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Bjork: "Sound is the n***** of the world"


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All of these things happened during the gay rights movement :air: gay people get whipped and thrown off buildings today, LGBT relationships are outlawed in 76 nations WW, there are death penalties for being LGBT in over 14 nations WW, don't tell me our suffering is less. 

and to attempt to put suffering into an arbitrary unit is primitive af, you can't measure suffering because it's an extremely subjective experience. But saying that as someone who has experienced discrimination I can relate is a legitimate statement.


and to your point about was I whipped? Well neither were the black youth of today, but like them I don't have to experience the absolute worst of hate to know what it feels like, smh 

​Like I said, homophobia does exist and has existed, but it's not to the extreme point of being held to do unpaid work with hundreds of other gay people for years upon years, not knowing if you'll ever get to see yourself free. Homophobia and racism don't compare. Sorry, but they don't. Yes, you might use it as a mechanism to relate, but relating isn't as easy as using an extreme act such as racism. Where are you from, America? England? Because trust me, the US and England are probably the most accepting of LGBTQ+ members. People had to fight for it, just like they did for race equality, but it isn't the same.


The bolded part... Just seems ignorant. Just because they don't experience being whipped, that wasn't the point I was making.

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Eek. Björk sis you are incredibly talented and, when you're not beating up reporters, you seem very sweet but jeez.

There is a part of me that likes how direct that quote is. It gets her point across well, but it's a heavy word to use and has very strong and emotional connotations. I don't think she is racist, just ignorant on it's importance. 

Hopefully she refrains from using it in the future.

I had such a good laugh I... :heart:

I don't care who the poster is unless the post had already excited me, so I was half-asleep, going through the discussion and I was just beginning to recognize your writing when it literally put me to sleep this time hahaha 's the first thing I remember regaining consciousness, to see it really was you. I love you. I have been trying to wake up for an hour, but this really was the best. Sure you know why. And it would be really cool if you like smiled a bit. Life is bright! Don't take it the sad way. 

you are the ****** of ggd

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'Just a word'

that has been used to abuse and discriminate against the black community for centuries, it isn't 'just a word' you can't strip something of its history just like that.


but what would I know? I'm just a white fan boy who can't relate according to certain members :reductive:

​I meant Fag gots and I can fully empathize for someone if its actually used as an attack against them but 90% of the time its not and people get so all high and mighty and prideful that they think anyone cares that they don't agree or are offended with something that isn't even there.

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There are so many other, better ways she could have expressed her point.

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i just can't........ everytime a black guy/girl gets in a public transport  train everyone is starring at him/her and I FEEL uncomfrotable by that racism is still an issue i dont think bjork is racist but she coulad have used other words thats it

and just because im white doesnt mean i dont care about racism

another stupid statement by the admin

and kayla thanks

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I really don't think it's empathy if the only ones who are offended by this are white fanboys on Tumblr and Twitter (and Azalia Banks, probably).

You make it sound like it's a bad thing. It's not. The world would be a better place if everyone would have as much empathy as "white fanboys on tumblr."

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(​What Admin is saying here is there is a difference between people who were on the street protesting, voting on these issues and speaking with politicians and people who just reblog on Tumblr about how offended they are.)

And frankly that's a sentiment I agree with. There are a lot of people out there who talk a lot of talk but don't walk the walk when it comes to seeking equal rights. 

However...I always have a however ;) ....it's good that people are talking about this and it's become the norm to point out these things. I've learned a lot about these issues, learned a lot of statistics and opinions from people living in them that I wouldn't have known otherwise, and those things affect how I view those issues. It's important to talk about them, even if the talk comes off as cheap. 

Exactly. :applause: 

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inb4 misleading title

it's a direct quot so shut the **** up (in advance)

​you don't say ****** it ****ing racist i love her too but thats overboard and as a mixed person I'm pretty dissapointed

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