' in this society. Most of the people in America are 'niggers'. - Ron Dellums - Co-Founder and Chairman of The Congressional Black Caucus. US Congressman 1971-1998. Currently Mayor of Oakland, CA.


Just some food for thought. 

i love this post, Skank you go girl

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I find it funny anyone would take offense to this, its not racist or derogatory. People just take offense to anything, I call my friends *******s its just a word.

'Just a word'

that has been used to abuse and discriminate against the black community for centuries, it isn't 'just a word' you can't strip something of its history just like that.


but what would I know? I'm just a white fan boy who can't relate according to certain members :reductive:

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Giorno Giovanna

​Empathy is genuine caring. 90% of the people who are OUTRAGED do not really care about black people's rights, the main reason for their OUTRAGE is that it's the cool thing to do now.

Bonus fact: Bjork said the exact same thing in 2001: http://www.bjork.fr/Spin

i agree, you hit the nail

outrage for the sake of feeling offended

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Jesse Pinkman

​Empathy is genuine caring. 90% of the people who are OUTRAGED do not really care about black people's rights, the main reason for their OUTRAGE is that it's the cool thing to do now.

Bonus fact: Bjork said the exact same thing in 2001: http://www.bjork.fr/Spin

You have a point.. :sweat: 

Being Social Justice Warrior has been a trend for a while now, but I do think some people genuinely care.

It's science, bitch
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Morphine Prince

​Empathy is genuine caring. 90% of the people who are OUTRAGED do not really care about black people's rights, the main reason for their OUTRAGE is that it's the cool thing to do now.

Bonus fact: Bjork said the exact same thing in 2001: http://www.bjork.fr/Spin

​Empathy is genuine caring. 90% of the people who are OUTRAGED do not really care about black people's rights, the main reason for their OUTRAGE is that it's the cool thing to do now.

Bonus fact: Bjork said the exact same thing in 2001: http://www.bjork.fr/Spin

I suppose 90% of whites who fought along blacks in the Civil Rights movement back in the 1950s and 60s also did it because it was "cool" and "edgy" and very "alternative" 

You don't have to be black to be outraged by racism. Not this case specifically, but any case. 

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Was it right for her to say this? No, bad move on her part.

Was she being racist tho? No, I highly doubt it. People throw around the word "racist" all the time now, and I'm getting sick of it. She doesn't say she doesn't like black people. She makes a comparison. Yes, she used a poor word, but don't call her a racist :dead: 

The world has jumped on this "politically correct" bandwagon, and we are obsessed with finding politically incorrectness in everything, rather than actually worrying about serious discrimination and racism.

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Jesse Pinkman

I suppose 90% of whites who fought along blacks in the Civil Rights movement back in the 1950s and 60s also did it because it was "cool" and "edgy" and very "alternative" 

You don't have to be black to be outraged by racism. Not this case specifically, but any case. 

I think he's referring to the people ranting on Tumblr and Twitter, but in reality they're just doing it to look cool. They dont actually care.

It's science, bitch
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I suppose 90% of whites who fought along blacks in the Civil Rights movement back in the 1950s and 60s also did it because it was "cool" and "edgy" and very "alternative" 

You don't have to be black to be outraged by racism. Not this case specifically, but any case. 

Don't compare people who actually fought for people's rights to Tumblr fanboys who bully artists because they are OUTRAGED!!!!111. That's like comparing Martin Luther King to Azalea Banks.

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​Empathy is genuine caring. 90% of the people who are OUTRAGED do not really care about black people's rights, the main reason for their OUTRAGE is that it's the cool thing to do now.

Bonus fact: Bjork said the exact same thing in 2001: http://www.bjork.fr/Spin

​Now I do partially agree with this. There are people who look for any little thing to be offended by to show that they are knowledgable about race/gender/etc. issues and it's cringey. 

 But I just don't think we should throw everyone who is put off by a statement like Bjork's in that category. Being empathetic and being overly offended for the sake of following this social justice trend (which, in all fairness isn't such a bad trend to have- it's getting youth involved in these issues which is something we haven't seen for decades) are two very different things (that sometimes overlap). 

I'm glad people care, but they sometimes miss something important- context and intention. 
Bjork wasn't intending to be racist, she was intending to use an offensive word to emphasize the gravity of her message. And in context, her message has a very valid point. But in doing so, she proved to be quite ignorant (imo). 

Does that make me a social justice warrior speaking out for cool points? No, it just means I empathize with people who apply that word to their very specific situation and am sitting here rolling my eyes at people equating that situation to music being played on ****ty speakers. I'm not SHOCKED or OFFENDED, I'm annoyed. 

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Morphine Prince

I think he's referring to the people ranting om Tumblr and Twitter, but in reality they're just doing it to look cool. They dont actually care.

He should have stated he was referring to those people initially because his post comes off very wrong. 

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Don't compare people who actually fought for people's rights to Tumblr fanboys who bully artists because they are OUTRAGED!!!!111.

(​What Admin is saying here is there is a difference between people who were on the street protesting, voting on these issues and speaking with politicians and people who just reblog on Tumblr about how offended they are.)

And frankly that's a sentiment I agree with. There are a lot of people out there who talk a lot of talk but don't walk the walk when it comes to seeking equal rights. 

However...I always have a however ;) ....it's good that people are talking about this and it's become the norm to point out these things. I've learned a lot about these issues, learned a lot of statistics and opinions from people living in them that I wouldn't have known otherwise, and those things affect how I view those issues. It's important to talk about them, even if the talk comes off as cheap. 

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Morphine Prince

Don't compare people who actually fought for people's rights to Tumblr fanboys who bully artists because they are OUTRAGED!!!!111. That's like comparing Martin Luther King to Azalea Banks.

I didn't realize you were referring to these Internet acivists. 

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Giorno Giovanna

it is pretty impressive what one single word can cause, however it is up to everyone what kind of meaning and to what extent such a word has.

Since it is obvious to me she didnt mean it in a racist way , and thus it is just a word cause it doesnt bare any power to me

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'I wonder how many people blah blah blah are actually black', that suggested he was speaking to the rest of us in the thread, which is why a lot of people got pissed I think 

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