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I'm dissapointed. IKYWT and the pop direction she took on Red were much better than this. 

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i dont understand. id rather have this at #1 than all about that bass  :millie:  or rude  :millie:

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Before I heard this song I thought it would be impossible to make a song more annoying than "we are never getting back together "

. I don't understand why 500k people would buy this.

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i dont understand. id rather have this at #1 than all about that bass  :millie:  or rude  :millie:


Seeing this with your perspective, any songs should reach the #1

🌹 free britney 🌹
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It's sooooo reaching at #1 next week with sales and streaming which is largely US based. :applause: Congrats Taylor

British social ladies with upturned pinkies, glasses clinking // xoxoTEANUS
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This song is as stupid as Rude by Magic.And the video with forced self-humour leaves it completely disastrous

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The artwork is like a mix of the Applause cover and Lana Del Rey


A hybrid


Taylor, her ARTPOP could mean anything :legend:

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