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Stephen Sondheim slams Lady Gaga's 'Sound of Music' performance, Oscars producer slams back


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​He still doesn't know **** about music. 1)He is not even one of the most "important" and "influential composers or lyricists ,he is just a good one 2)He might knows how to compose but he doesn't know what music is really about lol.Because he is clearly jealous or something.

You are absolutely ****ing delusional

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imo, other people's opinions don't mean much after Julie Andrews herself loved it a lot

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imo, other people's opinions don't mean much after Julie Andrews herself loved it a lot


wait he does not have a twitter....how am i supossed to drag this b---h

I've got an "F" and a "C" and I got a "K" too And the only thing that is missing is a bitch like "U"
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Each to their own, I guess

LADY GAGA/madonna/katy perry/little mix/ariana grande/selena gomez/britney spears/taylor swift
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Azor Ahai

​He still doesn't know **** about music. 1)He is not even one of the most "important" and "influential composers or lyricists ,he is just a good one 2)He might knows how to compose but he doesn't know what music is really about lol.Because he is clearly jealous or something.

​Thats like saying Mozart is overrated tho :toofunny:

He's good in music but likes to snubs everyone who isn't from or before his generation because thats what older people do its like a tradition.

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You can disagree with him but don't prove your own ignorance by questioning his qualifications lol. He sounds like a typical purist. A purist will always find room to criticise because only the original as defined by the purist is ever good enough. 

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The guy is a legend in the Theatre world and he seriously knows his stuff ----- but I don't agree with him and it's a strange comment anyway because Julie Andrews sang the songs this way so we must assume he didn't like her either.

I think his comments are more about getting a headline for his Sweeny Todd shows

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